23 research outputs found

    Ein therapeutisches Gruppen-Programm für bosnische Kinder mit Kriegserfahrung

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    Es wird über Erfahrungen berichtet, die mit einem gruppentherapeutischen Programm gesammelt wurden, das für bosnische Kinder, die mit ihren Eltern nach Deutschland geflüchtet waren und die in Jugoslawien den Krieg am eigenen Leib erfahren hatten, gesammelt wurden. Diese Erlebnisse führen dazu, dass solche Kinder unter Alpträumen, Angstgefühlen, Einsamkeit, Verwirrung und Niedergeschlagenheit leiden und mit Aggressionen gegen sich und andere reagieren. Das Programm wurde erstmals im Sommer und Herbst 1995 eingesetzt und evaluiert. Das Programm und die Ergebnisse der Evaluation werden beschrieben

    Conservatism as a predictor of responses to humour—II. The location of sense of humour in a comprehensive attitude space

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    It was attempted to locate dimensions of sense of humour in the attitude space. While previous results suggest that appreciation of jokes based on the incongruity-resolution structure is mainly a function of conservatism, the present paper examined the role of toughmindedness, as the second dimension in the attitude space. Subjects were 115 male and female students. Four conservatism questionnaires (C Scale: Wilson and Patterson, 1970; POI: Eysenck, 1976; MK: Cloetta, 1983; 16PF Q1: Schneewind, Schröder and Cattell, 1983), the 16PF scales E, G, I and M, the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey ‘Study of Values’ scales (Theoretical, Economic, Aesthetic, Social, Political and Religious interest), toughmindedness, capitalism, machiavellianism, disinhibition, rigidity and intolerance of ambiguity were used as marker variables in a factor analysis to identify the two major dimensions of the attitude space, conservatism and toughmindedness. An item factor analysis of 158 attitude items served as a second means to establish a frame of reference for the location of the humour scales. The results showed that funniness of jokes based on the incongruity-resolution structure was located on the conservative side, while funniness of nonsense jokes was located on the liberal side of the C-axis. Appreciation of sex as a salient content in jokes was predicted by toughmindedness. Accordingly, incongruity-resolution sex jokes were located in the toughminded/conservative quadrant, but nonsense sex jokes were located on the T-axis. All rejection scores were located on the tenderminded side. The correlation with conservatism depended on the joke's structure, e.g. rejection of incongruity-resolution jokes was located in the tender/liberal quadrant, while rejection of nonsense jokes was located in the tender/conservative quadrant. The hypotheses were tested at the level of single jokes and also at a higher order level

    Eine retrospektive Untersuchung von familiären Beziehungsstrukturen bei sexuellem Mißbrauch - eine Pilotstudie

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    "In dieser Studie untersuchten wir folgende Fragestellungen: 1) Welche besonderen Beziehungen bestehen in Mißbrauchfamilien? 2) Aus welcher Familie mit welcher Familienstruktur stammt der Partner einer in der Kindheit sexuell mißbrauchten Frau? 3) Welche Beziehungsmuster bestehen in der Gegenwarts- Familie dieser Frau? Diese Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf Erinnerungen von Frauen, die in ihrer Kindheit mißbraucht wurden. Sie werden verglichen mit Frauen, die früher nicht mißbraucht wurden. Um die Frauen nicht zu stereotypen Beantwortungen zu verleiten, wurden die Testungen unter einer Nebenfragestellung durchgeführt. Zur Untersuchung der familiären Beziehungen wurden ein Familien-Skulptur-Test und ein Fragebogen zur Beziehungsstruktur der Herkunftsfamilie angewandt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse: a) Die Hypothese 'Verstrickung' in Mißbrauchfamilien wurde nicht bestätigt. b) Wir fanden eine ausgeprägte Ehe-Spaltung mit gleichzeitigem starken Festhalten am Partner. c) Die sexuell Mißbrauchten erlebten sich in der Kindheit bedeutungslos und von der Mutter nicht gemocht. d) Die Mißbrauchte wählte einen Partner, der eine enge Beziehung zur eigenen Mutter aktiv lebte und in dessen Familie Partnerspaltung zur Trennung führte. e) In der selbst gegründeten Familie bindet sich die Mißbrauchte als Mutter stark an das erste Kind und die Partner trennen sich schneller als in den Vergleichsfamilien." (Autorenreferat)"In this study we investigated the following questions: 1) Which specific relations exist in families with sexual abuse? 2) From what kind of family with which family structure originates the partner of the woman who was sexually abused in her childhood? 3) Which pattern of relationship is to be found in the present family of the woman? These investigations concern the memories of the women who were abused in their childhood. They are compared to women who were not abused. We did not want to get stereotyp answers. Therefore we called the study 'family structure and divorce'. We used a family sculpture test and a questionnaire concerning the structure of the family of origin. The important results are: a) The hypothesis of enmeshment was not confirmed. b) We found a significant psychological Separation of the partners, but no divorce. c) The abused woman saw herself worthless in her childhood and disliked by her mother. d) She elected a partner with a very tight relationship to his mother. When there was a psychological Separation his parents divorced. e) In her present family the woman has a very strong relationship to her first child and she gets a divorce more frequently than other comparable spouses." (author's abstract

