174 research outputs found

    The political role of intellectuals

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    The article points out that the role of intellectuals in society and its relationship with the government amid the unfolding global financial crisis affected all spheres of social life. The authors proceed from the assumption that a change in the very nature of society, the increasing complexity and accelerating social dynamics, involves changing social community and "intelligentsia" in terms of structural and functional features. It is the rate of flow of social processes in the modern and continuously establishing society has led the authors to the treatment allocation of functional features, which constitute the social community of intellectuals. We believe that intelligentsia carries two major functions in society: stabilization of its social system and the function of its critical analysis. These features obviously have a different direction of its vector, hence, we base our reasoning on the ideas of Gramsci and distinguish its two types: conventional and organic

    Моделирование динамических процессов при фрезерование

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    Исследование динамики процессов фрезерования, путём составления математической модели технологической системы.Investigation of the dynamics of milling processes by drawing up a mathematical model of the technological system

    Бюджетный и коммерческий учёт оплаты труда, сравнительный анализ

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    Целью дипломной работы является провести исследования организации и учета заработной платы, изучить действующие системы и формы оплаты труда, документальное оформление оплаты труда, показать основные этапы начисления заработной платы, удержаний из заработной платы и выплат социального характера, провести анализ начисления заработной платы на конкретном предприятии.The purpose of the thesis is to conduct research on the organization and accounting of wages, to study the existing systems and forms of payment, documentation of wages, to show the main stages of payroll, deductions from wages and social benefits, to analyze the payroll at a particular enterprise

    Theoretical principles of petroleum hydrogeology of the West Siberian megabasin (WSMB)

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    Comprehensive study of the chemical and gas composition, temperatures, levels, pressure of deep underground water in deep wells is associated with the beginning of the systematic development of the oil and gas potential in Western Siberia and the first discovery of large deposits here. The development of new branches of hydrogeology is due to the fact of more and more available data. Thus, fundamental understandings of the WSMB hydrogeological conditions are being translated into new theories. Geodynamically, the WSMB structure was revised and based on hydrogeological data, regional and local prediction of oil and gas occurrence exploration criteria were developed. Based on the dispersion halo water-dissolved substance theory, exploration methodology of "neglected" deposits were formulated, conceptual issues of technogenic changes of oil and gas hydrogeosphere areas were being developed

    Текстильные материалы (ТМ) как фактор термической опасности на ранней стадии развития пожара

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    Объектом исследования являются хлопчатобумажные текстильные материалы различной поверхностной плотности. Цель работы – снижение риска термической опасности текстильных материалов на ранней стадии развития пожара. В процессе исследования проводился эксперимент по определению огнестойкости текстильных материалов, которые были пропитаны огнезащитными составами.The objects of the study are cotton textiles different surface density. Objective - thermal hazard risk reduction textile materials at an early stage of fire development. The study conducted an experiment to determine the fire resistance of textile materials that have been impregnated with flame retardants