21 research outputs found

    Die Ausdifferenzierung nationaler Innovationssysteme: Deutschland und Österreich im Vergleich

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    'Ausgehend von der Debatte ĂŒber nationale Innovationssysteme und den zahlreichen Varianten zur systemischen Analyse von Innovationsprozessen, schlĂ€gt dieser Artikel ein integriertes Analysekonzept vor, indem er argumentiert, dass es nicht zur Herausbildung autonomer Innovationssysteme auf lokaler, regionaler oder gar europĂ€ischer und internationaler Ebene gekommen ist, sondern dass sich vielmehr das nationale Innovationssystem territorial ausdifferenziert hat. Im empirischen Teil wird am Beispiel Deutschlands und Österreichs das Ausmaß der Ausdifferenzierung nationaler Innovationssysteme in Richtung auf die europĂ€ische/ internationale Ebene oder auf die regionallokale Ebene anhand der von Lundvall eingefĂŒhrten Indikatoren ĂŒberprĂŒft: formale Institutionen und Normen, Finanzsystem, Public Policies, Forschungs- und Bildungssystem sowie UnternehmensaktivitĂ€ten. Der Beitrag kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die nationalen Innovationssysteme einem bestĂ€ndigen Wandel unterliegen. Diese Ausdifferenzierung variiert wiederum innerhalb der Indikatoren und zwischen den Untersuchungsstaaten. Insgesamt soll dieser Ansatz ermöglichen, die Dynamik des gesamten Ausdifferenzierungsprozesses zu verdeutlichen, da er die wachsende Bedeutung sowohl der regionalen als auch der internationalen Ebene erfasst.' (Autorenreferat)'Starting from the debate about national systems of innovation and the various systemic analyses of innovation processes, this article proposes an integrated framework of analysis which argues that neither autonomous local or regional nor European or global systems of innovation have emerged, but rather that national systems of innovation have undergone a territorial transformation process. In its empirical part, the article investigates for the cases of Germany and Austria the extent to which the national innovation systems have been reconfigurated towards territorial levels above and below the national level according to Lundvall's indicators, i. e. formal institutions and norms, financial systems, public policies, science and education systems, and business activities. The article concludes that national systems of innovation are subject to continuous transformation. This territorial transformation in turn varies among indicators as well as across countries. Overall, the suggested approach allows for a better understanding of the whole transformation process since it captures the increasing significance of both the regional and international levels.' (author's abstract

    “Lessons from Financing the ‘Silent’ Enlargement of the European Union in 1990”

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    In this paper I will show that lessons from financing Eastern Germany are always neglected when thinking about the problems of financing next enlargements. This paper does not aim at an evaluation of the financial aid to East Germany nor at an evaluation of the EU’s structural policy. This is done elsewhere. Moreover, it should be noted that this paper does in no way glorify the measures and programmes implemented in East Germany. The shortcomings of the “East-German-strategy” will be shown clearly in the following sections. This paper’s central question is: What are the lessons both the European Union and the Central and East European applicant countries can draw from the EU’s “silent” Eastern enlargement in 1990

    Enlarging the EU's internal energy market: Why would third countries accept EU rule export?

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    Why would countries without a membership perspective seek integration into the EU's internal energy market? One major element of the EU's external energy policy is the export of EU energy norms and regulations to neighbourhood countries and beyond. A core legal instrument the EU uses in this context is the Energy Community Treaty (ECT). The ECT goes both geographically and regarding its depth significantly beyond neighbourhood or association policies, addressing potentially also countries in the 'far neighbourhood' and aiming at the creation of a Single Market for energy with these countries. While, however, EU candidate countries are obliged to adopt the "acquis" before accessing the EU and therefore comply to EU rules already before they enter the Club, I argue that countries with no or only a vague membership perspective - i.e. countries where the EU cannot apply the "conditionality" - approach (e.g., ENP countries)--aim at deeper integration with the EU because they are either eager to demonstrate their capability and potential to become part of the Club, they seek greater independence from a regional hegemon or they envisage significant economic gains as common norms, rules and standards are likely to increase economic exchange with the EU.External energy policy Energy Community Rule export

    A new concept of deepening European integration? The European Research Area and the emerging role of policy coordination in a multi-level governance system

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    This paper examines the boundaries and conditions for the application of the open method of coordination (OMC) in a multi-level governance system. We argue that the OMC is likely to constitute a promising concept of deepening integration only in kinds of policies which, first, are characterized by a high degree of decision-making powers and a significant amount of financial resources at different territorial levels, considerable differences in the structures of the member states’ societal subsystems, as well as considerable differences in the performance of these subsystems across member states; and in which, second, the Community is engaged in the implementation and management of policy measures even at the sub-national level. However, we challenge the assumption that the OMC can be interpreted as a first step towards a genuine Community dimension. We explore our argument with respect the European Research Area. We find that the OMC is likely to be successful if, first of all, regional actors are involved in the decision-making process according to their constitutional role and their institutional capacities, if the Council is accepted as the appropriate arena for the coordination of national policies, and parliamentary control on measures that coordinate national policies is provided by national or regional parliaments, and if the OMC pays attention to the nature of the legislative powers at the European level

    A new concept of deepening European integration? ïżœ The European Research Area and the emerging role of policy coordination in a multi-level governance system

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    Within the discussion on European governance and constitutional reforms of the EU polity the so-called "open method of coordination" (OMC) has gained much attention as a procedure that occupies an intermediary place between intergovernmental cooperation and supranational legislation. In this paper we argue that the OMC is even likely to turn into a new concept of deepening integration within a multi-level governance system, if it is applied within certain boundaries and under specific conditions. We explore our argument with respect to the European Research Area which will be the new conceptual framework of the EU's research and innovation policies.benchmarking; civil society; democratization; diversity/homogeneity; economic performance; European Convention; governance; legislative procedure; open coordination; policy coordination; multilevel governance; RTD policy; political science

    Missing the Lisbon Target? Multi-Level Innovation and EU Policy Coordination

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