208 research outputs found

    Household clusters reveal household- and variant-specific properties of SARS-CoV-2

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    It is unclear if – after symptom onset of a primary case of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) in a household – ensuing chains of transmissions among household members occur and if household epidemiology of COVID-19 is modified by the different circulating variants. We analysed data of 52 774 household clusters to investigate the day of symptom onset of ensuing cases in households relative to the symptom onset of the primary case within the household. Irrespective of cluster size or age of the primary case, 95% of all secondary household cases had symptom onset within 14 days after the symptom onset of the primary case. Stratification by variant showed that the mean interval from symptom onset of the primary case to the symptom onset of secondary cases decreased significantly from 4.8 days (wildtype) to 4.5 days (alpha) and 4.0 days (delta). Similarly, the cumulative proportion of 95% of secondary cases occurred within 14 days (wild type), 12 days (alpha) and 10 days (delta). Our findings suggest that during dominant delta circulation – apart from rare individual constellations – a 10-day household quarantine after symptom onset of the primary case is sufficient for household contacts who remain COVID-free.Peer Reviewe

    Hitzebedingte MortalitÀt in Deutschland 2022

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    In den Sommermonaten fĂŒhren hohe Außentemperaturen regelmĂ€ĂŸig zu deutlich erhöhten Sterberaten, insbesondere in Ă€lteren Altersgruppen. Die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr diese hitzebedingte MortalitĂ€t sind vielfĂ€ltig und reichen von TodesfĂ€llen durch Hitzeschlag bis hin zu komplexeren Konstellationen, etwa bei Menschen mit vorbestehenden Herz-Kreislauf- oder Lungenerkrankungen. Der Sommer 2022 war der viertwĂ€rmste seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen im Jahr 1881 und eine Analyse des MortalitĂ€tsverlaufs ĂŒber die Kalenderwochen 15 bis 36 ergibt eine hitzebedingte Übersterblichkeit von rund 4.500 SterbefĂ€llen. Im Sommer 2022 erhöhte sich erstmalig auch wĂ€hrend einer Hitzeperiode die Anzahl der durch COVID-19 verursachten SterbefĂ€lle. Es gab jedoch keine Hinweise auf einen möglicherweise verstĂ€rkenden Effekt hoher Außentemperaturen auf die COVID-19-MortalitĂ€t.Peer Reviewe

    Hitzebedingte MortalitÀt in Deutschland 2022

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    In den Sommermonaten fĂŒhren hohe Außentemperaturen regelmĂ€ĂŸig zu deutlich erhöhten Sterberaten, insbesondere in Ă€lteren Altersgruppen. Die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr diese hitzebedingte MortalitĂ€t sind vielfĂ€ltig und reichen von TodesfĂ€llen durch Hitzeschlag bis hin zu komplexeren Konstellationen, etwa bei Menschen mit vorbestehenden Herz-Kreislauf- oder Lungenerkrankungen. Der Sommer 2022 war der viertwĂ€rmste seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen im Jahr 1881 und eine Analyse des MortalitĂ€tsverlaufs ĂŒber die Kalenderwochen 15 bis 36 ergibt eine hitzebedingte Übersterblichkeit von rund 4.500 SterbefĂ€llen. Im Sommer 2022 erhöhte sich erstmalig auch wĂ€hrend einer Hitzeperiode die Anzahl der durch COVID-19 verursachten SterbefĂ€lle. Es gab jedoch keine Hinweise auf einen möglicherweise verstĂ€rkenden Effekt hoher Außentemperaturen auf die COVID-19-MortalitĂ€t.Peer Reviewe

    Characteristics and risk factors for symptomatic Giardia lamblia infections in Germany