    Veränderungsmessung im Rahmen der klassischen Testtheorie

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    Der Beitrag diskutiert die Probleme der Veränderungsmessung im Rahmen der klassischen Testtheorie. Ausgehend von den Axiomen der klassischen Testtheorie (vgl. LoRD und NovrcK 1968) werden exemplarisch für den klinischen Bereich verschiedene Veränderungsindices abgeleitet. Diese werden zunächst vergleichend theoretisch diskutiert. In die Darstellung fließen dann herkömmliche Auswertungsstrategien der Veränderungsmessung ein (non parametrische Tests, Pfadanalyse, Cross-Lagged-Analysis, multivariate Varianzanalyse, Faktorenanalyse etc.). Eine Extension der klassischen Testtheorie stellt der Ansatz von BEREITER (1963), die Einführung änderungssensitiver Items, dar. - Alle methodischen Erwägungen sollen möglichst an Forschungsbeispielen der Klinischen Psychologie erörtert werden. Abschließend sollen für die Forschungspraxis Handlungskonzepte erkennbar sein

    Intolerance of ambiguity as a factor in the appreciation of humour

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    The relevance of the concept ‘Intolerance of Ambiguity’ within the field of humour has been investigated. It is predicted that intolerant people prefer jokes whose incongruity is solvable whilst rejecting the non-solvable nonsense jokes. Subjects were 134 male students who were asked to complete questionnaires and to rate 120 jokes according to the criteria ‘Funniness’ and ‘Rejection’. Both hypotheses were confirmed by comparison of extreme groups as well as in correlations using the whole sample. Additionally, the predictive value of related variables such as Rigidity, Dogmatism and Conservatism was assessed

    Conservatism as a predictor of responses to humour-III. The prediction of appreciation of incongruity-resolution based humour by content saturated attitude scales in five samples

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    Recently it was shown that appreciation of the incongruity-resolution structure in humour is mainly related to conservatism, the main factor in the attitude domain. The present study extends these findings and examines the predictive power of content based attitude scales. Five samples of altogether 663 subjects answered an inventory of attitudes and a humour test. The results generally confirm the model by showing correlations between markers of conservatism and judged funniness of incongruity-resolution humour. Attitude scales showing no correlation with conservatism also did not predict funniness of incongruity-resolution humour. Positive attitudes to sex and technical interests predicted funniness of sexual humour and aversiveness of all humour categories. Attention is given to a potential link between humour and psychosomatic disturbances

    Conservatism as a predictor of responses to humour-I: A comparison of four scales

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    Four conservatism questionnaires (C-Scale; Wilson and Patterson, 1970; POI; Eysenck, 1976; MK; Cloetta, 1983; 16PF-Q1; Schneewind, Schröder and Cattell, 1983) were compared with regard to their ability to predict responses to humour based on the incongruity-resolution structure. We further investigated, whether a prediction of humour responses could be improved by assessing variables like toughmindedness, capitalism, rigidity and intolerance of ambiguity. The results showed that the conservatism scales overlap in their prediction of funniness of incongruity-resolution jokes, sex jokes and rejection of nonsense jokes. Correlations with the other humour scales were specific for certain conservatism questionnaires. A canonical correlation analysis relating the humour scores and the conservatism scales yielded three significant correlations (rc1 = 0.65, rc2 = 0.51 and rc3 = 0.44). Capitalism was also related to appreciation of incongruity-resolution jokes and of sex jokes. The previously found effects of intolerance of ambiguity could be replicated

    Diagnose des Humors - Humor als Diagnostikum

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    Personal values as facilitating and inhibiting factors in the appreciation of humor content

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    Explored the relationship between appreciation of humor and personal values. In Exp I, 115 German university students rated funniness and degree of rejection of jokes and cartoons of 3 types: incongruity-resolution, nonsense, and sex. Ss also completed the German version of the Study of Values scale and the tendermindedness scale of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). In Exp II, 68 male university students completed the Rokeach Value Survey. Funniness as well as the rejection scores of incongruity-resolution jokes and of sex jokes, based on the incongruity-resolution structure, were correlated with the Study of Values categories. Results of Exp II replicated the findings of Exp I. Instrumental values (but not terminal values) were correlated with funniness and rejection of nonsense jokes. A model specifying the effects of value orientation on appreciation of humor content is presented