20 research outputs found

    Promoting Sustainability in University Classrooms Using a STEM Project with Mathematical Modeling

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    The purpose of this study was to explore how a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) project with mathematical modeling influenced student competencies regarding sustainability in a university classroom. We used mixed methods with a convergent parallel design. Forty-two students participated in a STEM project during six consecutive sessions of an algebra class. Before and after the STEM project, the students completed surveys about their perceptions of the mathematical modeling approach. Semi-structured interviews and daily reflection sheets from 10 volunteers were used in qualitative analyses. According to the results of the quantitative analysis, after the completion of the STEM project students perceived that mathematical modeling is a useful tool for recognizing problem situations in the present, for predicting future societal changes, and identifying possible solutions to balance the needs of present and future generations. Our qualitative examination revealed that students’ modeling processes did not necessarily follow processes suggested by prior studies. In fact, students perceived more opportunities to practice modeling processes than we predicted. In addition, students indicated that their increased awareness of STEM projects provided opportunities to practice an interdisciplinary approach and to consider current and future real-world situations. We discuss the implications of our results for teaching sustainability using STEM projects and offer suggestions for future research

    School Bonds and the Onset of Substance Use among Korean Youth: An Examination of Social Control Theory

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    This study examined the association between school bonds and the onset of substance use among adolescents in South Korea. Based on Hirschiā€™s social control theory, this study tested the roles of teacher attachment, educational aspiration, extracurricular activities, and rule internalizationā€”four elements of social bonds within the school settingā€”in delayed initiation of alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking. Discrete-time logistic regression was used to analyze five waves of the Korea Youth Panel Survey (N = 3449 at baseline), a nationally representative sample of Korean youth. Stronger teacher attachment, higher educational aspiration, and higher rule internalization were correlated with delayed onset of alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking. On the other hand, participation in school extracurricular activities was positively associated with the onset of alcohol drinking, but not statistically significantly linked with the onset of cigarette smoking. These findings suggest that early prevention strategies for youth substance use should specifically target school-related factors that represent social bonds developed among youth

    Suggested role of NosZ in preventing N2O inhibition of dissimilatory nitrite reduction to ammonium

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    ABSTRACT Climate change and nutrient pollution are among the most urgent environmental issues. Enhancing the abundance and/or the activity of beneficial organisms is an attractive strategy to counteract these problems. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), which theoretically improves nitrogen retention in soils, has been suggested as a microbial process that may be harnessed, especially since many DNRA-catalyzing organisms have been found to possess nosZ genes and the ability to respire N2O. However, the selective advantage that may favor these nosZ-harboring DNRA-catalyzing organisms is not well understood. Here, the effect of N2O on Nrf-mediated DNRA was examined in a soil isolate, Bacillus sp. DNRA2, possessing both nrfA and nosZ genes. The DNRA metabolism of this bacterium was observed in the presence of C2H2, a NosZ inhibitor, with or without N2O, and the results were compared with C2H2-free controls. Cultures were also exposed to repeated oxic-anoxic transitions in the sustained presence of N2O. The NO2 āˆ’-to-NH4 + reduction following oxic-to-anoxic transition was significantly delayed in NosZ-inhibited C2H2-amended cultures, and the inhibition was more pronounced with repeated oxic-anoxic transitions. The possibility of C2H2 involvement was dismissed since the cultures continuously flushed with C2H2/N2 mixed gas after initial oxic incubation did not exhibit a similar delay in DNRA progression as that observed in the culture flushed with N2O-containing gas. The findings suggest a possibility that the oft-observed nosZ presence in DNRA-catalyzing microorganisms secures an early transcription of their DNRA genes by scavenging N2O, thus enhancing their capacity to compete with denitrifiers at oxic-anoxic interfaces. IMPORTANCE Dissimilatory nitrate/nitrite reduction to ammonium (DNRA) is a microbial energy-conserving process that reduces NO3 āˆ’ and/or NO2 āˆ’ to NH4 +. Interestingly, DNRA-catalyzing microorganisms possessing nrfA genes are occasionally found harboring nosZ genes encoding nitrous oxide reductases, i.e., the only group of enzymes capable of removing the potent greenhouse gas N2O. Here, through a series of physiological experiments examining DNRA metabolism in one of such microorganisms, Bacillus sp. DNRA2, we have discovered that N2O may delay the transition to DNRA upon an oxic-to-anoxic transition, unless timely removed by the nitrous oxide reductases. These observations suggest a novel explanation as to why some nrfA-possessing microorganisms have retained nosZ genes: to remove N2O that may otherwise interfere with the transition from O2 respiration to DNRA

