2,756 research outputs found

    Enhanced quantum tunnelling induced by disorder

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    We reconsider the problem of the enhancement of tunnelling of a quantum particle induced by disorder of a one-dimensional tunnel barrier of length LL, using two different approximate analytic solutions of the invariant imbedding equations of wave propagation for weak disorder. The two solutions are complementary for the detailed understanding of important aspects of numerical results on disorder-enhanced tunnelling obtained recently by Kim et al. (Phys. rev. B{\bf 77}, 024203 (2008)). In particular, we derive analytically the scaled wavenumber (kL)(kL)-threshold where disorder-enhanced tunnelling of an incident electron first occurs, as well as the rate of variation of the transmittance in the limit of vanishing disorder. Both quantities are in good agreement with the numerical results of Kim et al. Our non-perturbative solution of the invariant imbedding equations allows us to show that the disorder enhances both the mean conductance and the mean resistance of the barrier.Comment: 10 page

    Influence of external magnetic fields on growth of alloy nanoclusters

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    Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations are performed to study the influence of external magnetic fields on the growth of magnetic fcc binary alloy nanoclusters with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The underlying kinetic model is designed to describe essential structural and magnetic properties of CoPt_3-type clusters grown on a weakly interacting substrate through molecular beam epitaxy. The results suggest that perpendicular magnetic anisotropy can be enhanced when the field is applied during growth. For equilibrium bulk systems a significant shift of the onset temperature for L1_2 ordering is found, in agreement with predictions from Landau theory. Stronger field induced effects can be expected for magnetic fcc-alloys undergoing L1_0 ordering.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Absence of localization in a disordered one-dimensional ring threaded by an Aharonov-Bohm flux

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    Absence of localization is demonstrated analytically to leading order in weak disorder in a one-dimensional Anderson model of a ring threaded by an Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) flux. The result follows from adapting an earlier perturbation treatment of disorder in a superconducting ring subjected to an imaginary vector potential proportional to a depinning field for flux lines bound to random columnar defects parallel to the axis of the ring. The absence of localization in the ring threaded by an A-B flux for sufficiently weak disorder is compatible with large free electron type persistent current obtained in recent studies of the above model

    The Place of Classical Chinese Literature in Modern Sino-Japanese Pop Culture: The Case of Cao Cao in Sanguo Yanyi

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    There are few works of Chinese literature more popular than Sanguo Yanyi, or The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. And there are few characters more complicated than the warlord Cao Cao. Numerous adaptations of this work have been produced in both China and Japan, many of which interpret Cao Cao in different ways. This paper seeks to determine the differences between Chinese and Japanese interpretations of Cao Cao in various adaptations. It then turns to the question of what reasons, whether cultural or practical, would have caused these differences

    Molecular, morphological, and phytochemical evidence for a broad species concept of Plagiochila bifaria (Hepaticae)

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    Debate over the synonymy of the European Plagiochila killarniensis and the Neotropical P bifaria of R sect. Arrectae has focused on differences in secondary metabolite composition. The broad morphological species concept of R bifaria proposed in recent papers has now been tested by comparing nrDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of R bifaria populations encompassing several different morpho- and chemotypes from the British Isles, Tenerife, Costa Rica, Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia, with sequences of other species of R sects. Arrectae, Rutilantes, and Fuscoluteae. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that specimens of P. bifaria form a well supported clade within Plagiochila sect. Arrectae. Sequences of R bifaria from the British Isles, Tenerife, and Ecuador, representing the "methyl everninate" chemotype, form a well supported subclade within the P bifaria clade. Sequences of specimens from Costa Rica, Brazil, and Bolivia are placed in the basal part of the R bifaria clade. The data support a broad species concept of P bifaria. The different chemotypes do not warrant distinct taxonomic ranks. Plagiochila centrifuga and P. compressula are treated as new synonyms of R bifaria

