327 research outputs found

    La façade de l’ancienne abbatiale de Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: Recherches d’archéologie du bâti sur la construction

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    International audienceDe 1999 à 2001 nous avons, dans le cadre d’une thèse de doctorat, réalisé un relevé pierre-à-pierre manuel de la façade de l’abbatiale de Saint-Gilles (fig. 1 et 4 à 7). cette documentation inédite à l’échelle du 20e couvre toutes les élévations extérieures et intérieures, du soubassement jusqu’aux assises situées au-dessus de l’archivolte du portail central, y compris les deux tourelles d’angle. L’approche archéologique, commencée l’année du congrès archéologique du Gard en 1999, répondait au constat sur les limites déontologiques et méthodologiques de la recherche que Willibald Sauerländer avait résumées dans son bilan du dixième colloque international de la Société française d’archéologie, tenu à Saint-Gilles en 1977, repris et complété par dorothea diemer, dont la remarquable thèse de doctorat marqua un tournant pour la connaissance de la façade et de son rapport avec la structure de l’église. La réaction critique à l’étude de Whitney Stoddard, parue en 1973, accuse l’embarras de la communauté scientifique de l’époque face aux problèmes méthodologiques et déontologiques soulevées par les études menées depuis un siècle et demi sur le célèbre monument

    Auxerre. Études archéologiques de la façade ouest et dans les combles de la cathédrale Saint-Étienne (septembre 2002)

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    Dans le cadre de la restauration de la cathédrale d’Auxerre, effectuée avec la collaboration du conseil scientifique, Dieter Kimpel, membre du conseil et historien d’art, a proposé la collaboration de l’Institut d’Histoire de l’Architecture de l’Université de Stuttgart, dont il est le professeur titulaire. La collaboration consiste à mener des recherches archéologiques soit en même temps que les travaux de restauration, tout en prenant avantage des échafaudages existants ou mis en place par ..

    Saint-Gilles du-Gard, la restitution 3D: un outil au service de la réflexion archéologique

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    International audienceLa création d’un modèle 3D del’abbatiale de Saint-Gilles seheurte aux innombrables irrégularitéset changements au cours dela construction de l’édifice à l’intérieur del’espace précontraint d’un bâti monastiquedéjà en place. l’état fragmentaire des vestigesarchitecturaux romans et leur cloisonnementajoute à la grande difficulté decréer une vision virtuelle cohérente. nosexpériences précédentes avec les cathédralesd’auxerre et de Fribourg-en-brisgau ontdémontré l’intérêt fondamental de l’imagetridimensionnelle pour la reconstitutiondu processus constructif et le dialogue permanententre l’archéologue et l’architecteinfographequ’elle suscite, un constatqui ne fait plus débat aujourd’hui

    Techniques, stratégies et finalités du relevé numérique et manuel : l’exemple de l’étude de l’ancienne abbaye de Saint-Gilles-du-Gard (projets de recherche AEGIDIANA-AEGIMAIOR)

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    International audienceL'ancienne abbaye de Saint-Gilles du Gard de ses relevés (relevés numériques : plan, élévations et coupes, pierre à pierre ; relevé manuel) vers la restitution tridimentionnelle virtuell

    Multimorbidity and long-term care dependency - a five-year follow-up.

