3,259 research outputs found

    The Production of HI in Photodissociation Regions and A Comparison with CO(1-0) Emission

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    The gas at the surfaces of molecular clouds in galaxies is heated and dissociated by photons from young stars both near and far. HI resulting from the dissociation of molecular hydrogen H2 emits hyperfine line emission at 21 cm, and warmed CO emits dipole rotational lines such as the 2.6 mm line of CO(1-0). We use previously developed models for photodissociation regions (PDRs) to compute the intensities of these HI and CO(1-0) lines as a function of the total volume density n in the cloud and the far ultraviolet flux G0 incident upon it and present the results in units familiar to observers. The intensities of these two lines behave differently with changing physical conditions in the PDR, and, taken together, the two lines can provide a ground-based radio astronomy diagnostic for determining n and G0 separately in distant molecular clouds. This diagnostic is particularly useful in the range Gzero <~ 100, 10 cm^{-3} <~ n <~ 10^5 cm^{-3}, which applies to a large fraction of the volume of the interstellar medium in galaxies. If the molecular cloud is located near discrete sources of far-UV (FUV) emission, the PDR-generated HI and CO(1-0) emission on the cloud surface can be more easily identified, appearing as layered ``blankets'' or ``blisters'' on the side of the cloud nearest to the FUV source. As an illustration, we consider the Galactic object G216 -2.5, i.e. ``Maddalena's Cloud'', which has been previously identified as a large PDR in the Galaxy. We determine that this cloud has n ~ 200 cm^{-3}, G0 ~ 0.8, consistent with other data.Comment: 13 Pages, 3 Figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Results of Millikan Library Forced Vibration Testing

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    This report documents an investigation into the dynamic properties of Millikan Library under forced excitation. On July 10, 2002, we performed frequency sweeps from 1 Hz to 9.7 Hz in both the East-West (E-W) and North-South (N-S) directions using a roof level vibration generator. Natural frequencies were identified at 1.14 Hz (E-W fundamental mode), 1.67 Hz (N-S fundamental mode), 2.38 Hz (Torsional fundamental mode), 4.93 Hz (1st E-Wovertone), 6.57 Hz (1st Torsional overtone), 7.22 Hz (1st N-S overtone), and at 7.83 Hz (2nd E-Wovertone). The damping was estimated at 2.28% for the fundamental E-W mode and 2.39% for the N-S fundamental mode. On August 28, 2002, a modal analysis of each natural frequency was performed using the dense instrumentation network located in the building. For both the E-W and N-S fundamental modes, we observe a nearly linear increase in displacement with height, except at the ground floor which appears to act as a hinge. We observed little basement movement for the E-W mode, while in the N-S mode 30% of the roof displacement was due to basement rocking and translation. Both the E-W and N-S fundamental modes are best modeled by the first mode of a theoretical bending beam. The higher modes are more complex and not well represented by a simple structural system

    Spatial and temporal distribution of slip for the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake

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    We have determined a source rupture model for the 1992 Landers earthquake (M_W 7.2) compatible with multiple data sets, spanning a frequency range from zero to 0.5 Hz. Geodetic survey displacements, near-field and regional strong motions, broadband teleseismic waveforms, and surface offset measurements have been used explicitly to constrain both the spatial and temporal slip variations along the model fault surface. Our fault parameterization involves a variable-slip, multiple-segment, finite-fault model which treats the diverse data sets in a self-consistent manner, allowing them to be inverted both independently and in unison. The high-quality data available for the Landers earthquake provide an unprecedented opportunity for direct comparison of rupture models determined from independent data sets that sample both a wide frequency range and a diverse spatial station orientation with respect to the earthquake slip and radiation pattern. In all models, consistent features include the following: (1) similar overall dislocation patterns and amplitudes with seismic moments of 7 to 8 × 10^(26) dyne-cm (seismic potency of 2.3 to 2.7 km^3); (2) very heterogeneous, unilateral strike slip distributed over a fault length of 65 km and over a width of at least 15 km, though slip is limited to shallower regions in some areas; (3) a total rupture duration of 24 sec and an average rupture velocity of 2.7 km/sec; and (4) substantial variations of slip with depth relative to measured surface offsets. The extended rupture length and duration of the Landers earthquake also allowed imaging of the propagating rupture front with better resolution than for those of prior shorter-duration, strike-slip events. Our imaging allows visualization of the rupture evolution, including local differences in slip durations and variations in rupture velocity. Rupture velocity decreases markedly at shallow depths, as well as near regions of slip transfer from one fault segment to the next, as rupture propagates northwestward along the multiply segmented fault length. The rupture front slows as it reaches the northern limit of the Johnson Valley/Landers faults where slip is transferred to the southern Homestead Valley fault; an abrupt acceleration is apparent following the transfer. This process is repeated, and is more pronounced, as slip is again passed from the northern Homestead Valley fault to the Emerson fault. Although the largest surface offsets were observed at the northern end of the rupture, our modeling indicates that substantial rupture was also relatively shallow (less than 10 km) in this region