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    Background: In developed countries, giardiasis is considered a travel related disease. However, routine surveillance data from Germany indicate that >50% of infections were acquired indigenously. We studied the epidemiological characteristics of symptomatic Giardia infections acquired in Germany and abroad, and verified the proportion of cases acquired in Germany in order to investigate risk factors for sporadic autochthonous Giardia infections. Methods: We identified Giardia cases notified by 41 local health authorities between February 2007 and January 2008 and interviewed them on their clinical symptoms, underlying morbidities, travel abroad and potential risk factors for the disease. We conducted a case-control-study including laboratory-confirmed (microscopy or antigen-test) autochthonous Giardia cases with clinical manifestations (diarrhoea, cramps, bloating) and randomly selected controls from the local population registry matched by county of residence and age-group (0-5, 6-19, ≄20 years). Secondary cases, controls with diarrhoea and persons who had travelled outside Germany in the three weeks prior to disease onset (exposure period) were excluded. We calculated adjusted odds ratios (aOR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) using conditional logistic regression. Results: Of 273 interviewed cases, 131 (48%) had not travelled abroad during the defined exposure period. Of these 131, 85 (65%) were male, 68 (54%) were living in communities with >100,000 inhabitants and 107 (83%) were aged 20 years or older. We included 120 cases and 240 controls in the case-control study. Cases were more likely to be male (aOR 2.5 CI 1.4-4.4), immunocompromised (aOR 15.3 CI 1.8-127) and daily consumers of green salad (aOR 2.9 CI 1.2-7.2). Contact with animals (pets/farm animals) and exposure to surface water (swimming/water sports) were not associated with symptomatic disease. Conclusions: A substantial proportion of Giardia lamblia cases in Germany are indigenously acquired. Symptomatic cases are significantly more likely to be immunocompromised than control persons from the general population. Physicians should consider Giardia infections among patients with no recent history of travel abroad, particularly if they have immune deficiencies. Green salads may be an important vehicle of infection. Information campaigns highlighting this food-borne risk should emphasise the risk to persons with immune deficiencies

    Serologische Untersuchung von Blutspenden auf Antikörper gegen SARS-CoV-2 (SeBluCo- Studie) – Blutspendedienste unterstĂŒtzen die PandemieĂŒberwachung

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    Blutspendeproben können die SARS-CoV-2-Serosurveillance unterstĂŒtzen, um Maßnahmen zur Infektionskontrolle anzupassen. In einer wiederholten Querschnittsstudie von April 2020 bis April 2021, September 2021 und April / Mai 2022 wurden aus 13 Blutspendeeinrichtungen 134.510 Proben in 28 Regionen auf Antikörper gegen SARS-CoV-2 getestet. Die SeroprĂ€valenz lag bis Dezember 2020 unter 2 % und stieg im April 2021 auf 18,1 %, im September 2021 auf 89,4 % und im April / Mai 2022 auf 100 %. Die Untererfassung lag in den ersten beiden Wellen der Pandemie zwischen 5,1 und 1,1 und blieb danach unter 2, was auf eine angemessene Teststrategie und ein funktionierendes Meldesystem in Deutschland hinweist.Blood donor samples can support SARS-CoV-2 serosurveillance to adapt infection control measures. In a repeated cross-sectional study 134,510 specimens from 13 blood establishments in 28 study regions were tested for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 from April 2020 to April 2021, September 2021, and April / May 2022. The SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence remained below 2 % until December 2020 and increased to 18.1 % in April 2021, 89.4 % in September 2021, and to 100 % in April / May 2022. Underreporting ranged between 5.1 and 1.1 in the first two waves of the pandemic and remained below 2 afterwards, indicating an adequate test strategy and notification system in Germany

    Open-Source Ansatz zur AbschĂ€tzung Sozioökonomischer Klimafolgen fĂŒr Deutschland am Beispiel Extremer Hitze

