4 research outputs found

    Perceptual Factors Affecting the Tendency to Collaboration in SMEs: Perceived Importance of Collaboration Modes and Partners

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    This research aims to explore key factors of SMEs’ external collaboration and identifies the perceived factors affecting propensity for collaboration. Particularly, we focus on two factors – internal strategic activities geared towards open innovation and external collaboration partners, both of which are essential to establishing an external collaboration. We conducted a survey of Korean SMEs regarding their collaboration project experiences, and used logistic regression analysis to analyze the survey data. The research findings are expected to help understanding the complex open innovation mechanism in SMEs and to have meaningful implications for the development of their collaboration model

    What factors of early-stage innovative projects are likely to drive projects’ success? A longitudinal analysis of Korean entrepreneurial firms

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    Previous studies have identified the factors affecting successful technology commercialization as outcomes of R&D projects. However, most of them have used cross‐sectional data, whereas there is a dearth of literature using longitudinal data analysis. Longitudinal analysis is essential for investigating the characteristics of early‐stage innovative projects due to the inherent time lag between project evaluation and commercialization. Therefore, this study examines the early‐stage project characteristics that can be used as meaningful evaluation criteria for predicting success, particularly in technology commercialization. We collected data on the ex‐ante evaluation results and ex‐post commercialization results of R&D projects pursued by entrepreneurial firms. We then conducted a logistic regression analysis and identified three market‐related factors as significant in driving technology commercialization success in the early stages of technology development: market potential, commercialization plan, and market condition

    Where technology transfer research originated and where it is going: a quantitative analysis of literature published between 1980 and 2015

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    Abstract This study aims to identify both where technology transfer research originated and whereitisgoing.Aquantitativeapproachwas adoptedinthis studytoobservethetrendsfrom an objective perspective. To do this, longitudinal bibliographic data of journal papers describing technology transfer from 1980 to 2015 are collected. Topic modeling and co-authorship network analyses are then applied to classify topics and identify an evolution of research groups. First, the principaltransferagentischangedfromgovernmentalorganizationstouniversities,astechnology donors,whileindustryplaystheroleoftechnologyrecipients.Second,majortechnology?eldsthat researchershavefocusedonfollowsociallyattractiveinterests.Third,thescopeoffocusgradually moves from national level research or international transfers to organizational level research. In addition,technologytransferresearchseemstochangefromatechnologytransferapplicationtoa dynamictechnologytransferprocess.Inaddition,sixtopicsareidenti?edandfurtherdiscussedto understand future research directions. The research ?ndings are expected to help us understand research trends in technology transfer and, thus, are expected to provide valuable insights to researchers in this ?eld and policy makers who are in charge of developing policies to support technology transfer.Keywords Technology transfer Research trends Topic modeling Co-authorship network Emerging topic