50 research outputs found

    The ASCIZ-DYNLL1 axis promotes 53BP1-dependent non-homologous end joining and PARP inhibitor sensitivity

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    53BP1 controls a specialized non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway that is essential for adaptive immunity, yet oncogenic in BRCA1 mutant cancers. Intra-chromosomal DNA double-strand break (DSB) joining events during immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR) require 53BP1. However, in BRCA1 mutant cells, 53BP1 blocks homologous recombination (HR) and promotes toxic NHEJ, resulting in genomic instability. Here, we identify the protein dimerization hub—DYNLL1—as an organizer of multimeric 53BP1 complexes. DYNLL1 binding stimulates 53BP1 oligomerization, and promotes 53BP1’s recruitment to, and interaction with, DSB-associated chromatin. Consequently, DYNLL1 regulates 53BP1-dependent NHEJ: CSR is compromised upon deletion of Dynll1 or its transcriptional regulator Asciz, or by mutation of DYNLL1 binding motifs in 53BP1; furthermore, Brca1 mutant cells and tumours are rendered resistant to poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor treatments upon deletion of Dynll1 or Asciz. Thus, our results reveal a mechanism that regulates 53BP1-dependent NHEJ and the therapeutic response of BRCA1-deficient cancers

    Dual Functions of ASCIZ in the DNA Base Damage Response and Pulmonary Organogenesis

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    Zn2+-finger proteins comprise one of the largest protein superfamilies with diverse biological functions. The ATM substrate Chk2-interacting Zn2+-finger protein (ASCIZ; also known as ATMIN and ZNF822) was originally linked to functions in the DNA base damage response and has also been proposed to be an essential cofactor of the ATM kinase. Here we show that absence of ASCIZ leads to p53-independent late-embryonic lethality in mice. Asciz-deficient primary fibroblasts exhibit increased sensitivity to DNA base damaging agents MMS and H2O2, but Asciz deletion or knock-down does not affect ATM levels and activation in mouse, chicken, or human cells. Unexpectedly, Asciz-deficient embryos also exhibit severe respiratory tract defects with complete pulmonary agenesis and severe tracheal atresia. Nkx2.1-expressing respiratory precursors are still specified in the absence of ASCIZ, but fail to segregate properly within the ventral foregut, and as a consequence lung buds never form and separation of the trachea from the oesophagus stalls early. Comparison of phenotypes suggests that ASCIZ functions between Wnt2-2b/ß-catenin and FGF10/FGF-receptor 2b signaling pathways in the mesodermal/endodermal crosstalk regulating early respiratory development. We also find that ASCIZ can activate expression of reporter genes via its SQ/TQ-cluster domain in vitro, suggesting that it may exert its developmental functions as a transcription factor. Altogether, the data indicate that, in addition to its role in the DNA base damage response, ASCIZ has separate developmental functions as an essential regulator of respiratory organogenesis

    Mdt1 Facilitates Efficient Repair of Blocked DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Recombinational Maintenance of Telomeres▿

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    DNA recombination plays critical roles in DNA repair and alternative telomere maintenance. Here we show that absence of the SQ/TQ cluster domain-containing protein Mdt1 (Ybl051c) renders Saccharomyces cerevisiae particularly hypersensitive to bleomycin, a drug that causes 3′-phospho-glycolate-blocked DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). mdt1Δ also hypersensitizes partially recombination-defective cells to camptothecin-induced 3′-phospho-tyrosyl protein-blocked DSBs. Remarkably, whereas mdt1Δ cells are unable to restore broken chromosomes after bleomycin treatment, they efficiently repair “clean” endonuclease-generated DSBs. Epistasis analyses indicate that MDT1 acts in the repair of bleomycin-induced DSBs by regulating the efficiency of the homologous recombination pathway as well as telomere-related functions of the KU complex. Moreover, mdt1Δ leads to severe synthetic growth defects with a deletion of the recombination facilitator and telomere-positioning factor gene CTF18 already in the absence of exogenous DNA damage. Importantly, mdt1Δ causes a dramatic shift from the usually prevalent type II to the less-efficient type I pathway of recombinational telomere maintenance in the absence of telomerase in liquid senescence assays. As telomeres resemble protein-blocked DSBs, the results indicate that Mdt1 acts in a novel blocked-end-specific recombination pathway that is required for the efficiency of both drug-induced DSB repair and telomerase-independent telomere maintenance

