17 research outputs found

    Discussing Quantum Aspects of Higher-Derivative 3D-Gravity in the First-Order Formalism

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    In this paper, we reassess the issue of deriving the propagators and identifying the spectrum of excitations associated to the vielbein and spin connection of (1+2)-D gravity in the presence of dynamical torsion, while working in the first-order formulation. A number of peculiarities is pointed out whenever the Chern-Simons term is taken into account along with a combination of bilinear terms in the torsion tensor. We present a procedure to derive the full set of propagators, based on an algebra of enlarged spin-type operators, and we discuss under which conditions the poles of the tree-level 2-point functions correspond to physical excitations that do not conflict with causality and unitarity

    Big bounce from spin and torsion

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    The Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity naturally extends general relativity to account for the intrinsic spin of matter. Spacetime torsion, generated by spin of Dirac fields, induces gravitational repulsion in fermionic matter at extremely high densities and prevents the formation of singularities. Accordingly, the big bang is replaced by a bounce that occurred when the energy density ϵgT4\epsilon\propto gT^4 was on the order of n2/mPl2n^2/m_\textrm{Pl}^2 (in natural units), where ngT3n\propto gT^3 is the fermion number density and gg is the number of thermal degrees of freedom. If the early Universe contained only the known standard-model particles (g100g\approx 100), then the energy density at the big bounce was about 15 times larger than the Planck energy. The minimum scale factor of the Universe (at the bounce) was about 103210^{32} times smaller than its present value, giving \approx 50 \mum. If more fermions existed in the early Universe, then the spin-torsion coupling causes a bounce at a lower energy and larger scale factor. Recent observations of high-energy photons from gamma-ray bursts indicate that spacetime may behave classically even at scales below the Planck length, supporting the classical spin-torsion mechanism of the big bounce. Such a classical bounce prevents the matter in the contracting Universe from reaching the conditions at which a quantum bounce could possibly occur.Comment: 6 pages; published versio

    Four-fermion interaction from torsion as dark energy

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    The observed small, positive cosmological constant may originate from a four-fermion interaction generated by the spin-torsion coupling in the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble gravity if the fermions are condensing. In particular, such a condensation occurs for quark fields during the quark-gluon/hadron phase transition in the early Universe. We study how the torsion-induced four-fermion interaction is affected by adding two terms to the Dirac Lagrangian density: the parity-violating pseudoscalar density dual to the curvature tensor and a spinor-bilinear scalar density which measures the nonminimal coupling of fermions to torsion.Comment: 6 pages; published versio

    Gravitational Energy of Kerr and Kerr Anti-de Sitter Space-times in the Teleparallel Geometry

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    In the context of the Hamiltonian formulation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity we compute the gravitational energy of Kerr and Kerr Anti-de Sitter (Kerr-AdS) space-times. The present calculation is carried out by means of an expression for the energy of the gravitational field that naturally arises from the integral form of the constraint equations of the formalism. In each case, the energy is exactly computed for finite and arbitrary spacelike two-spheres, without any restriction on the metric parameters. In particular, we evaluate the energy at the outer event horizon of the black holes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in JHEP11(2003)00

    Gravitation and inertia; a rearrangement of vacuum in gravity

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    We address the gravitation and inertia in the framework of 'general gauge principle', which accounts for 'gravitation gauge group' generated by hidden local internal symmetry implemented on the flat space. We connect this group to nonlinear realization of the Lie group of 'distortion' of local internal properties of six-dimensional flat space, which is assumed as a toy model underlying four-dimensional Minkowski space. The agreement between proposed gravitational theory and available observational verifications is satisfactory. We construct relativistic field theory of inertia and derive the relativistic law of inertia. This theory furnishes justification for introduction of the Principle of Equivalence. We address the rearrangement of vacuum state in gravity resulting from these ideas.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, revtex4, Accepted for publication in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Quadratic Curvature Gravity with Second Order Trace and Massive Gravity Models in Three Dimensions

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    The quadratic curvature lagrangians having metric field equations with second order trace are constructed relative to an orthonormal coframe. In n>4n>4 dimensions, pure quadratic curvature lagrangian having second order trace constructed contains three free parameters in the most general case. The fourth order field equations of some of these models, in arbitrary dimensions, are cast in a particular form using the Schouten tensor. As a consequence, the field equations for the New massive gravity theory are related to those of the Topologically massive gravity. In particular, the conditions under which the latter is "square root" of the former are presented.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in GR

    Deriving the mass of particles from Extended Theories of Gravity in LHC era

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    We derive a geometrical approach to produce the mass of particles that could be suitably tested at LHC. Starting from a 5D unification scheme, we show that all the known interactions could be suitably deduced as an induced symmetry breaking of the non-unitary GL(4)-group of diffeomorphisms. The deformations inducing such a breaking act as vector bosons that, depending on the gravitational mass states, can assume the role of interaction bosons like gluons, electroweak bosons or photon. The further gravitational degrees of freedom, emerging from the reduction mechanism in 4D, eliminate the hierarchy problem since generate a cut-off comparable with electroweak one at TeV scales. In this "economic" scheme, gravity should induce the other interactions in a non-perturbative way.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Torsion Constraints in the Randall--Sundrum Scenario

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    Torsion appears due to fermions coupled to gravity and leads to the strongest particle physics bounds on flat extra dimensions. In this work, we consider torsion constraints in the case of a warped extra dimension with brane and bulk fermions. From current data we obtain a 3-sigma bound on the TeV--brane mass scale scale \Lambda_\pi > 2.2 (10) TeV for the AdS curvature k=1 (0.01) in (reduced) Planck units. If Dirac or light sterile neutrinos reside on the brane, the bound increases to 17 (78) TeV.Comment: typos corrected, matches the Phys. Rev. D versio