16 research outputs found

    Produktion leichter Fragmente in Ar+KCl Kollisionen bei 1,76A GeV

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    Im September 2005 wurden von der HADES-Kollaboration an der GSI in Darmstadt Daten der Schwerionen-Reaktion Ar+KCl bei 1,76A GeV aufgenommen. Neben den Pionen und Dileptonen wurden bereits fast alle Teilchen mit Seltsamkeitsinhalt rekonstruiert. In dieser Arbeit wird zum ersten Mal eine Analyse der leichten Fragmente Deuteronen, Tritonen und 3Helium mit HADES durchgeführt. Die gemessenen Multiplizitäten wurden mit einem statistischen Hadronisationsmodell verglichen und zeigen gute Übereinstimmung mit diesem. Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, dass das System Ar+KCl bei 1,76A GeV einen hohen Grad an Thermalisierung erreicht. Zu einer weiteren Untersuchung dieser Hypothese wurden die sogenannten effektiven Temperaturen Teff der Teilchen der chemischen Ausfriertemperatur aus dem statistischen Modellfit gegenübergestellt. Bei der effektiven Temperatur handelt es sich um die inversen Steigungsparameter von Boltzmann-Fits an die transversalen Massenspektren mt-m0 bei Schwerpunktsrapidität. Diese Temperatur entspricht bei einer isotropen, statischen Quelle der kinetischen Ausfriertemperatur und sollte somit unterhalb oder gleich der chemischen Ausfriertemperatur sein. Im Falle der effektiven Temperaturen der Ar+KCl-Daten liegen diese jedoch systematisch höher und die Teilchen ohne Seltsamkeitsinhalt zeigen einen massenabhängigen Anstieg, welcher eine radiale kollektive Anregung des Systems vermuten lässt. Die transversalen Massenspektren der leichten Fragmente werden unter der Annahme eines thermalisierten Systems mit Boltzmann-Funktionen angepasst. Daraus werden die effektiven Temperaturen von Teff,Deuteronen = (139,5 ± 34,9) MeV und Teff,T ritonen = (247,9 ± 62,0) MeV extrahiert, was die Annahme von kollektivem Fluss der Teilchen zu unterstützen scheint. Vergleicht man diese Werte mit den effektiven Temperaturen der leichteren Teilchen, kann mithilfe einer linearen Funktion die kinetische Ausfriertemperatur Tkin = (74,7 ± 5,8) MeV und radiale Flussgeschwindigkeit βr = 0,37 ± 0,13 bestimmt werden. In einem zweiten Ansatz werden daher die Spektren mit Siemens-Rasmussen-Funktionen, die eine radiale Ausdehnung mit einbeziehen, angepasst und daraus die globalen Parameter T = (74 ± 7) MeV und βr = 0,36 ± 0,02 bestimmt. Diese Werte liegen an der oberen Grenze in dem für diesen Energiebereich erwarteten Bereich. Die Siemens-Rasmussen-Funktionen liefern eine bessere Beschreibung der transversalen Massenspektren und werden zur Extrapolation der nicht abgedeckten transversalen Massenbereiche genutzt. Die Integration liefert die Verteilung der Zählrate als Funktion der Rapidität. Diese Verteilung zeigt zwei Maxima nahe Strahl- und Target-Rapidität, was im Widerspruch zu einer statischen, thermischen Quelle der Teilchen steht

    Strangeness production in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions

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    We present first data on centrality dependent K+, K− and ϕ production in Au+Au collisions at a kinetic beam energy of 1.23A GeV measured with HADES. We observe no significant increase of the K+/K− and ϕ/K− multiplicity ratios with centrality of the collision. The measured ϕ/K− ratio is found to be larger than results at higher energies. The significant ϕ feed-down contribution to the K− yield substantially softens the measured transverse mass spectrum of K−, explaining its lower observed effective temperature in comparison to the one of K+

