55 research outputs found

    The Morality of Mercy

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    Death to Rapists: A Comment on Kennedy v. Louisiana

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    The Levitation of Liberalism

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    Was the Frog Prince Sexually Molested?: A Review of Peter Westen\u27s \u3cem\u3eThe Logic of Consent\u3c/em\u3e

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    Peter Westen\u27s The Logic of Consent is nothing short of a tour de force. In the tradition of the very best and most significant contributions to legal theory, Professor Westen demonstrates that we do not know what we think we know about a capacity that on a daily basis turns trespasses into dinner parties, brutal batteries into football games, rape into lovemaking, and the commercial appropriation of name and likeness into biography. While we all employ claims of consent in everyday moral gossip to absolve some and withhold sympathy from others, and while courts of law across the nation commonly predicate legal rights and responsibilities on findings of consent or its absence, Professor Westen convincingly proves that (1) we do not share, either individually or institutionally, a common concept of consent; (2) a number of the competing conceptions of consent that are regularly employed (sometimes simultaneously by the same person or court) are either, in themselves, conceptually incoherent, or are frequently combined in ways that produce conceptual confusion; and (3) our failure to sort out our conceptual confusions results in gross injustices and inequities as we punish the innocent and acquit the guilty. Frankly speaking, when one agrees to review a book one privately hopes for two things: that the book will not offer so many points of disagreement as to make one\u27s review feel like a remedial exercise (giving rise to the so many confusions, so little time response); and that it will offer enough points of disagreement to provide one with grounds for serious debate with the author. If I have one disappointment with Professor Westen\u27s marvelous book, it is that I can find too little with which to disagree! And this is a book of sufficient philosophical daring to deserve more feisty debate than I find myself able to muster

    Sovereignty in Silence

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    Challenging Authority

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    Why You Should Be a Law-Abiding Anarchist (Except When You Shouldn\u27t)

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    In this Article, Professor Hurd emphasizes that the rationality of following any given rule resides in one\u27s confidence that one is acting on the balance of reasons for action - including the good reasons for following the rule - and not at all in the fact that there is a rule. This means that if there are are weightier reasons to break the rule than to abide by it, all reasons for rule-following considered, the fact that one is breaking a rule is no more significant than would be the breaking of a stick. The author lists some reasons that make clear that the anarchist\u27s fundamental refusal to substitute rules for her own judgment is fully compatible with, and indeed largely dictates, a life that rarely runs amok of the law