13 research outputs found

    Crowdsourced PAC Learning under Classification Noise

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    In this paper, we analyze PAC learnability from labels produced by crowdsourcing. In our setting, unlabeled examples are drawn from a distribution and labels are crowdsourced from workers who operate under classification noise, each with their own noise parameter. We develop an end-to-end crowdsourced PAC learning algorithm that takes unlabeled data points as input and outputs a trained classifier. Our three-step algorithm incorporates majority voting, pure-exploration bandits, and noisy-PAC learning. We prove several guarantees on the number of tasks labeled by workers for PAC learning in this setting and show that our algorithm improves upon the baseline by reducing the total number of tasks given to workers. We demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm by exploring its application to additional realistic crowdsourcing settings.Comment: 14 page

    Deconfounded Causal Collaborative Filtering

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    Recommender systems may be confounded by various types of confounding factors (also called confounders) that may lead to inaccurate recommendations and sacrificed recommendation performance. Current approaches to solving the problem usually design each specific model for each specific confounder. However, real-world systems may include a huge number of confounders and thus designing each specific model for each specific confounder is unrealistic. More importantly, except for those "explicit confounders" that researchers can manually identify and process such as item's position in the ranking list, there are also many "latent confounders" that are beyond the imagination of researchers. For example, users' rating on a song may depend on their current mood or the current weather, and users' preference on ice creams may depend on the air temperature. Such latent confounders may be unobservable in the recorded training data. To solve the problem, we propose a deconfounded causal collaborative filtering model. We first frame user behaviors with unobserved confounders into a causal graph, and then we design a front-door adjustment model carefully fused with machine learning to deconfound the influence of unobserved confounders. The proposed model is able to handle both global confounders and personalized confounders. Experiments on real-world e-commerce datasets show that our method is able to deconfound unobserved confounders to achieve better recommendation performance.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; comments and suggestions are highly appreciate

    Towards More Robust and Accurate Sequential Recommendation with Cascade-guided Adversarial Training

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    Sequential recommendation models, models that learn from chronological user-item interactions, outperform traditional recommendation models in many settings. Despite the success of sequential recommendation models, their robustness has recently come into question. Two properties unique to the nature of sequential recommendation models may impair their robustness - the cascade effects induced during training and the model's tendency to rely too heavily on temporal information. To address these vulnerabilities, we propose Cascade-guided Adversarial training, a new adversarial training procedure that is specifically designed for sequential recommendation models. Our approach harnesses the intrinsic cascade effects present in sequential modeling to produce strategic adversarial perturbations to item embeddings during training. Experiments on training state-of-the-art sequential models on four public datasets from different domains show that our training approach produces superior model ranking accuracy and superior model robustness to real item replacement perturbations when compared to both standard model training and generic adversarial training.Comment: Accepted to present at SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM24

    On the Unlikelihood of D-Separation

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    Causal discovery aims to recover a causal graph from data generated by it; constraint based methods do so by searching for a d-separating conditioning set of nodes in the graph via an oracle. In this paper, we provide analytic evidence that on large graphs, d-separation is a rare phenomenon, even when guaranteed to exist, unless the graph is extremely sparse. We then provide an analytic average case analysis of the PC Algorithm for causal discovery, as well as a variant of the SGS Algorithm we call UniformSGS. We consider a set V={v1,…,vn}V=\{v_1,\ldots,v_n\} of nodes, and generate a random DAG G=(V,E)G=(V,E) where (va,vb)∈E(v_a, v_b) \in E with i.i.d. probability p1p_1 if aba b. We provide upper bounds on the probability that a subset of V−{x,y}V-\{x,y\} d-separates xx and yy, conditional on xx and yy being d-separable; our upper bounds decay exponentially fast to 00 as ∣V∣→∞|V| \rightarrow \infty. For the PC Algorithm, while it is known that its worst-case guarantees fail on non-sparse graphs, we show that the same is true for the average case, and that the sparsity requirement is quite demanding: for good performance, the density must go to 00 as ∣V∣→∞|V| \rightarrow \infty even in the average case. For UniformSGS, while it is known that the running time is exponential for existing edges, we show that in the average case, that is the expected running time for most non-existing edges as well