    Studying strangeness production with HADES

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    The High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) operates in the 1 - 2A GeV energy regime in fixed target experiments to explore baryon-rich strongly interacting matter in heavy-ion collisions at moderate temperatures with rare and penetrating probes. We present results on the production of strange hadrons below their respective NN threshold energy in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV ( = 2.4 GeV). Special emphasis is put on the enhanced feed-down contribution of ϕ mesons to the inclusive yield of K- and its implication on the measured spectral shape of K-. Furthermore, we investigate global properties of the system, confronting the measured hadron yields and transverse mass spectra with a Statistical Hadronization Model (SHM) and a blastwave parameterization, respectively. These supplement the world data of the chemical and kinetic freeze-out temperatures

    Studying Strangeness Production with HADES

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    The High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) operates in the 1 - 2A GeV energy regime in fixed target experiments to explore baryon-rich strongly interacting matter in heavy-ion collisions at moderate temperatures with rare and penetrating probes. We present results on the production of strange hadrons below their respective NN threshold energy in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV (SNN = 2.4 GeV). Special emphasis is put on the enhanced feed-down contribution of ϕ mesons to the inclusive yield of K- and its implication on the measured spectral shape of K-. Furthermore, we investigate global properties of the system, confronting the measured hadron yields and transverse mass spectra with a Statistical Hadronization Model (SHM) and a blastwave parameterization, respectively. These supplement the world data of the chemical and kinetic freeze-out temperatures

    Charged kaon and Φ reconstruction in Au+Au collisions at 1.23 AGeV

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    In this thesis, the production of charged kaons and Φ mesons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt sAuAu = 2.4 GeV is studied. At this energy, all particles carrying open and hidden strangeness are produced below their respective free nucleon-nucleon threshold with the corresponding so-called excess energies: sqrt sK+ exc = -0.15 GeV, sqrt sK- exc = -0.46 GeV, sqrt sΦ exc = -0.49 GeVGeV. As a consequence, the production cross sections are very sensitive to medium effects like momentum distributions, two- or multistep collisions, and modification of the in-medium spectral distribution of the produced states [1]. K+ and K- mesons exhibit different properties in baryon dominated matter, since only K- can be resonantly absorbed by nucleons. Although strangeness exchange reactions have been proposed to be the dominant channel for K- production in the analyzed energy regime, the production yield and kinematic distributions could also be explained in smaller systems based on statistical hadronization model fits to the measured particle yields, including a canonical strangeness suppression radius RC, and taking the Φ feed-down to kaons into account [2, 3]. For the first time in central Au+Au collisions at such low energies, it is possible to reconstruct and do a multi differential analysis of K- and Φ mesons. In principle, this should be the ideal environment for strangeness exchange reactions to occur, as the particles are produced deeply sub-threshold in a large and long-living system. Therefore, it is the ultimate test to differentiate between the different sources for K- production in HIC. In total 7.3x10exp9 of the 40% most central Au(1.23 GeV per nucleon)+Au collisions are analyzed. The data has been recorded with the High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer HADES located at Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GSI in April/May 2012. A substantially improved reconstruction method has been employed to reconstruct the hadrons with high purity in a wide phase space region. The estimated particle multiplicities follow a clear hierarchy of the excess energy: 41.5 ± 2.1|sys protons at mid-rapidity per unit in rapidity, 11.1 ± 0.6|sys ± 0.4|extrapol π-, (3.01 ± 0.03|stat ± 0.15|sys ± 0.30|extrapoliert) x10 exp -2 K+, (1.94 ± 0.09|stat ± 0.10|sys ± 0.10|extrapol)x10 exp -4 K- and (0.99 ± 0.24|stat ± 0.10|sys ± 0.05|extrapol)x10 exp -4 Φ per event. The multiplicities of the strange hadrons increase more than linear with the mean number of participating nucleons hAparti, supporting the assumption that the necessary energy to overcome the elementary production threshold is accumulated in multi-particle interactions. Transport models predict such an increase, but are overestimating the measured particle yield and are not able to describe the kinematic distributions of K+ mesons perfectly. However, the best description is given by the IQMD model with a density dependent kaonnucleon potential of 40 MeV at nuclear ground state density. The K-=K+ multiplicity ratio is constant as a function of centrality and follows with (6.45 ± 0.77)x10 exp -3 the trend of increasing with beam energy indicated from previous experiments [4]. The effective temperature of K- TK+eff = (84 ± 6) MeV is found to be systematically lower than the one of K+ TK+eff = (104 ± 1) MeV, which has also been observed by the other experiments.The Φ=K- ratio is with a value of 0.52 ± 0.16 higher than the one obtained at higher center-of-mass energies and smaller systems. This behavior is predicted from a tuned version of the UrQMD transport model [5], when including higher mass baryonic resonances which can decay into Φ mesons and from statistical hadronization models when suppressing open strangeness canonically. The found ratio is constant as a function of centrality and results with a branching ratio of 48.9%, that ~ 25% of all measured K- originate from Φ feed-down decays. A two component PLUTO simulation, consisting of a pure thermal and a K- contribution originating from Φ decays, can fully explain the observed lower effective temperature in comparison to K+ and the shape of the measured rapidity distribution of K-. As a result, we find no indication for strangeness exchange reactions being the dominant mechanism for K- production in the SIS18 energy regime, if taking the contribution from Φ feed-down decays into account. The hadron yields for the 20% most central collisions can be described by a statistical hadronization model fit with the chemical freeze-out temperature of Tchem = (68 ± 2) MeV and baryochemical potential of μB = (883 ± 25) MeV, which is higher than expected from previous parameterizations. The analysis of the transverse mass spectra of protons indicate a kinetic freeze-out temperature of Tkin = (70 ± 4) MeV and radial flow velocity of βr = 0.43 ± 0.01, which is in agreement with the parameters obtained from the linear dependence of the effective temperatures on the particle mass Tkin = (71.5 ± 4.2) MeV and βr = 0.28 ± 0.09. <br

