191 research outputs found

    Genitourinarni karcinomi: potencijalna uloga oslikavanja

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    Imaging is an essential part of the management of patients with genitourinary cancers. Imaging is necessary for diagnosis, treatment selection and planning, applying minimally invasive image-guided techniques, assessment of response to treatment, and post-treatment follow-up. With advances in technology, imaging now comprises far more than descriptive anatomy. In the next decade anatomic, functional and molecular imaging information will increasingly be combined to achieve more accurate disease characterization and better patient care. In this review we present standard as well as some new imaging methods used in patients with kidney and prostate cancer.Oslikavanje je sastavni dio liječenja bolesnika s genitourinarnim karcinomima. Oslikavanje je nužno za dijagnozu bolesti, izbor i planiranje terapije, te vođenje minimalno invazivnih tehnika liječenja, procjenu odgovora na terapiju, te praćenje bolesnika nakon liječenja. S napretkom tehnologije oslikavanje je danas puno više od deskriptivne anatomije. U sljedećoj dekadi kombinirat će se informacije anatomskog, funkcionalnog i molekularnog oslikavanja s ciljem postizanja što bolje karakterizacije bolesti, a samim time i boljeg liječenja bolesnika. U ovom članku prikazat ćemo standardne i neke nove metode oslikavanja koje se primjenjuju kod bolesnika s karcinomom bubrega i karcinomom prostat

    Radiologija u 2002. i poslije

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    Od Roentgenova otkrića x-zraka prije više od 100 godina, medicinsko oslikavanje doživjelo je golem napredak koji se nastavlja. Slikovni prikaz postao je jedno od važnih uporišta suvremene medicine, prijeko potreban pri dijagnozi, planiranju liječenja i praćenju bolesnika. Napredak u medicinskom oslikavanju potaknut je sve većom snagom računala, napretkom u mikromanipulaciji, komunikacijskoj tehnologiji i, u najnovije vrijeme, utjecajem molekularne biologije. Najviše zadivljuje povećanje snage računala, koje čak prelazi Mooreov zakon prema kojemu se broj transakcija po čipu udvostručuje svakih 18 mjeseci. Činjenici da se cijena konstantne snage računala smanjuje logaritmički možemo zahvaliti za relativnu dostupnost najnovije računalne tehnologije. Napredak u ovom području omogućio je različite slikovne prikaze poprečnih presjeka, PACS i teleradiologiju. PACS je omogućio mnogim vodećim medicinskim centrima u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, zapadnoj Europi i Japanu radiološke pretrage bez uporabe filmova. Mnoge druge zemlje su u prijelaznom razdoblju. Teleradiologija nudi mogućnost interpretiranja sofisticiranih supspecijalističkih slikovnih prikaza po cijelome svijetu, a može pomoći i u rješavanju predviđenog manjka radiologa u industrijaliziranim zemljama. Općenito, medicinsko oslikavanje teži sve veaoj osjetljivosti i specifičnosti, a sve manjoj invazivnosti i cijeni

    Thoracic metastasis in advanced ovarian cancer: comparison between computed tomography and video-assisted thoracic surgery.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine which computed tomography (CT) imaging features predict pleural malignancy in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) using video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), pathology, and cytology findings as the reference standard. METHODS: This retrospective study included 44 patients with International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FIGO) stage III or IV primary or recurrent EOC who had chest CT ≤30 days before VATS. Two radiologists independently reviewed the CT studies and recorded the presence and size of pleural effusions and of ascites; pleural nodules, thickening, enhancement, subdiaphragmatic tumour deposits and supradiaphragmatic, mediastinal, hilar, and retroperitoneal adenopathy; and peritoneal seeding. VATS, pathology, and cytology findings constituted the reference standard. RESULTS: In 26/44 (59%) patients, pleural biopsies were malignant. Only the size of left-sided pleural effusion (reader 1: rho=-0.39, p=0.01; reader 2: rho=-0.37, p=0.01) and presence of ascites (reader 1: rho=-0.33, p=0.03; reader 2: rho=-0.35, p=0.03) were significantly associated with solid pleural metastasis. Pleural fluid cytology was malignant in 26/35 (74%) patients. Only the presence (p=0.03 for both readers) and size (reader 1: rho=0.34, p=0.04; reader 2: rho=0.33, p=0.06) of right-sided pleural effusion were associated with malignant pleural effusion. Interobserver agreement was substantial (kappa=0.78) for effusion size and moderate (kappa=0.46) for presence of solid pleural disease. No other CT features were associated with malignancy at biopsy or cytology. CONCLUSION: In patients with advanced EOC, ascites and left-sided pleural effusion size were associated with solid pleural metastasis, while the presence and size of right-sided effusion were associated with malignant pleural effusion. No other CT features evaluated were associated with pleural malignancy

    Women in radiology: gender diversity is not a metric-it is a tool for excellence.

