155 research outputs found

    Preventive use of nitisinone in alkaptonuria

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    Abstract Alkaptonuria (AKU, OMIM 203500) is a rare congenital disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme homogentisate-1,2,-dioxygenase. The long-term consequences of AKU are joint problems, cardiac valve abnormalities and renal problems. Landmark intervention studies with nitisinone 10 mg daily, suppressing an upstream enzyme activity, demonstrated its beneficial effects in AKU patients with established complications, which usually start to develop in the fourth decade. Lower dose of nitisinone in the range of 0.2–2 mg daily will already reduce urinary homogentisic acid (uHGA) excretion by > 90%, which may prevent AKU-related complications earlier in the course of the disease while limiting the possibility of side-effects related to the increase of plasma tyrosine levels caused by nitisinone. Future preventive studies should establish the lowest possible dose for an individual patient, the best age to start treatment and also collect evidence to which level uHGA excretion should be reduced to prevent complications

    Relationship between serum B12 concentrations and mortality:experience in NHANES

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    BACKGROUND: There is conflicting evidence in the literature on the association between (elevated) serum B12 concentrations and subsequent disease or mortality. We evaluated in the NHANES general population the association of serum B12 concentrations as well as vitamin B12 supplement intake with all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer-related mortality, while taking into account demographic and lifestyle factors and significant other diseases which are known to be associated with poorer outcome. METHODS: The main outcomes of our study were all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cancer-related mortality. Mortality status and cause of death were determined by NHANES-linked National Death Index public access files through December 31, 2015. The association of serum B12 concentrations and vitamin B12 supplement intake with mortality was assessed with Cox proportional hazard (PH) models, with adjustment for a number of relevant demographic and lifestyle factors and comorbidity. RESULTS: The final study population of 24,262 participants had a mean age of 48 (SD 19) years; 50.1% were males. The median follow-up duration was 109 months (range 1-201 months). On the census day of December 31, 2015, 3023 participants were determined as deceased (12.5%). The fully adjusted Cox PH model indicated that low serum B12 concentrations  700 pmol/l were associated with an increase in cardiovascular mortality only (HR 1.45, 95% CI 1.01-2.06, p = 0.042). Participants with a diagnosis of hypertension, dyslipidemia, CVD, and cancer more frequently used vitamin B12-containing supplements than those without these diagnoses. We could not demonstrate an association between vitamin B12 supplement intake and mortality, when adjusted for comorbidity. CONCLUSIONS: In the general population of NHANES, low serum B12 concentrations were associated with a moderate increase in all-cause mortality. There was a small but significant increase in cardiovascular mortality in the groups with low or high serum B12. High intake of vitamin B12 in the form of supplements was not associated with any adverse effect on mortality and therefore can be regarded as safe

    The Many Faces of Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency

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    Although cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency was described over a century ago, it is still difficult to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. Symptoms related to vitamin B12 deficiency may be diverse and vary from neurologic to psychiatric. A number of individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency may present with the classic megaloblastic anemia. In clinical practice, many cases of vitamin B12 deficiency are overlooked or sometimes even misdiagnosed. In this review, we describe the heterogeneous disease spectrum of patients with vitamin B12 deficiency in whom the diagnosis was either based on low serum B12 levels, elevated biomarkers like methylmalonic acid and/or homocysteine, or the improvement of clinical symptoms after the institution of parenteral vitamin B12 therapy. We discuss the possible clinical signs and symptoms of patients with B12 deficiency and the various pitfalls of diagnosis and treatment.</p

    Assessment of carnitine excretion and its ratio to plasma free carnitine as a biomarker for primary carnitine deficiency in newborns

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    In the Netherlands, newborns are referred by the newborn screening (NBS) Program when a low free carnitine (C0) concentration (&lt;5 μmol/l) is detected in their NBS dried blood spot. This leads to ~85% false positive referrals who all need an invasive, expensive and lengthy evaluation. We investigated whether a ratio of urine C0 / plasma C0 (RatioU:P) can improve the follow-up protocol for primary carnitine deficiency (PCD). A retrospective study was performed in all Dutch metabolic centres, using samples from newborns and mothers referred by NBS due to low C0 concentration. Samples were included when C0 excretion and plasma C0 concentration were sampled on the same day. RatioU:P was calculated as (urine C0 [μmol/mmol creatinine])/(plasma C0 [μmol/l]). Data were available for 59 patients with genetically confirmed PCD and 68 individuals without PCD. The RatioU:P in PCD patients was significantly higher (p value &lt; 0.001) than in those without PCD, median [IQR], respectively: 3.4 [1.2–9.5], 0.4 [0.3–0.8], area under the curve (AUC) 0.837. Classified for age (up to 1 month) and without carnitine suppletion (PCD; N = 12, Non-PCD; N = 40), medians were 6.20 [4.4–8.8] and 0.37 [0.24–0.56], respectively. The AUC for RatioU:P was 0.996 with a cut-off required for 100% sensitivity at 1.7 (yielding one false positive case). RatioU:P accurately discriminates between positive and false positive newborn referrals for PCD by NBS. RatioU:P is less effective as a discriminative tool for PCD in adults and for individuals that receive carnitine suppletion.</p