    Enhanced Transmission Through Disordered Potential Barrier

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    Effect of weak disorder on tunneling through a potential barrier is studied analytically. A diagrammatic approach based on the specific behavior of subbarrier wave functions is developed. The problem is shown to be equivalent to that of tunneling through rectangular barriers with Gaussian distributed heights. The distribution function for the transmission coefficient TT is derived, and statistical moments \left are calculated. The surprising result is that in average disorder increases both tunneling conductance and resistance.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 2 figures available upon reques

    Conductance and localization in disordered wires: role of evanescent states

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    This paper extends an earlier analytical scattering matrix treatment of conductance and localization in coupled two- and three Anderson chain systems for weak disorder when evanescent states are present at the Fermi level. Such states exist typically when the interchain coupling exceeds the width of propagating energy bands associated with the various transverse eigenvalues of the coupled tight-binding systems. We calculate reflection- and transmission coefficients in cases where, besides propagating states, one or two evanescent states are available at the Fermi level for elastic scattering of electrons by the disordered systems. We observe important qualitative changes in these coefficients and in the related localization lengths due to ineffectiveness of the evanescent modes for transmission and reflection in the various scattering channels. In particular, the localization lengths are generally significantly larger than the values obtained when evanescent modes are absent. Effects associated with disorder mediated coupling between propagating and evanescent modes are shown to be suppressed by quantum interference effects, in lowest order for weak disorder

    Enhancement of Persistent Current in Metal Rings by Correlated Disorder

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    We study analytically the effect of a correlated random potential on the persistent current in a one-dimensional ring threaded by a magnetic flux ϕ\phi, using an Anderson tight-binding model. In our model, the system of N=2MN=2M atomic sites of the ring is assumed to be partitioned into MM pairs of identical nearest-neighbour sites (dimers). The site energies for different dimers are taken to be uncorrelated gaussian variables. For this system we obtain the exact flux-dependent energy levels to second order in the random site energies, using an earlier exact transfer matrix perturbation theory. These results are used to study the mean persistent current generated by Ne≤NN_e\leq N spinless electrons occupying the NeN_e lowest levels of the flux-dependent energy band at zero temperature. Detailed analyses are carried out in the limit 1≪Ne≪N1\ll N_e\ll N and for a half-filled band (Ne=N/2N_e=N/2), for magnetic fluxes −1/2<ϕ/ϕ0<1/2-1/2 <\phi/\phi_0<1/2. While the uncorrelated disorder leads to a reduction of the persistent current, the disorder correlation acts to enhance it. In particular, in the half-filled band case the correlated disorder leads to a global flux-dependent enhancement of persistent current which has the same form for even and odd NeN_e. At low filling of the energy band the effect of the disorder on the persistent current is found to depend on the parity of NeN_e: the correlated disorder yields a reduction of the current for odd NeN_e and an enhancement of the current for even NeN_e.Comment: 1

    Management of the Rice Tungro Virus Vector \u3ci\u3eNephotettix virescens\u3c/i\u3e (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) with Controlled-Release Formulations of Carbofuran

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    Field trials were conducted in lowland flooded rice in the Philippines to evaluate a number of carbofuran controlled-release formulations in comparison with commercial formulations. The test formulations were based on a biodegradable matrix of pine kraft lignin and were used as granules of different sizes and also in the form of small strips. The release rates were assessed under field conditions by bioassaying rice plants in the field, using adult rice green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens Distant. The lignin formulations with a high level of active ingredient (15–45% by weight) gave as good or better control than the commercial 3% granules in tests based on three application techniques: broadcast into the floodwater, soil incorporation, and root zone injection. The improvements in control levels of green leafhoppers were most marked with soil incorporation and root zone application. The best lignin-based formulation reduced levels of tungro virus infection from 23% for a conventional flowable carbofuran formulation to 1.0% at an application rate of 0.5 kg (AI)/ha. At the same rate, the grain yield was increased from 3.56 t/ha to 5.5 t/ha, using the controlled-released formulation
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