    Proapoptotic BIM Impacts B Lymphoid Homeostasis by Limiting the Survival of Mature B Cells in a Cell-Autonomous Manner

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    The proapoptotic BH3-only protein BIM (Bcl2l11) plays key roles in the maintenance of multiple hematopoietic cell types. In mice, germline knockout or conditional pan-hematopoietic deletion of Bim results in marked splenomegaly and significantly increased numbers of B cells. However, it has remained unclear whether these abnormalities reflect the loss of cell-intrinsic functions of BIM within the B lymphoid lineage and, if so, which stages in the lifecycle of B cells are most impacted by the loss of BIM. Here, we show that B lymphoid-specific conditional deletion of Bim during early development (i.e., in pro-B cells using Mb1-Cre) or during the final differentiation steps (i.e., in transitional B cells using Cd23-Cre) led to a similar >2-fold expansion of the mature follicular B cell pool. Notably, while the expansion of mature B cells was quantitatively similar in conditional and germline Bim-deficient mice, the splenomegaly was significantly attenuated after B lymphoid-specific compared to global Bim deletion. In vitro, conditional loss of Bim substantially increased the survival of mature B cells that were refractory to activation by lipopolysaccharide. Finally, we also found that conditional deletion of just one Bim allele by Mb1-Cre dramatically accelerated the development of Myc-driven B cell lymphoma, in a manner that was comparable to the effect of germline Bim heterozygosity. These data indicate that, under physiological conditions, BIM regulates B cell homeostasis predominantly by limiting the life span of non-activated mature B cells, and that it can have additional effects on developing B cells under pathological conditions

    The Yeast PUF Protein Puf5 Has Pop2-Independent Roles in Response to DNA Replication Stress

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    PUFs are RNA binding proteins that promote mRNA deadenylation and decay and inhibit translation. Yeast Puf5 is the prototype for studying PUF-dependent gene repression. Puf5 binds to the Pop2 subunit of the Ccr4-Pop2-NOT mRNA deadenylase, recruiting the deadenylase and associated translational repressors to mRNAs. Here we used yeast genetics to show that Puf5 has additional roles in vivo that do not require Pop2. Deletion of PUF5 caused increased sensitivity to DNA replication stress in cells lacking Pop2, as well as in cells mutated for two activities recruited to mRNAs by the Puf5-Pop2 interaction, the deadenylase Ccr4 and the translational repressor Dhh1. A functional Puf5 RNA binding domain was required, and Puf5 cytoplasmic localisation was sufficient for resistance to replication stress, indicating posttranscriptional gene expression control is involved. In contrast to DNA replication stress, in response to the cell wall integrity pathway activator caffeine, PUF5 and POP2 acted in the same genetic pathway, indicating that functions of Puf5 in the caffeine response are mediated by Pop2-dependent gene repression. Our results support a model in which Puf5 uses multiple, Pop2dependent and Pop2-independent mechanisms to control mRNA expression. The Pop2-independent roles for Puf5 could involve spatial control of gene expression, a proposition supported by our data indicating that the active form of Puf5 is localised to cytoplasmic foci

    Rad9 BRCT domain interaction with phosphorylated H2AX regulates the G1 checkpoint in budding yeast

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    Phosphorylation of histone H2A or H2AX is an early and sensitive marker of DNA damage in eukaryotic cells, although mutation of the conserved damage-dependent phosphorylation site is well tolerated. Here, we show that H2A phosphorylation is required for cell-cycle arrest in response to DNA damage at the G1/S transition in budding yeast. Furthermore, we show that the tandem BRCT domain of Rad9 interacts directly with phosphorylated H2A in vitro and that a rad9 point mutation that abolishes this interaction results in in vivo phenotypes that are similar to those caused by an H2A phosphorylation site mutation. Remarkably, similar checkpoint defects are also caused by a Rad9 Tudor domain mutation that impairs Rad9 chromatin association already in undamaged cells. These findings indicate that constitutive Tudor domain-mediated and damage-specific BRCT domain–phospho-H2A-dependent interactions of Rad9 with chromatin cooperate to establish G1 checkpoint arrest