24 research outputs found

    European Integration and Europeanisation: Benefits and Disadvantages for Business. Bruges European Economic Policy (BEEP) Briefing 29/2013

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    European integration is a project of great economic importance for the 500 million consumers and 21 million companies in Europe. With the economic borders between Member States removed, Europeanisation becomes inevitable for companies. The paper proposes a framework to analyse the benefits and disadvantages for business that come with the process of European integration, structured according to the logic of the four fundamental freedoms of movement within the Internal Market (freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and people) complemented by the section on technology and innovation, and the general EU regulatory environment. Whereas the business decisions need to be taken on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration firm’s own capabilities and resources as well as industry specificities, several recommendations for companies willing to Europeanise are made, based on an analysis of the regulatory macro-environment of the EU. Above all, any company willing to be successful in the EU has to become a learning organisation, responsive to the advancements of the macro-environment. The ability to anticipate the regulatory developments and to adjust one’s own business and corporate strategy accordingly is the key to achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the European Union

    Vodafone Facing the EU Roaming Regulations. Bruges Series on European Business Cases 02 / 2015

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    EU institutions have consequently made telecoms integration! in the European Union a priority through programmes such as the "Digital Agenda". Three Roaming Regulations were adopted in 2007, 2009 and 2012 introducing caps on roaming fees until 2022 to foster competition and market integration while ensuring affordable roaming prices for consumers. The Roaming Regulation packages faced strong industry resistance. The imposed price caps were believed to be too low to reflect the true costs of data and were therefore perceived as the reason for cutbacks in infrastructure investments. This case will analyse how Vodafone reacted to the capping of roaming fees, with particular reference to its lobbying strategy

    Turbulent Waters: Viking Line and the Accession of Estonia to the European Union. Bruges Series on European Business Cases 01 / 2015

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    The historical shipping routes between Helsinki/Turku, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden have been operated for decades as duopolies with some insignificant fringe competition. Although the traffic to and from Estonia was already lively and its effects were being felt by Viking Line, the Estonian accession in 2004 had a profound effect; it offered an opportunity to cut costs by flagging ships over to Estonia and by introducing Estonian salary levels for the on-board workforce, thus significantly reducing personnel costs. This business case analyses the response of Viking Line to this changing environment

    Manajemen Strategik Keorganisasian Publik

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    Manajemen strategik memiliki cakupan yang sangat beragam, baik secara teoritis maupun aplikasinya. Berdasarkan atas pertimbangan keberlangsungan penciptaan dan penyampaian nilai pada setiap fungsi organisasi, maka manajemen strategik dideskripsikan sebagai suatu kesatuan proses manajemen yang berulang-ulang serta kemampuannya untuk mendisribusikan dan mengembangkan nilai bagi pemangku kepentingan. Pembahasan buku ini dimulai dari organisasi- nilai kemasyarakatan dan manajemen, perbedaan antara organisasi publik dan swasta, strategi sebagai energi penggerak organisasi, manajemen strategik pada organisasi-organisasi publik, unsur-unsur pengedalian, analisis SWOT, teori struktur organisasi, dan perencanaan organisasi.xxiv, 265 hal.; ilus.; 25 c

    Manajemen Strategik Keorganisasian Publik

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    Manajemen strategik keorganisasian publik/ Aime Heene (dkk)

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    xxiv, 265 hal.: 23 c

    Manajemen strategik keorganisasian publik/ Aime Heene (dkk)

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    xxiv, 265 hal.: 23 c

    Manajemen strategik keorganisasian publik/ Aime Heene (dkk)

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    xxiv, 265 hal.: 23 c

    Manajemen strategik keorganisasian publik/ Aime Heene (dkk)

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    xxiv, 265 hal.: 23 c

    Manajemen strategik keorganisasian publik/ Aime Heene (dkk)

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    xxiv, 265 hal.: 23 c