129 research outputs found

    Regulation of the mitochondrial transition pore : impact on mammalian aging

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    Commentary on: Hafner AV et al. Regulation of the mPTP by SIRT3-mediated deacetylation of CypD at lysine 166 suppresses age-related cardiac hypertrophy. Aging. 2010; 12:914-923

    Molekulare Netzwerke der Langlebigkeit : Untersuchungen an Modellorganismen

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    In den hoch entwickelten Industriestaaten wird seit längerem eine dramatische Veränderung der Bevölkerungsstruktur beobachtet. Bei einer Erhöhung der Lebenserwartung und einer gleichzeitigen Abnahme der Geburtenrate verschiebt sich das Verhältnis von jungen zu alten Individuen immer mehr hin zu den Älteren. Längst wird von einem »Ergrauen« oder gar einer »Vergreisung« Europas gesprochen. Hieraus ergeben sich bereits heute schwerwiegende Probleme für die bestehenden Sozial- und Gesundheitssysteme. Diese drohen sich in der Zukunft dramatisch zu verschärfen. Eine Entlastung wird sicher nur dann erreicht werden können, wenn es gelingt, das Auftreten gesundheitlicher Beeinträchtigungen und Erkrankungen nachhaltig zu verhindern oder zumindest zu verzögern und damit eine Verbesserung der Lebensqualität in fortgeschrittenen Lebensabschnitten zu gewährleisten. Entscheidende Voraussetzung zum Erreichen dieser Ziele ist ein grundlegendes Verständnis der Mechanismen biologischen Alterns

    When life comes to an end: lessons from microbial aging models

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    Aging of biological systems ultimately leads to death of the individual. In humans, organ failure as the result of functional impairments after stroke, cardio-vascular disease, tumor development, neurodegeneration and other diseases are certainly crucial in bringing life to an end. But what happens in individuals with no obvious disease or disorders

    A differential genome-wide transcriptome analysis : impact of cellular copper on complex biological processes like aging and development

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    The regulation of cellular copper homeostasis is crucial in biology. Impairments lead to severe dysfunctions and are known to affect aging and development. Previously, a loss-of-function mutation in the gene encoding the copper-sensing and copper-regulated transcription factor GRISEA of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina was reported to lead to cellular copper depletion and a pleiotropic phenotype with hypopigmentation of the mycelium and the ascospores, affected fertility and increased lifespan by approximately 60% when compared to the wild type. This phenotype is linked to a switch from a copper-dependent standard to an alternative respiration leading to both a reduced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). We performed a genome-wide comparative transcriptome analysis of a wild-type strain and the copper-depleted grisea mutant. We unambiguously assigned 9,700 sequences of the transcriptome in both strains to the more than 10,600 predicted and annotated open reading frames of the P. anserina genome indicating 90% coverage of the transcriptome. 4,752 of the transcripts differed significantly in abundance with 1,156 transcripts differing at least 3-fold. Selected genes were investigated by qRT-PCR analyses. Apart from this general characterization we analyzed the data with special emphasis on molecular pathways related to the grisea mutation taking advantage of the available complete genomic sequence of P. anserina. This analysis verified but also corrected conclusions from earlier data obtained by single gene analysis, identified new candidates of factors as part of the cellular copper homeostasis system including target genes of transcription factor GRISEA, and provides a rich reference source of quantitative data for further in detail investigations. Overall, the present study demonstrates the importance of systems biology approaches also in cases were mutations in single genes are analyzed to explain the underlying mechanisms controlling complex biological processes like aging and development

    Human CLPP reverts the longevity phenotype of a fungal ClpP deletion strain

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    Mitochondrial maintenance crucially depends on the quality control of proteins by various chaperones, proteases and repair enzymes. While most of the involved components have been studied in some detail, little is known on the biological role of the CLPXP protease complex located in the mitochondrial matrix. Here we show that deletion of PaClpP, encoding the CLP protease proteolytic subunit CLPP, leads to an unexpected healthy phenotype and increased lifespan of the fungal ageing model organism Podospora anserina. This phenotype can be reverted by expression of human ClpP in the fungal deletion background, demonstrating functional conservation of human and fungal CLPP. Our results show that the biological role of eukaryotic CLP proteases can be studied in an experimentally accessible model organism