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    Women in Focus: Be Inspired was a unique programme held at the 2019 European Congress of Radiology that was structured to address a range of topics related to gender and healthcare, including leadership, mentoring and the generational progression of women in medicine. In most countries, women constitute substantially fewer than half of radiologists in academia or private practice despite frequently accounting for at least half of medical school enrolees. Furthermore, the proportion of women decreases at higher academic ranks and levels of leadership, a phenomenon which has been referred to as a "leaky pipeline". Gender diversity in the radiologic workplace, including in academic and leadership positions, is important for the present and future success of the field. It is a tool for excellence that helps to optimize patient care and research; moreover, it is essential to overcome the current shortage of radiologists. This article reviews the current state of gender diversity in academic and leadership positions in radiology internationally and explores a wide range of potential reasons for gender disparities, including the lack of role models and mentorship, unconscious bias and generational changes in attitudes about the desirability of leadership positions. Strategies for both individuals and institutions to proactively increase the representation of women in academic and leadership positions are suggested. KEY POINTS: • Gender-diverse teams perform better. Thus, gender diversity throughout the radiologic workplace, including in leadership positions, is important for the current and future success of the field. • Though women now make up roughly half of medical students, they remain underrepresented among radiology trainees, faculty and leaders. • Factors leading to the gender gap in academia and leadership positions in Radiology include a lack of role models and mentors, unconscious biases, other societal barriers and generational changes

    Advancing radiology through informed leadership: summary of the proceedings of the Seventh Biannual Symposium of the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R), 23–25 August 2007

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    The International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R) brings together thought leaders from academia and industry from around the world to share ideas, points of view and new knowledge. This article summarizes the main concepts presented at the 2007 IS3R symposium, providing a window onto trends shaping the future of radiology. Topics addressed include new opportunities and challenges in the field of interventional radiology; emerging techniques for evaluating and improving quality and safety in radiology; and factors impeding progress in molecular imaging and nanotechnology and possible ways to overcome them. Regulatory hurdles to technical innovation and drug development are also discussed more broadly, along with proposals for addressing regulators’ concerns and streamlining the regulatory process

    Women in radiology: gender diversity is not a metric—it is a tool for excellence

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    Abstract: Women in Focus: Be Inspired was a unique programme held at the 2019 European Congress of Radiology that was structured to address a range of topics related to gender and healthcare, including leadership, mentoring and the generational progression of women in medicine. In most countries, women constitute substantially fewer than half of radiologists in academia or private practice despite frequently accounting for at least half of medical school enrolees. Furthermore, the proportion of women decreases at higher academic ranks and levels of leadership, a phenomenon which has been referred to as a “leaky pipeline”. Gender diversity in the radiologic workplace, including in academic and leadership positions, is important for the present and future success of the field. It is a tool for excellence that helps to optimize patient care and research; moreover, it is essential to overcome the current shortage of radiologists. This article reviews the current state of gender diversity in academic and leadership positions in radiology internationally and explores a wide range of potential reasons for gender disparities, including the lack of role models and mentorship, unconscious bias and generational changes in attitudes about the desirability of leadership positions. Strategies for both individuals and institutions to proactively increase the representation of women in academic and leadership positions are suggested. Key Points: • Gender-diverse teams perform better. Thus, gender diversity throughout the radiologic workplace, including in leadership positions, is important for the current and future success of the field. • Though women now make up roughly half of medical students, they remain underrepresented among radiology trainees, faculty and leaders. • Factors leading to the gender gap in academia and leadership positions in Radiology include a lack of role models and mentors, unconscious biases, other societal barriers and generational changes

    Alphonse J. Palubinskas, M.D. 1922–1989

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    Genitourinarni karcinomi: potencijalna uloga oslikavanja

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    Imaging is an essential part of the management of patients with genitourinary cancers. Imaging is necessary for diagnosis, treatment selection and planning, applying minimally invasive image-guided techniques, assessment of response to treatment, and post-treatment follow-up. With advances in technology, imaging now comprises far more than descriptive anatomy. In the next decade anatomic, functional and molecular imaging information will increasingly be combined to achieve more accurate disease characterization and better patient care. In this review we present standard as well as some new imaging methods used in patients with kidney and prostate cancer.Oslikavanje je sastavni dio liječenja bolesnika s genitourinarnim karcinomima. Oslikavanje je nužno za dijagnozu bolesti, izbor i planiranje terapije, te vođenje minimalno invazivnih tehnika liječenja, procjenu odgovora na terapiju, te praćenje bolesnika nakon liječenja. S napretkom tehnologije oslikavanje je danas puno više od deskriptivne anatomije. U sljedećoj dekadi kombinirat će se informacije anatomskog, funkcionalnog i molekularnog oslikavanja s ciljem postizanja što bolje karakterizacije bolesti, a samim time i boljeg liječenja bolesnika. U ovom članku prikazat ćemo standardne i neke nove metode oslikavanja koje se primjenjuju kod bolesnika s karcinomom bubrega i karcinomom prostat