349 research outputs found
Neo-Growth in Future Post-Carbon Cities
Ancient Greece had city-states – in 100 years we will have city-worlds. The global challenge ofurbanisation has been acerbated due to megatrends such as climate change, demographic change(i.e. ageing of the population in industrialised countries, and increasing populations in developingcountries and new economies) globalisation and financial crises. The rise of megacities will speedup urbanisation. The concepts and structures of new cities and the urban sprawl of existing cities hasbeen directly linked to energy, water, food, health and security issues. The consumption of fossil fuelsin construction, housing, transport and industry should be minimised and replaced with renewableforms of energy. Future cities will also create a built environment that is based on a different logic thantoday. Humans started to construct cities thousands of years ago, as shelter for survival and as centresof housing, trading and recreation. In the future, cities will themselves be like organisms; sensitive andresponsive to interaction, self-constructing “cyburgs”. They are foreseen to emerge as self-sufficientisles for energy, food, and comfort in the urban archipelago
Electrification in Peer-to-Peer Society – A New Narrative for Sustainable Futures
’Electrification in Peer-to-Peer Society – A New Narrative for Sustainable Futures’ is a time travel journey to a future when renewable energy, electrification, and a peer-to-peer ethos are intertwined. The use of fossil fuel resources is ending.
An emission-free vision for 2050 is illustrated through four transformational scenarios: Radical Startups, Value-Driven Techemoths, Green Do-It-Yourself Engineers, and New Consciousness. The scenarios serve as testbeds for what kind of futures we want to live in. Futures have to be explored with a long perspective, but the decisions for preferred futures have to be made today. All major sectors in society have to be transformed to stay within the limits of the Paris climate goals.
This book highlights results from the Neo-Carbon Energy project, addressing all those interested in future visions, societal changes and technological advances. It can also be used as teaching material, or as inspiration for concrete steps towards the post-fossil era and a carbonneutral circular economy – for governments, companies, and citizens
Energy Futures 2030 : Toward the Neo-Growth paradigm of the Sixth-Wave Era
This report presents the results of the Futures Clinique on Energy Futures 2030, conducted in December 2012 to assist in preparations for the new sustainable energy research programme for the Academy of Finland. The aim of the Futures Clinique was to envision the energy system for future Finland. The working reached towards 2030, and was framed by the four generic scenarios as proposed by Jim Dator – Continued Growth, Collapse, Disciplined Society, and Transformation. The concepts of Neo-Growth, Kondratieff’s Sixth Wave, and The Third Industrial Revolution, were applied to describe the broad societal change. The results of the Futures Clinique envisioned a society of distributed energy of diverse energy solutions, local production and consumption, local and responsible lifestyles, bottom-up power relations and systems-sensitive pervasive sustainability
Continuous Transformation and Neo-Carbon Energy Scenarios
This report describes the process and results of Futures Clinique held 22nd May 2015 at Aalto University. At the Futures Clinique − titled Creatively Sustainable Built Environment in Neo-Carbon Energy Worlds − students of Continuous Transformation Course elaborated four tentative scenarios of an on-going Tekes-funded project called Neo-Carbon Energy. The goal of the research project is to explore futures based on renewable energy system. The report begins by describing the method, project, and the theoretical framework. This is followed by the description of the process and results of the Futures Clinique. The nature of change and transformation is also discussed. Working in four groups, the participants focused on a chosen scenario through a multi-staged process. As the report is given to the participants for feedback as well as for further discussion and development, comments on the results are also presented. The conclusive chapter presents observations on transformation and futures learning
Tulevaisuudentutkimus tutuksi – Perusteita ja menetelmiä
Tulevaisuusklinikka on tulevaisuusverstaasta kehitetty erityisellä tavalla räätälöity vuorovaikutteinen tulevaisuustyöskentelyn muoto. Kyseessä on metodi, mutta kokonaisuus on luonteeltaan metodinen prosessi, jossa hyödynnetään muitakin ennakointimetodeja. Tulevaisuusklinikkaan kuuluvat tietyt perusosiot, jotka muodostavat tulevaisuusklinikan perusrungon. Nämä perusosiot ovat edellytyksenä sille, että tulevaisuustyöskentelyä voidaan kutsua tulevaisuusklinikaksi. Tulevaisuusklinikka alkaa aina tulevaisuusprovokaatiolla ja sen kuluessa osallistujille näytetään niin sanottu tulevaisuusikkuna. Itse työskentelyvaiheessa painopiste on muutoksen tunnistamisessa: uusissa ilmiöissä, heikoissa signaaleissa, villeissä korteissa ja mustissa joutsenissa sekä koko yhteiskunnan radikaaleissa innovaatioissa ja transformaatioissa. Tulevaisuusklinikassa käytetään tyypillisesti tulevaisuuspyöriä ja PESTEC-tulevaisuustaulukoita. Lopputuloksena syntyy innovaatioaiheita ja konkreettisia aloitteitakin, joita osallistujat voivat lähteä viemään eteenpäin omissa organisaatioissaan. Konsepti on kuitenkin joustava eli tulevaisuusklinikkaprosessia voi räätälöidä tarkoituksenmukaisesti käsiteltävän aiheen, osallistujakokoonpanon ja tuloksille asetettujen tavoitteiden mukaan.</p
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