    Neutron Flux at the Gran Sasso Underground LaboratoryRevisited

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    The neutron flux induced by radioactivity at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory is revisited. We have performed calculations and Monte Carlo simulations; the results offer an independent check to the available experimental data reported by different authors, which vary rather widely. This study gives detailed information on the expected spectrum and on the variability of the neutron flux due to possible variations of the water content of the environment.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, systematic uncertainties adde

    Aftershock Accelerograms Recorded on a Temporary Array

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    We recovered 52 timed analog accelerograms from 25 aftershocks of the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, between 3:33p.m. P.d.t. October 16 and 5:43 a.m. October 31. The largest aftershock that we recorded (M_L =4.9) occurred at 4:16p.m. October 16. This aftershock triggered eight accelerographs; preliminary estimates of epicentral distance range from 7 to 35 km. The data from this aftershock may be useful for study of both source and wave-propagation phenomena in the Imperial Valley

    BLITZEN: A highly integrated massively parallel machine

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    The architecture and VLSI design of a new massively parallel processing array chip are described. The BLITZEN processing element array chip, which contains 1.1 million transistors, serves as the basis for a highly integrated, miniaturized, high-performance, massively parallel machine that is currently under development. Each processing element has 1K bits of static RAM and performs bit-serial processing with functional elements for arithmetic, logic, and shifting

    The slip history of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake determined from strong-motion, teleseismic, GPS, and leveling data

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    We present a rupture model of the Northridge earthquake, determined from the joint inversion of near-source strong ground motion recordings, P and SH teleseismic body waves, Global Positioning System (GPS) displacement vectors, and permanent uplift measured along leveling lines. The fault is defined to strike 122° and dip 40° to the south-southwest. The average rake vector is determined to be 101°, and average slip is 1.3 m; the peak slip reaches about 3 m. Our estimate of the seismic moment is 1.3 ± 0.2 × 10^(26) dyne-cm (potency of 0.4 km3). The rupture area is small relative to the overall aftershock dimensions and is approximately 15 km along strike, nearly 20 km in the dip direction, and there is no indication of slip shallower than about 5 to 6 km. The up-dip, strong-motion velocity waveforms are dominated by large S-wave pulses attributed to source directivity and are comprised of at least 2 to 3 distinct arrivals (a few seconds apart). Stations at southern azimuths indicate two main S-wave arrivals separated longer in time (about 4 to 5 sec). These observations are best modeled with a complex distribution of subevents: The initial S-wave arrival comes from an asperity that begins at the hypocenter and extends up-dip and to the north where a second, larger subevent is centered (about 12 km away). The secondary S arrivals at southern azimuths are best fit with additional energy radiation from another high slip region at a depth of 19 km, 8 km west of the hypocenter. The resolving power of the individual data sets is examined by predicting the geodetic (GPS and leveling) displacements with the dislocation model determined from the waveform data, and vice versa, and also by analyzing how well the teleseismic solution predicts the recorded strong motions. The general features of the geodetic displacements are not well predicted from the model determined independently from the strong-motion data; likewise, the slip model determined from geodetic data does not adequately reproduce the strong-motion characteristics. Whereas a particularly smooth slip pattern is sufficient to satisfy the geodetic data, the strong-motion and teleseismic data require a more heterogeneous slip distribution in order to reproduce the velocity amplitudes and frequency content. Although the teleseismic model can adequately reproduce the overall amplitude and frequency content of the strong-motion velocity recordings, it does a poor job of predicting the geodetic data. Consequently, a robust representation of the slip history and heterogeneity requires a combined analysis of these data sets
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