    Decreased vitamin C uptake mediated by SLC2A3 promotes leukaemia progression and impedes TET2 restoration

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    Background Vitamin C suppresses leukaemogenesis by modulating Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase (TET) activity. However, its beneficial effect in the treatment of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) remains controversial. In this study, we aimed to identify a potential predictive biomarker for vitamin C treatment in AML. Methods Gene expression patterns and their relevance to the survival of AML patients were analysed with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET) database cases. In vitro experiments were performed on AML cell lines, a SLC2A3-knockdown cell line and patient-derived primary AML cells. Results SLC2A3 expression was significantly decreased in leukaemic blast cells. Below-median SLC2A3 expression was associated with poor overall survival. Low SLC2A3 expression was associated with less effective demethylation, and a diminished vitamin C effect in the AML and lymphoma cell lines. SLC2A3 knockdown in the KG-1 cell line decreased the response of vitamin C. In patient-derived primary AML cells, vitamin C only restored TET2 activity when SLC2A3 was expressed. Conclusion SLC2A3 could be used as a potential biomarker to predict the effect of vitamin C treatment in AML

    Identification of nosZ-expressing microorganisms consuming trace N<sub>2</sub>O in microaerobic chemostat consortia dominated by an uncultured Burkholderiales

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    Microorganisms possessing N2O reductases (NosZ) are the only known environmental sink of N2O. While oxygen inhibition of NosZ activity is widely known, environments where N2O reduction occurs are often not devoid of O2. However, little is known regarding N2O reduction in microoxic systems. Here, 1.6-L chemostat cultures inoculated with activated sludge samples were sustained for ca. 100 days with low concentration (&lt;2 ppmv) and feed rate (&lt;1.44 Āµmoles hāˆ’1) of N2O, and the resulting microbial consortia were analyzed via quantitative PCR (qPCR) and metagenomic/metatranscriptomic analyses. Unintended but quantified intrusion of O2 sustained dissolved oxygen concentration above 4 ĀµM; however, complete N2O reduction of influent N2O persisted throughout incubation. Metagenomic investigations indicated that the microbiomes were dominated by an uncultured taxon affiliated to Burkholderiales, and, along with the qPCR results, suggested coexistence of clade I and II N2O reducers. Contrastingly, metatranscriptomic nosZ pools were dominated by the Dechloromonas-like nosZ subclade, suggesting the importance of the microorganisms possessing this nosZ subclade in reduction of trace N2O. Further, co-expression of nosZ and ccoNO/cydAB genes found in the metagenome-assembled genomes representing these putative N2O-reducers implies a survival strategy to maximize utilization of scarcely available electron acceptors in microoxic environmental niches.Sanitary Engineerin

    High-Performance, Transparent, and Stretchable Electrodes Using Graphene-Metal Nanowire Hybrid Structures

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    Transparent electrodes that can remain electrically conductive and stable under large mechanical deformations are highly desirable for applications in flexible and wearable electronics. This paper describes a comprehensive study of the electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of hybrid nanostructures based on two-dimensional graphene and networks of one-dimensional metal nanowires, and their use as transparent and stretchable electrodes. Low sheet resistance (33 Omega/sq) with high transmittance (94% in visible range), robust stability against electric breakdown and oxidation, and superb flexibility (27% in bending strain) and stretchability (100% in tensile strain) are observed, and these multiple functionalities of the hybrid structures suggest a future promise for next generation electronics The use of hybrid electrodes to fabricate oxide semiconductor, transistors and single-pixel displays integrated on wearable soft contact lenses with in vivo tests are demonstrated.close302