    Causal Layering via Conditional Entropy

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    Causal discovery aims to recover information about an unobserved causal graph from the observable data it generates. Layerings are orderings of the variables which place causes before effects. In this paper, we provide ways to recover layerings of a graph by accessing the data via a conditional entropy oracle, when distributions are discrete. Our algorithms work by repeatedly removing sources or sinks from the graph. Under appropriate assumptions and conditioning, we can separate the sources or sinks from the remainder of the nodes by comparing their conditional entropy to the unconditional entropy of their noise. Our algorithms are provably correct and run in worst-case quadratic time. The main assumptions are faithfulness and injective noise, and either known noise entropies or weakly monotonically increasing noise entropies along directed paths. In addition, we require one of either a very mild extension of faithfulness, or strictly monotonically increasing noise entropies, or expanding noise injectivity to include an additional single argument in the structural functions

    Enhancing Performance on Seen and Unseen Dialogue Scenarios using Retrieval-Augmented End-to-End Task-Oriented System

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    End-to-end task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems have achieved promising performance by leveraging sophisticated natural language understanding and natural language generation capabilities of pre-trained models. This work enables the TOD systems with more flexibility through a simple cache. The cache provides the flexibility to dynamically update the TOD systems and handle both existing and unseen dialogue scenarios. Towards this end, we first fine-tune a retrieval module to effectively retrieve the most relevant information entries from the cache. We then train end-to-end TOD models that can refer to and ground on both dialogue history and retrieved information during TOD generation. The cache is straightforward to construct, and the backbone models of TOD systems are compatible with existing pre-trained generative models. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our framework, with a notable improvement in non-empty joint goal accuracy by 6.7% compared to strong baselines.Comment: Accepted by SIGDIAL 2023 as a long pape

    DialogStudio: Towards Richest and Most Diverse Unified Dataset Collection for Conversational AI

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    Despite advancements in conversational AI, language models encounter challenges to handle diverse conversational tasks, and existing dialogue dataset collections often lack diversity and comprehensiveness. To tackle these issues, we introduce DialogStudio: the largest and most diverse collection of dialogue datasets, unified under a consistent format while preserving their original information. Our collection encompasses data from open-domain dialogues, task-oriented dialogues, natural language understanding, conversational recommendation, dialogue summarization, and knowledge-grounded dialogues, making it an incredibly rich and diverse resource for dialogue research and model training. To further enhance the utility of DialogStudio, we identify the licenses for each dataset and design domain-aware prompts for selected dialogues to facilitate instruction-aware fine-tuning. Furthermore, we develop conversational AI models using the dataset collection, and our experiments in both zero-shot and few-shot learning scenarios demonstrate the superiority of DialogStudio. To improve transparency and support dataset and task-based research, as well as language model pre-training, all datasets, licenses, codes, and models associated with DialogStudio are made publicly accessible at https://github.com/salesforce/DialogStudi

    Salesforce CausalAI Library: A Fast and Scalable Framework for Causal Analysis of Time Series and Tabular Data

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    We introduce the Salesforce CausalAI Library, an open-source library for causal analysis using observational data. It supports causal discovery and causal inference for tabular and time series data, of both discrete and continuous types. This library includes algorithms that handle linear and non-linear causal relationships between variables, and uses multi-processing for speed-up. We also include a data generator capable of generating synthetic data with specified structural equation model for both the aforementioned data formats and types, that helps users control the ground-truth causal process while investigating various algorithms. Finally, we provide a user interface (UI) that allows users to perform causal analysis on data without coding. The goal of this library is to provide a fast and flexible solution for a variety of problems in the domain of causality. This technical report describes the Salesforce CausalAI API along with its capabilities, the implementations of the supported algorithms, and experiments demonstrating their performance and speed. Our library is available at \url{https://github.com/salesforce/causalai}

    REX: Rapid Exploration and eXploitation for AI Agents

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    In this paper, we propose an enhanced approach for Rapid Exploration and eXploitation for AI Agents called REX. Existing AutoGPT-style techniques have inherent limitations, such as a heavy reliance on precise descriptions for decision-making, and the lack of a systematic approach to leverage try-and-fail procedures akin to traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL). REX introduces an additional layer of rewards and integrates concepts similar to Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) scores, leading to more robust and efficient AI agent performance. This approach has the advantage of enabling the utilization of offline behaviors from logs and allowing seamless integration with existing foundation models while it does not require any model fine-tuning. Through comparative analysis with existing methods such as Chain-of-Thoughts(CoT) and Reasoning viA Planning(RAP), REX-based methods demonstrate comparable performance and, in certain cases, even surpass the results achieved by these existing techniques. Notably, REX-based methods exhibit remarkable reductions in execution time, enhancing their practical applicability across a diverse set of scenarios