27 research outputs found

    Food safety at which costs? : turning the increasing demands for traceability into opportunities for developing countries

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    The world of food production becomes a more global market every day. Retailers, producers, processors, traders and national governments all over the world are forced to comply with the latest product and process requirements with regard to food safety and chain transparency. The number of preferred and exclusive partnerships between supply chain partners is increasing, which is encouraged by the implementation of new - and costly - tracking & tracing systems. These developments impose possible new risks and challenges for all parties involved. Quality requirements and legislation on food are imposed by governments and private companies in the Western world and will have consequences for foodcompanies and producers in developing countries. What share of the cost do the latter have to bear? A complex question that in this paper will be bounded to the impact of the enforced demand for advanced tracking & tracing systems and chain transparency. After a short outline of current developments in the area of food safety and tracking & tracing, the focus will shift towards their consequences for developing countries. As a result we try to pin-point critical aspects and to draft opportunities and expectations for governments and food producing companies in both developing and developed countries in order to guarantee a safe future of global food supply. This paper delivers background information for policy and decision makers related to the topic. Tracking & tracing systems have to offer more than simply the fulfillment of law requirements. The ongoing challenge is to find the most suitable application at the right place

    Porcament : category management in de verse varkensvleesketen : AKK eindrapport

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    Dit rapport geeft inzichten in de belangrijkste aspecten die een rol spelen bij de introductie van category management in de 'vers-vlees' categorie. Het biedt een overzicht van de leerervaringen en hoe daar in de praktijk mee omgegaan kan worde

    Ondernemerschap en ketensamenwerking in de vissector: transitie naar duurzaamheid

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    Dit rapport onderzoekt ondernemerschap en ketensamenwerking in de transitie naar een duurzame Nederlandse vissector. Het laat succes en faalfactoren zien bij de ontwikkeling van duurzame visketeninitiatieven. Deze inzichten leveren de bouwstoffen voor oplossingsrichtingen en innovatie- en stimuleringsbeleid. This report reviews entrepreneurship and chain collaboration in the transition towards a sustainable Dutch fish sector, and identifies success and failure factors involved in the development of sustainable fish chain initiatives. These insights provide ingredients for possible solutions and innovation and incentive policies

    Marketingconcepten voor huisverkoop van biologisch vlees : eindrapport AKK

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    The project "Marketing Concepts for Farm sale of organic meat " intended to increase availability of farm sale of organic beef and pork meat for farmers and consumers. To support farmers that consider to start with farm sale, part of the project has been used to develop a special guide for them. In this guide a short description is given of regulations that are applicable to farm sale in the Netherlands

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