513 research outputs found

    Cooperative quantum jumps for three dipole-interacting atoms

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    We investigate the effect of the dipole-dipole interaction on the quantum jump statistics of three atoms. This is done for three-level systems in a V configuration and in what may be called a D configuration. The transition rates between the four different intensity periods are calculated in closed form. Cooperative effects are shown to increase by a factor of 2 compared to two of either three-level systems. This results in transition rates that are, for distances of about one wavelength of the strong transition, up to 100% higher than for independent systems. In addition the double and triple jump rates are calculated from the transition rates. In this case cooperative effects of up to 170% for distances of about one wavelength and still up to 15% around 10 wavelengths are found. Nevertheless, for the parameters of an experiment with Hg+ ions the effects are negligible, in agreement with the experimental data. For three Ba+ ions this seems to indicate that the large cooperative effects observed experimentally cannot be explained by the dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, to be published in PR

    Causality, particle localization and positivity of the energy

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    Positivity of the Hamiltonian alone is used to show that particles, if initially localized in a finite region, immediately develop infinite tails.Comment: To appear in: Irreversibility and Causality in Quantum Theory -- Semigroups and Rigged Hilbert Spaces, edited by A. Bohm, H.-D. Doebner and P. Kielanowski, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 504 (1998

    Localization and Causality for a free particle

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    Theorems (most notably by Hegerfeldt) prove that an initially localized particle whose time evolution is determined by a positive Hamiltonian will violate causality. We argue that this apparent paradox is resolved for a free particle described by either the Dirac equation or the Klein-Gordon equation because such a particle cannot be localized in the sense required by the theorems.Comment: 9 pages,no figures,new section adde

    Causality, delocalization and positivity of energy

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    In a series of interesting papers G. C. Hegerfeldt has shown that quantum systems with positive energy initially localized in a finite region, immediately develop infinite tails. In our paper Hegerfeldt's theorem is analysed using quantum and classical wave packets. We show that Hegerfeldt's conclusion remains valid in classical physics. No violation of Einstein's causality is ever involved. Using only positive frequencies, complex wave packets are constructed which at t=0t = 0 are real and finitely localized and which, furthemore, are superpositions of two nonlocal wave packets. The nonlocality is initially cancelled by destructive interference. However this cancellation becomes incomplete at arbitrary times immediately afterwards. In agreement with relativity the two nonlocal wave packets move with the velocity of light, in opposite directions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
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