    Resonance production in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions measured with HADES

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    The knowledge of baryonic resonance properties and production cross sections plays an important role for the extraction and understanding of medium modifications of mesons in hot and/or dense nuclear matter. We present and discuss systematics on dielectron and strangeness production obtained with HADES on p+p, p+A and A+A collisions in the few GeV energy regime with respect to these resonances

    Measurement of the quasi free np → npπ+π− and np → ppπ−π0 reactions at 1.25 GeV with HADES

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    We present the results of two-pion production in tagged quasi-free np collisions at a deutron incident beam energy of 1.25 GeV/c measured with the High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) installed at GSI. The specific acceptance of HADES allowed for the first time to obtain high-precision data on π+π− and π−π0 production in np collisions in a region corresponding to large transverse momenta of the secondary particles. The obtained differential cross section data provide strong constraints on the production mechanisms and on the various baryon resonance contributions (∆∆, N(1440), N(1520), ∆(1600)). The invariant mass and angular distributions from the np → npπ+π −and np → ppπ−π0 reactions are compared with different theoretical model predictions

    Low mass dielectrons radiated off cold nuclear matter measured with HADES

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    The High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer HADES [1] is installed at the Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) accelerator facility in Darmstadt. It investigates dielectron emission and strangeness production in the 1-3 AGeV regime. A recent experiment series focusses on medium-modifications of light vector mesons in cold nuclear matter. In two runs, p+p and p+Nb reactions were investigated at 3.5 GeV beam energy; about 9·109 events have been registered. In contrast to other experiments the high acceptance of the HADES allows for a detailed analysis of electron pairs with low momenta relative to nuclear matter, where modifications of the spectral functions of vector mesons are predicted to be most prominent. Comparing these low momentum electron pairs to the reference measurement in the elementary p+p reaction, we find in fact a strong modification of the spectral distribution in the whole vector meson region