    Fast screening of N-glycosylation disorders by sialotransferrin profiling with capillary zone electrophoresis

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    Background Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a growing group of rare genetic disorders. The most frequently used screening method is sialotransferrin profiling using isoelectric focusing (IEF). Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) may be a simple and fast alternative. We investigated the Capillarys CDT assay (Sebia, France) to screen for N-glycosylation disorders, using IEF as gold standard. Methods Intra- and inter-assay precision were established, and analyses in heparin-anticoagulated plasma and serum were compared. Accuracy was assessed by comparing IEF and CZE profiles of 153 samples, including 49 normal, 53 CDG type I, 2 CDG type II, 1 combined CDG type I and type II and 48 samples with a Tf-polymorphism. Neuraminidase-treated plasma was analysed to discriminate CDG and Tf-polymorphisms using samples of 52 subjects (25 had a confirmed Tf-polymorphism). Age-dependent reference values were established using profiles of 312 samples. Results Heparin-plasma is as suitable as serum for CDG screening with the Capillarys CDT assay. The precision of the method is high, with a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.5%. All profiles, including CDG and Tf-polymorphisms, were correctly identified with CZE. Forty-nine of 52 neuraminidase-treated samples correctly identified the presence/absence of a Tf-polymorphism. Interferences in 3/52 samples hampered interpretation. Sialo-Tf profiles were dependent of age, in particular in the first three months of age. Conclusions CZE analysis with the Capillarys CDT kit (Sebia) is a fast and reliable method for screening of N-glycosylation defects. Tf-polymorphisms could be excluded after overnight incubation with neuraminidase

    Simultaneous Quantification of the Concentration and Carbon Isotopologue Distribution of Polar Metabolites in a Single Analysis by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

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    13C-isotope tracing is a frequently employed approach to study metabolic pathway activity. When combined with the subsequent quantification of absolute metabolite concentrations, this enables detailed characterization of the metabolome in biological specimens and facilitates computational time-resolved flux quantification. Classically, a 13C-isotopically labeled sample is required to quantify 13C-isotope enrichments and a second unlabeled sample for the quantification of metabolite concentrations. The rationale for a second unlabeled sample is that the current methods for metabolite quantification rely mostly on isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) and thus isotopically labeled internal standards are added to the unlabeled sample. This excludes the absolute quantification of metabolite concentrations in 13C-isotopically labeled samples. To address this issue, we have developed and validated a new strategy using an unlabeled internal standard to simultaneously quantify metabolite concentrations and 13C-isotope enrichments in a single 13C-labeled sample based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The method was optimized for amino acids and citric acid cycle intermediates and was shown to have high analytical precision and accuracy. Metabolite concentrations could be quantified in small tissue samples (≥20 mg). Also, we applied the method on 13C-isotopically labeled mammalian cells treated with and without a metabolic inhibitor. We proved that we can quantify absolute metabolite concentrations and 13C-isotope enrichments in a single 13C-isotopically labeled sample. BT/Industrial Microbiolog

    Long-Term Outcomes and Practical Considerations in the Pharmacological Management of Tyrosinemia Type 1

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    Tyrosinemia type 1 (TT1) is a rare metabolic disease caused by a defect in tyrosine catabolism. TT1 is clinically characterized by acute liver failure, development of hepatocellular carcinoma, renal and neurological problems, and consequently an extremely poor outcome. This review showed that the introduction of 2-(2-nitro-4-trifluoromethylbenzoyl)-1,3-cyclohexanedione (NTBC) in 1992 has revolutionized the outcome of TT1 patients, especially when started pre-clinically. If started early, NTBC can prevent liver failure, renal problems, and neurological attacks and decrease the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma. NTBC has been shown to be safe and well tolerated, although the long-term effectiveness of treatment with NTBC needs to be awaited. The high tyrosine concentrations caused by treatment with NTBC could result in ophthalmological and skin problems and requires life-long dietary restriction of tyrosine and its precursor phenylalanine, which could be strenuous to adhere to. In addition, neurocognitive problems have been reported since the introduction of NTBC, with hypothesized but as yet unproven pathophysiological mechanisms. Further research should be done to investigate the possible relationship between important clinical outcomes and blood concentrations of biochemical parameters such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, succinylacetone, and NTBC, and to develop clear guidelines for treatment and follow-up with reliable measurements. This all in order to ultimately improve the combined NTBC and dietary treatment and limit possible complications such as hepatocellular carcinoma development, neurocognitive problems, and impaired quality of life
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