6 research outputs found


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    The military glider has, arguably, enjoyed the briefest life span of any major military equipment type - spanning not much more than a decade and a half from the entry into production of the first, to the demise of the concept as such. During its heyday, however, the glider was instrumental in not a few spectacular operations. Thus, it is not really surprising that some of the more iconoclastic military thinkers have, albeit infrequently, wondered whether there is not still a place for up to date gliders in modern warfare


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    Consider how many of even our officers rarely bother to do more than glance at the professional journals and select articles that are made available to them. Consider how our military journals have to struggle for lack of material and Support.</p

    Equipment of the Border War

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    The counter-insurgency war fought along the border between Namibia and Angola in the 1970s and 1980s brought forth a range of new equipment, some of which is still in service today, but some of which is long forgotten. The South African Defence Force (SADF), as it then was, started off ill-equipped and had to scramble somewhat to meet the demands of a new war, but it ended the war with one of the best-equipped small armies in the world, as well as an air force with some very useful weapons optimised for this type of warfare. The Navy was not as lucky, being something of a stepchild during a war that involved mainly ground and air forces

    Is the army literate?

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