464 research outputs found

    Evaluation of salivary parameters and dental status in adult hemodialysis patients in an indian population

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    Renal failure is a process that expresses a loss of functional capacity of the nephrons, independently of its etiology. The most widely used technique to combat renal failure is hemodialysis. Renal failure causes various systemic alterations including oral complications such as variations in the flow and composition of the saliva. Caries is a multifactorial disease and impaired stimulated salivary flow rate and buffering capacity are the best-known risk factors. The present study aims to evaluate the salivary pH, buffering capacity and the flow rate of saliva to the DMFT status in adult hemodialysis patients among the Indian population. Twenty healthy individuals and sixty patients undergoing hemodialysis were divided into four groups based on the following criteria: Group 1: Control group; healthy individuals,Group 2: Patients before undergoing dialysis or undergoing dialysis2 years. Dental examinations were performed according to the modified WHO oral health survey 2013 criteria and DMFT index. Saliva was collected after pre-stimulation to measuring the flow rate, buffering capacity and pH. The results exhibited a decrease in the salivary flow rate and buffering capacity with the increase in the time interval of hemodialysis, but salivary pH was found to be increasing with time. A direct relationship was seen between the DMFT scores with the increasing time interval. There was a significant correlation between DMFT index, stimulated salivary flow rate, and buffering capacity in the patients. Oral health impairment can beacon to grave problems in infection-prone hemodialysis patients. Hence, the patients on hemodialysis should have regular dental examinations and treatment. Regular dental examination and instruction in patients awaiting a renal transplantation is of vital importance to ensure optimal oral health

    Degradation of MEPE, DMP1, and Release of SIBLING ASARM-Peptides (Minhibins): ASARM-Peptide(s) Are Directly Responsible for Defective Mineralization in HYP

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    Mutations in PHEX (phosphate-regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidases on the X chromosome) and DMP1 (dentin matrix protein 1) result in X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (HYP) and autosomal-recessive hypophosphatemic-rickets (ARHR), respectively. Specific binding of PHEX to matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) regulates the release of small protease-resistant MEPE peptides [acidic serine- and aspartate-rich MEPE-associated motif (ASARM) peptides]. ASARM peptides are potent inhibitors of mineralization (minhibins) that also occur in DMP1 [MEPE-related small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoprotein (SIBLING) protein]. It is not known whether these peptides are directly responsible for the mineralization defect. We therefore used a bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) coculture model, ASARM peptides, anti-ASARM antibodies, and a small synthetic PHEX peptide (SPR4; 4.2 kDa) to examine this. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and two-dimensional 1H/15N nuclear magnetic resonance demonstrated specific binding of SPR4 peptide to ASARM peptide. When cultured individually for 21 d, HYP BMSCs displayed reduced mineralization compared with wild type (WT) (−87%, P < 0.05). When cocultured, both HYP and WT cells failed to mineralize. However, cocultures (HYP and WT) or monocultures of HYP BMSCs treated with SPR4 peptide or anti-ASARM neutralizing antibodies mineralized normally. WT BMSCs treated with ASARM peptide also failed to mineralize properly without SPR4 peptide or anti-ASARM neutralizing antibodies. ASARM peptide treatment decreased PHEX mRNA and protein (−80%, P < 0.05) and SPR4 peptide cotreatment reversed this by binding ASARM peptide. SPR4 peptide also reversed ASARM peptide-mediated changes in expression of key osteoclast and osteoblast differentiation genes. Western blots of HYP calvariae and BMSCs revealed massive degradation of both MEPE and DMP1 protein compared with the WT. We conclude that degradation of MEPE and DMP-1 and release of ASARM peptides are chiefly responsible for the HYP mineralization defect and changes in osteoblast-osteoclast differentiation.We acknowledge the very kind gift of pure sPHEX by Dr. Philippe Crine (Department of Biochemistry, University of Montreal, and Enobia Pharma). Also, we acknowledge the anti-DMP1 antibodies generously donated by Dr. Larry Fisher, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Bethesda, MD. Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Peter S. N. Rowe, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, The Kidney Institute, MS 3018, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, Kansas 66160. E-mail: [email protected]. We acknowledge the generous financial support from the National Institutes of Health to P.S.N.R. (RO-1 AR51598-01; National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases). Also, the SPR experiments were performed in the UTHSCSA Center for Macromolecular Interactions, which is supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute (CA54174) and UTHSCSA Executive Research Committee Research fund

    Inability to improve performance with control shows limited access to inner states

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    Any repeatedly performed action is characterized by endogenous variability, affecting both speed and accuracy—for a large part presumably caused by fluctuations in underlying brain and body states. The current research questions concerned (a) whether such states are accessible to us and (b) whether we can act upon this information to reduce variability. For example, when playing a game of darts, there is an implicit assumption that people can wait to throw until they are in the right perceptual-attentional state. If this is true, taking away the ability to self-pace the game should worsen performance. We first tested precisely this assumption asking participants to play darts in a self-paced and a fixed-paced condition. There was no benefit of self-pacing, showing that participants were unable to use such control to improve their performance and reduce their variability. Next, we replicated these findings in 2 computer-based tasks, in which participants performed a rapid action-selection and a visual detection task in 1 self-paced and 3 forced-paced conditions. Over 4 different empirical tests, we show that the self-paced condition did not lead to improved performance or reduced variability, nor to reduced temporal dependencies in the reaction time (RT) series. Overall, it seems that, if people have any access to their fluctuating performance-relevant inner states, this access is limited and not relevant for upcoming performance