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    BACKGROUND: Not only single, but also multiple, chronic conditions are becoming the normal situation rather than the exception in the older generation. While many studies show a correlation between multimorbidity and various health outcomes, the long-term effect on care dependency remains unclear. The objective of this study is to follow up a cohort of older adults for 5 years to estimate the impact of multimorbidity on long-term care dependency. METHODS: This study is based on claims data from a German health insurance company. We included 115,203 people (mean age: 71.5 years, 41.4% females). To identify chronic diseases and multimorbidity, we used a defined list of 46 chronic conditions based on ICD-10 codes. Multimorbidity was defined as three or more chronic conditions from this list. The main outcome was "time until long-term care dependency". The follow-up started on January 1st, 2005 and lasted for 5 years until December 31st, 2009. To evaluate differences between those with multimorbidity and those without, we calculated Kaplan-Meier curves and then modeled four distinct Cox proportional hazard regressions including multimorbidity, age and sex, the single chronic conditions, and disease clusters. RESULTS: Mean follow-up was 4.5 years. People with multimorbidity had a higher risk of becoming care dependent (HR: 1.85, CI 1.78-1.92). The conditions with the highest risks for long-term care dependency are Parkinson's disease (HR: 6.40 vs. 2.68) and dementia (HR: 5.70 vs. 2.27). Patients with the multimorbidity pattern "Neuropsychiatric disorders" have a 79% higher risk of care dependency. CONCLUSIONS: The results should form the basis for future health policy decisions on the treatment of patients with multiple chronic diseases and also show the need to introduce new ways of providing long-term care to this population. A health policy focus on chronic care management as well as the development of guidelines for multimorbidity is crucial to secure health services delivery for the older population

    Overutilization of ambulatory medical care in the elderly German population? – An empirical study based on national insurance claims data and a review of foreign studies

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    Background: By definition, high utilizers receive a large proportion of medical services and produce relatively high costs. The authors report the results of a study on the utilization of ambulatory medical care by the elderly population in Germany in comparison to other OECD countries. Evidence points to an excessive utilization in Germany. It is important to document these utilization figures and compare them to those in other countries since the healtcare system in Germany stopped recording ambulatory healthcare utilization figures in 2008. Methods: The study is based on the claims data of all insurants aged >= 65 of a statutory health insurance company in Germany (n = 123,224). Utilization was analyzed by the number of contacts with physicians in ambulatory medical care and by the number of different practices contacted over one year. Criteria for frequent attendance were = 50 contacts with practices or contacts with = 10 different practices or = 3 practices of the same discipline per year. Descriptive statistical analysis and logistic regression were applied. Morbidity was analyzed by prevalence and relative risk for frequent attendance for 46 chronic diseases. Results: Nineteen percent of the elderly were identified as high utilizers, corresponding to approximately 3.5 million elderly people in Germany. Two main types were identified. One type has many contacts with practices, belongs to the oldest age group, suffers from severe somatic diseases and multimorbidity, and/or is dependent on long-term care. The other type contacts large numbers of practices, consists of younger elderly who often suffer from psychiatric and/or psychosomatic complaints, and is less frequently multimorbid and/or nursing care dependent. Conclusion: We found a very high rate of frequent attendance among the German elderly, which is unique among the OECD countries. Further research should clarify its reasons and if this degree of utilization is beneficial for elderly people

    Patterns of ambulatory medical care utilization in elderly patients with special reference to chronic diseases and multimorbidity

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    BACKGROUND: In order to estimate the future demands for health services, the analysis of current utilization patterns of the elderly is crucial. The aim of this study is to analyze ambulatory medical care utilization by elderly patients in relation to age, gender, number of chronic conditions, patterns of multimorbidity, and nursing dependency in Germany. METHODS: Claims data of the year 2004 from 123,224 patients aged 65 years and over which are members of one nationwide operating statutory insurance company in Germany were studied. Multimorbidity was defined as the presence of 3 or more chronic conditions of a list of 46 most prevalent chronic conditions based on ICD 10 diagnoses. Utilization was analyzed by the number of contacts with practices of physicians working in the ambulatory medical care sector and by the number of different physicians contacted for every single chronic condition and their most frequent triadic combinations. Main statistical analyses were multidimensional frequency counts with standard deviations and confidence intervals, and multivariable linear regression analyses. RESULTS: Multimorbid patients had more than twice as many contacts per year with physicians than those without multimorbidity (36 vs. 16). These contact frequencies were associated with visits to 5.7 different physicians per year in case of multimorbidity vs. 3.5 when multimorbidity was not present. The number of contacts and of physicians contacted increased steadily with the number of chronic conditions. The number of contacts varied between 35 and 54 per year and the number of contacted physicians varied between 5 to 7, depending on the presence of individual chronic diseases and/or their triadic combinations. The influence of gender or age on utilization was small and clinically almost irrelevant. The most important factor influencing physician contact was the presence of nursing dependency due to disability. CONCLUSION: In absolute terms, we found a very high rate of utilization of ambulatory medical care by the elderly in Germany, when multimorbidity and especially nursing dependency were present. The extent of utilization by the elderly was related both to the number of chronic conditions and to the individual multimorbidity patterns, but not to gender and almost not to age

