352 research outputs found

    Disordered Josephson junction chains: Anderson localization of normal modes and impedance fluctuations

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    We study the properties of the normal modes of a chain of Josephson junctions in the simultaneous presence of disorder and absorption. We consider the superconducting regime of small phase fluctuations and focus on the case where the effects of disorder and absorption can be treated additively. We analyze the frequency shift and the localization length of the modes. We also calculate the distribution of the frequency-dependent impedance of the chain. The distribution is Gaussian if the localization length is long compared to the absorption length; it has a power law tail in the opposite limit.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Mode engineering with a one-dimensional superconducting metamaterial

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    We propose a way to control the Josephson energy of a single Josephson junction embedded in one- dimensional superconducting metamaterial: an inhomogeneous superconducting loop, made out of a superconducting nanowire or a chain of Josephson junctions. The Josephson energy is renormalized by the electromagnetic modes propagating along the loop. We study the behaviour of the modes as well as of their frequency spectrum when the capacitance and the inductance along the loop are spatially modulated. We show that, depending on the amplitude of the modulation, the renormalized Josephson energy is either larger or smaller than the one found for a homogeneous loop. Using typical experimental parameters for Josepshon junction chains and superconducting nanowires, we conclude that this mode-engineering can be achieved with currently available metamaterials

    Circuit approach to photonic heat transport

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    We discuss the heat transfer by photons between two metals coupled by a linear element with a reactive impedance. Using a simple circuit approach, we calculate the spectral power transmitted from one resistor to the other and find that it is determined by the photon transmission coefficient, which depends on the impedances of the metals and the coupling element. We study the total photonic power flow for different coupling impedances, both in the linear regime, where the temperature difference between the metals is small, and in the non-linear regime of large temperature differences.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    We show that electron transport in a ballistic microchannel supporting both propagating and reflected modes can be completely blocked by applying a microwave electromagnetic field. The effect is due to resonant reflection caused by multiple coherent electron-photon scattering involving at least two spatially localized scattering centers in the channel. With many such scattering centers present the conductance is shown to have an irregular dependence on bias voltage, gate voltage and frequency with irregularily spaced dips corresponding to resonant reflection. When averaged over bias, gate voltage or frequency the conductance will decay exponentially with channel length in full analogy with the localization of 1D electrons caused by impurity scattering.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 1 figure available on reques

    Interference of two electrons entering a superconductor

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    The subgap conductivity of a normal-superconductor (NS) tunnel junction is thought to be due to tunneling of two electrons. There is a strong interference between these two electrons, originating from the spatial phase coherence in the normal metal at a mesoscopic length scale and the intrinsic coherence of the superconductor. We evaluated the interference effect on the transport through an NS junction. We propose the layouts to observe drastic Aharonov-Bohm and Josephson effects.Comment: 8 pages REVTex, [PostScript] figures upon reques

    Theory of coherent quantum phase-slips in Josephson junction chains with periodic spatial modulations

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    We study coherent quantum phase-slips which lift the ground state degeneracy in a Josephson junction ring, pierced by a magnetic flux of the magnitude equal to half of a flux quantum. The quantum phase-slip amplitude is sensitive to the normal mode structure of superconducting phase oscillations in the ring (Mooij-Sch\"on modes). These, in turn, are affected by spatial inhomogeneities in the ring. We analyze the case of weak periodic modulations of the system parameters and calculate the corresponding modification of the quantum phase-slip amplitude

    Adiabatic pumping in a Superconductor-Normal-Superconductor weak link

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    We present a formalism to study adiabatic pumping through a superconductor - normal - superconductor weak link. At zero temperature, the pumped charge is related to the Berry phase accumulated, in a pumping cycle, by the Andreev bound states. We analyze in detail the case when the normal region is short compared to the superconducting coherence length. The pumped charge turns out to be an even function of the superconducting phase difference. Hence, it can be distinguished from the charge transferred due to the standard Josephson effect.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; Fig. 2 replaced, minor changes in the tex

    Observation of transition from escape dynamics to underdamped phase diffusion in a Josephson junction

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    We have investigated the dynamics of underdamped Josephson junctions. In addition to the usual crossover between macroscopic quantum tunnelling and thermally activated (TA) behaviour we observe in our samples with relatively small Josephson coupling E_J, for the first time, the transition from TA behaviour to underdamped phase diffusion. Above the crossover temperature the threshold for switching into the finite voltage state becomes extremely sharp. We propose a (T,E_J) phase-diagram with various regimes and show that for a proper description of it dissipation and level quantization in a metastable well are crucial.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A new representation of acid-base disturbances

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    The acid-base status of intensive care patients is monitored on the basis of three quantities. The graphical representation which may be of help for the monitoring task is therefore cumbersome. The classical Siggaard-Andersen acid-base chart is such a representation, but it is only suited for evaluating one acid-base status at a time and not for representing acid-base paths. A new representation, obtained after a principal components transformation is presented. It is shown that the representation is characteristic for the laboratory instrument used. Its most attractive feature is that it is distortionless with respect to the three-dimensional configuration
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