    Evaluation of antigens for the serodiagnosis of kala-azar and oriental sores by means of the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT)

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    Antigens and corresponding sera were collected from travellers with leishmaniasis returning to Germany from different endemic areas of the old world. The antigenicity of these Leishmania strains, which were maintained in Syrian hamsters, was compared by indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT). Antigenicity was demonstrated by antibody titres in 18 sera from 11 patients. The amastigotic stages of nine strains of Leishmania donovani and four strains of Leishmania tropica were compared with each other and with the culture forms of insect flagellates (Strigomonas oncopelti and Leptomonas ctenocephali). Eighteen sera from 11 patients were available for antibody determination with these antigens. The maximal antibody titres in a single serum varied considerably depending on which antigen was used for the test. High antibody levels could only be maintained when Leishmania donovani was employed as the antigen, but considerable differences also occurred between the different strains of this species. The other antigens were weaker. No differences in antigenicity between amastigotes and promastigotes of the same strain were observed. It is important to select suitable antigens. Low titres may be of doubtful specificity and are a poor baseline for the fall in titre which is an essential index of effective treatment.Wir sammelten Parasiten und Seren von Reisenden, die aus verschiedenen endemischen Gebieten der Alten Welt mit einer Leishmaniasis nach Deutschland zurückkehrten. Die Antigenaktivitäten der isolierten und fortlaufend in Goldhamstern gehaltenenLeishmania-Stämme wurden im indirekten Immunofluoreszenztest (IFAT) verglichen. Die Antigenität wurde an Hand von Antikörpertitern in 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten bewiesen. Neun Stämme desLeishmania donovani-Komplexes und vierLeishmania tropica-Isolate wurden in ihrem amastigoten Stadium miteinander verglichen. Hinzu kamen zwei Insekten-Flagellaten als Kulturformen:Strigomonas oncopelti undLeptomonas ctenocephali. 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten standen für die Antikörperbestimmung mit diesen Antigenen zur Verfügung. Die maximalen Titerhöhen variierten in ein- und derselben antiserumprobe zum Teil erheblich, je nachdem, welches Antigen für den Test benutzt wurde. Hohe Antikörpertiter konnten nur erhalten werden, wennLeishmania donovani als Antigen vorlag, es ergaben sich aber auch zwischen den einzelnen Stämmen dieser Leishmaniaart erhebliche Unterschiede in der Antigenaktivität. Antigene anderer Art erwiesen sich als wenig wirksam. Zwischen amastigoten und promastigoten Entwicklungsformen einesLeishmania donovani-Stammes konnten keine Unterschiede in der Antigenaktivität erkannt werden. Für den Nachweis möglichst hoher Antikörpertiter im IFAT ist die Auswahl geeigneter Antigene von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Niedrige Titer erschweren deren Beurteilung als spezifisch und sind eine schlechte Ausgangsposition für die Beobachtung des obligatorischen Titerabfalles nach erfolgreicher Therapie

    Seasonal and Altitudinal Changes in Population Density of 20 Species of Drosophila in Chamundi Hill

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    A year long study was conducted to analyze the altitudinal and seasonal variation in a population of Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on Chamundi hill of Mysore, Karnataka State, India. A total of 16,671 Drosophila flies belonging to 20 species of 4 subgenera were collected at altitudes of 680 m, 780 m, 880 m and 980 m. The subgenus Sophophora was predominant with 14 species and the subgenus Drosilopha was least represented with only a single species. Cluster analysis and constancy methods were used to analyze the species occurrence qualitatively. Altitudinal changes in the population density, and relative abundance of the different species at different seasons were also studied. The diversity of the Drosophila community was assessed by applying the Simpson and Berger-Parker indices. At 680 m the Simpson Index was low at 0.129 and the Berger- Parker index was high at 1.1 at 980 m. Linear regression showed that the Drosophila community was positively correlated with rainfall but not elevation, Furthermore the density of Drosophila changed significantly in different seasons (F = 11.20, df 2, 9; P<0.004). The distributional pattern of a species or related group of species was uneven in space and time. D. malerkotliana and D. nasuta were found at all altitudes and can be considered as dominant species

    Identifying lineage effects when controlling for population structure improves power in bacterial association studies

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    Bacteria pose unique challenges for genome-wide association studies because of strong structuring into distinct strains and substantial linkage disequilibrium across the genome1,2. Although methods developed for human studies can correct for strain structure3,4, this risks considerable loss-of-power because genetic differences between strains often contribute substantial phenotypic variability5. Here, we propose a new method that captures lineage-level associations even when locus-specific associations cannot be fine-mapped. We demonstrate its ability to detect genes and genetic variants underlying resistance to 17 antimicrobials in 3,144 isolates from four taxonomically diverse clonal and recombining bacteria: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Strong selection, recombination and penetrance confer high power to recover known antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and reveal a candidate association between the outer membrane porin nmpC and cefazolin resistance in E. coli. Hence, our method pinpoints locus-specific effects where possible and boosts power by detecting lineage-level differences when fine-mapping is intractable
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