176 research outputs found

    Novel mechanisms of efflux-mediated levofloxacin resistance and reduced amikacin susceptibility in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

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    Fluoroquinolone resistance in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is multifactorial, but the most significant factor is overproduction of efflux pumps, particularly SmeDEF, following mutation. Here, we report that mutations in the glycosyl transferase gene smlt0622 in S. maltophilia K279a mutant K M6 cause constitutive activation of SmeDEF production, leading to elevated levofloxacin MIC. Selection of a levofloxacin-resistant K M6 derivative, K M6 LEV(r), allowed identification of a novel two-component regulatory system, Smlt2645/6 (renamed SmaRS). The sensor kinase Smlt2646 (SmaS) is activated by mutation in K M6 LEV(r) causing overproduction of two novel ABC transporters and the known aminoglycoside efflux pump SmeYZ. Overproduction of one ABC transporter, Smlt1651-4 (renamed SmaCDEF), causes levofloxacin resistance in K M6 LEV(r). Overproduction of the other ABC transporter, Smlt2642/3 (renamed SmaAB), and SmeYZ both contribute to the elevated amikacin MIC against K M6 LEV(r). Accordingly, we have identified two novel ABC transporters associated with antimicrobial drug resistance in S. maltophilia and two novel regulatory systems whose mutation causes resistance to levofloxacin, clinically important as a promising drug for monotherapy against this highly resistant pathogen

    Identification of Epstein-Barr virus replication proteins in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells

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    The working model to describe the mechanisms used to replicate the cancer-associated virus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is partly derived from comparisons with other members of the Herpes virus family. Many genes within the EBV genome are homologous across the herpes virus family. Published transcriptome data for the EBV genome during its lytic replication cycle show extensive transcription, but the identification of the proteins is limited. We have taken a global proteomics approach to identify viral proteins that are expressed during the EBV lytic replication cycle. We combined an enrichment method to isolate cells undergoing EBV lytic replication with SILAC-labeling coupled to mass-spectrometry and identified viral and host proteins expressed during the OPEN ACCESS Pathogens 2015, 4 740 EBV lytic replication cycle. Amongst the most frequently identified viral proteins are two components of the DNA replication machinery, the single strand DNA binding protein BALF2, DNA polymerase accessory protein BMRF1 and both subunits of the viral ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase enzyme (BORF2 and BaRF1). An additional 42 EBV lytic cycle proteins were also detected. This provides proteomic identification for many EBV lytic replication cycle proteins and also identifies post-translational modifications

    Arabidopsis thaliana myosin XIK is recruited to the Golgi through interaction with a MyoB receptor

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    Perico et al. use co-expression analysis and a FRET-FLIM approach to show that the Arabidopsis MyoB myosin receptor, MRF7, triggers the relocation of Myosin XI-K to the Golgi. As such, this study provides evidence for plant myosin recruitment and control of organelle movement
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