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    Vorhersage und ProjektionDie Zunahme von Wetter- und Klimaextremen durch den voranschreitenden Klimawandel ist zunehmend mit gesellschaftlichen BeeintrĂ€chtigungen und ökonomischen Kosten verbunden. Eine umfassende Quantifizierung und nutzerspezifische Kommunikation dieser sozioökonomischen Klimafolgen an politische und privatwirtschaftliche Entscheider ist fĂŒr die Vermeidung möglicher Folgen oder eine adĂ€quate Anpassung unerlĂ€sslich. Eine AbschĂ€tzung sozioökonomischer Klimafolgen erfordert (i) Daten zur klimatischen GefĂ€hrdung, (ii) Informationen zur rĂ€umlichen Exposition sozioökonomischer GrĂ¶ĂŸen, (iii) Annahmen zur ihrer SensitivitĂ€t, als auch (iv) eine Maschinerie, um diese GrĂ¶ĂŸen gekoppelt auszuwerten. HierfĂŒr wird in diesem Vortrag die open-source python Plattform CLIMADA [1,2] vorgestellt und zur sozioökonomischen FolgenabschĂ€tzung durch Wetter- und Klimaextreme auf Deutschland angewendet. Am Beispiel von extremer Hitze wird demonstriert, wie projizierte klimatische Trends mit unterschiedlichen Szenarien fĂŒr den demographischen Wandel auf sub-nationaler Skala wechselwirken und so die möglichen Auswirkungen (z.B. durch hitzebedingte Übersterblichkeit [3]) verstĂ€rkt werden könnten. Die Anwendung von CLIMADA ist nicht nur auf Klimaprojektionen beschrĂ€nkt, sondern erlaubt eine rĂ€umlich aufgelöste und nahtlose Bereitstellung von sozioökonomischen Risiken und ökonomischen SchĂ€den durch Wetter- und Klimaextreme von der Wettervorhersage bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts

    Heat in Germany: Health risks and preventive measures

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    Background: Climate change has already led to a significant temperature increase in Germany. The average temperature in the past decade was approximately 2°C above the pre-industrial level and eight of the ten hottest summers since the beginning of systematic weather records in 1881 were recorded in the last 30 years. Methods: Based on a selective literature search and authors’ evaluations, the article summarises the current state of knowledge on heat and its health impacts for Germany, addresses adaptation measures, and gives an outlook on implementation and research questions. Results: Heat can aggravate pre-existing conditions such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory tract, or the kidneys and trigger potentially harmful side effects for numerous medications. A significant increase in mortality is regularly observed during heat events. Previous approaches to mitigate the health impact of high temperatures include, for example, the heat alerts of the German Meteorological Service and recommendations for the preparation of heat-health action plans. Conclusions: Evidence on health impacts of heat and awareness of the need for heat-related health protection have grown in recent years, but there is still a need for further action and research. This is part of a series of articles that constitute the German Status Report on Climate Change and Health 2023

    Breaking the Waves: Modelling the Potential Impact of Public Health Measures to Defer the Epidemic Peak of Novel Influenza A/H1N1

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    BACKGROUND: On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization declared phase 6 of the novel influenza A/H1N1 pandemic. Although by the end of September 2009, the novel virus had been reported from all continents, the impact in most countries of the northern hemisphere has been limited. The return of the virus in a second wave would encounter populations that are still nonimmune and not vaccinated yet. We modelled the effect of control strategies to reduce the spread with the goal to defer the epidemic wave in a country where it is detected in a very early stage. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We constructed a deterministic SEIR model using the age distribution and size of the population of Germany based on the observed number of imported cases and the early findings for the epidemiologic characteristics described by Fraser (Science, 2009). We propose a two-step control strategy with an initial effort to trace, quarantine, and selectively give prophylactic treatment to contacts of the first 100 to 500 cases. In the second step, the same measures are focused on the households of the next 5,000 to 10,000 cases. As a result, the peak of the epidemic could be delayed up to 7.6 weeks if up to 30% of cases are detected. However, the cumulative attack rates would not change. Necessary doses of antivirals would be less than the number of treatment courses for 0.1% of the population. In a sensitivity analysis, both case detection rate and the variation of R0 have major effects on the resulting delay. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Control strategies that reduce the spread of the disease during the early phase of a pandemic wave may lead to a substantial delay of the epidemic. Since prophylactic treatment is only offered to the contacts of the first 10,000 cases, the amount of antivirals needed is still very limited