    Deterministic assembly of linear gold nanorod chains as a platform for nanoscale applications

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    We demonstrate a method to assemble gold nanorods highly deterministically into a chain formation by means of directed capillary assembly. This way we achieved straight chains consisting of end-to-end aligned gold nanorods assembled in one specific direction with well-controlled gaps of [similar]6 nm between the individual constituents. We determined the conditions for optimum quality and yield of nanorod chain assembly by investigating the influence of template dimensions and assembly temperature. In addition, we transferred the gold nanorod chains from the assembly template onto a Si/SiO2 target substrate, thus establishing a platform for a variety of nanoscale electronic and optical applications ranging from molecular electronics to optical and plasmonic devices. As a first example, electrical measurements are performed on contacted gold nanorod chains before and after their immersion in a solution of thiol end-capped oligophenylenevinylene molecules showing an increase in the conductance by three orders of magnitude, indicating molecular-mediated transport

    Tissue MicroRNA profiles as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in patients with resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and periampullary cancers

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to validate previously described diagnostic and prognostic microRNA expression profiles in tissue samples from patients with pancreatic cancer and other periampullary cancers. METHODS: Expression of 46 selected microRNAs was studied in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue from patients with resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (n = 165), ampullary cancer (n=59), duodenal cancer (n = 6), distal common bile duct cancer (n = 21), and gastric cancer (n = 20); chronic pancreatitis (n = 39); and normal pancreas (n = 35). The microRNAs were analyzed by PCR using the Fluidigm platform. RESULTS: Twenty-two microRNAs were significantly differently expressed in patients with pancreatic cancer when compared to healthy controls and chronic pancreatitis patients; 17 miRNAs were upregulated (miR-21-5p, −23a-3p, −31-5p, −34c-5p, −93-3p, −135b-3p, −155-5p, −186-5p, −196b-5p, −203, −205-5p, −210, −222-3p, −451, −492, −614, and miR-622) and 5 were downregulated (miR-122-5p, −130b-3p, −216b, −217, and miR-375). MicroRNAs were grouped into diagnostic indices of varying complexity. Ten microRNAs associated with prognosis were identified (let-7 g, miR-29a-5p, −34a-5p, −125a-3p, −146a-5p, −187, −205-5p, −212-3p, −222-5p, and miR-450b-5p). Prognostic indices based on differences in expression of 2 different microRNAs were constructed for pancreatic and ampullary cancer combined and separately (30, 5, and 21 indices). CONCLUSION: The study confirms that pancreatic cancer tissue has a microRNA expression profile that is different from that of other periampullary cancers, chronic pancreatitis, and normal pancreas. We identified prognostic microRNAs and microRNA indices that were associated with shorter overall survival in patients with radically resected pancreatic cancer. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40364-017-0087-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Crossroads between contrastive linguistics, translation studies and machine translation: TC3-II

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    Contrastive Linguistics (CL), Translation Studies (TS) and Machine Translation (MT) have common grounds: They all work at the crossroad where two or more languages meet. Despite their inherent relatedness, methodological exchange between the three disciplines is rare. This special issue touches upon areas where the three fields converge. It results directly from a workshop at the 2011 German Association for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (GSCL) conference in Hamburg where researchers from the three fields presented and discussed their interdisciplinary work. While the studies contained in this volume draw from a wide variety of objectives and methods, and various areas of overlaps between CL, TS and MT are addressed, the volume is by no means exhaustive with regard to this topic. Further cross-fertilisation is not only desirable, but almost mandatory in order to tackle future tasks and endeavours, and this volume is committed to bringing these three fields even closer together
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