    The S-adenosylmethionine dependent O-methyltransferase PaMTH1: a longevity assurance factor protecting Podospora anserina against oxidative stress

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    PaMTH1 is an O-methyltransferase catalysing the methylation of vicinal hydroxyl groups of polyphenols. The protein accumulates during ageing of Podospora anserina in both the cytosol and in the mitochondrial matrix. The construction and characterisation of a PaMth1 deletion strain provided additional evidence about the function of the protein in the protection against metal induced oxidative stress. Deletion of PaMth1 was found to lead to a decreased resistance against exogenous oxidative stress and to a shortened lifespan suggesting a role of PaMTH1 as a longevity assurance factor in a new molecular pathway involved in lifespan control

    The impact of biomembranes and their dynamics on organismic aging: insights from a fungal aging model

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    Biomembranes fulfill several essential functions. They delimitate cells and control the exchange of compounds between cells and the environment. They generate specialized cellular reaction spaces, house functional units such as the respiratory chain (RC), and are involved in content trafficking. Biomembranes are dynamic and able to adjust their properties to changing conditions and requirements. An example is the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM), which houses the RC involved in the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the superoxide anion as a reactive oxygen species (ROS). The IMM forms a characteristic ultrastructure that can adapt to changing physiological situations. In the fungal aging model Podospora anserina, characteristic age-related changes of the mitochondrial ultrastructure occur. More recently, the impact of membranes on aging was extended to membranes involved in autophagy, an important pathway involved in cellular quality control (QC). Moreover, the effect of oleic acid on the lifespan was linked to basic biochemical processes and the function of membranes, providing perspectives for the elucidation of the mechanistic effects of this nutritional component, which positively affects human health and aging

    Modulation of the glyoxalase system in the aging model Podospora anserina : effects on growth and lifespan

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    The eukaryotic glyoxalase system consists of two enzymatic components, glyoxalase I (lactoylglutathionelyase) and glyoxalase II (hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase). These enzymes are dedicated to the removal of toxic alpha-oxoaldehydes like methylglyoxal (MG). MG is formed as a by-product of glycolysis and MG toxicity results from its damaging capability leading to modifications of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. An efficient removal of MG appears to be essential to ensure cellular functionality and viability. Here we study the effects of the genetic modulation of genes encoding the components of the glyoxalase system in the filamentous ascomycete and aging model Podospora anserina. Overexpression of PaGlo1 leads to a lifespan reduction on glucose rich medium, probably due to depletion of reduced glutathione. Deletion of PaGlo1 leads to hypersensitivity against MG added to the growth medium. A beneficial effect on lifespan is observed when both PaGlo1 and PaGlo2 are overexpressed and the corresponding strains are grown on media containing increased glucose concentrations. Notably, the double mutant has a ‘healthy’ phenotype without physiological impairments. Moreover, PaGlo1/PaGlo2_OEx strains are not long-lived on media containing standard glucose concentrations suggesting a tight correlation between the efficiency and capacity to remove MG within the cell, the level of available glucose and lifespan. Overall, our results identify the up-regulation of both components of the glyoxalase system as an effective intervention to increase lifespan in P. anserina. Key words: Podospora anserina, aging, lifespan, glycation, glucose, methylglyoxal, advanced glycation end product

    PaCATB, a secreted catalase protecting Podospora anserina against exogenous oxidative stress

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    A differential mass spectrometry analysis of secreted proteins from juvenile and senescent Podospora anserina cultures revealed age-related differences in protein profiles. Among other proteins with decreased abundance in the secretome of senescent cultures a catalase, termed PaCATB, was identified. Genetic modulation of the abundance of PaCATB identified differential effects on the phenotype of the corresponding strains. Deletion of PaCatB resulted in decreased resistance, over-expression in increased resistance against hydrogen peroxide. While the lifespan of the genetically modified strains was found to be unaffected under standard growth conditions, increased exogenous hydrogen peroxide stress in the growth medium markedly reduced the lifespan of the PaCatB deletion strain but extended the lifespan of PaCatB over-expressors. Overall our data identify a component of the secretome of P. anserina as a new effective factor to cope with environmental stress, stress that under natural conditions is constantly applied on organisms and influences aging processes