22 research outputs found

    Consensus statement on future directions for the behavioral and social sciences in oral health

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    The behavioral and social sciences are central to understanding and addressing oral and craniofacial health, diseases, and conditions. With both basic and applied approaches, behavioral and social sciences are relevant to every discipline in dentistry and all dental, oral, and craniofacial sciences, as well as oral health promotion programs and health care delivery. Key to understanding multilevel, interacting influences on oral health behavior and outcomes, the behavioral and social sciences focus on individuals, families, groups, cultures, systems, societies, regions, and nations. Uniquely positioned to highlight the importance of racial, cultural, and other equity in oral health, the behavioral and social sciences necessitate a focus on both individuals and groups, societal reactions to them related to power, and environmental and other contextual factors. Presented here is a consensus statement that was produced through an iterative feedback process. The statement reflects the current state of knowledge in the behavioral and social oral health sciences and identifies future directions for the field, focusing on 4 key areas: behavioral and social theories and mechanisms related to oral health, use of multiple and novel methodologies in social and behavioral research and practice related to oral health, development and testing of behavioral and social interventions to promote oral health, and dissemination and implementation research for oral health. This statement was endorsed by over 400 individuals and groups from around the world and representing numerous disciplines in oral health and the behavioral and social sciences. Having reached consensus, action is needed to advance and further integrate and translate behavioral and social sciences into oral health research, oral health promotion and health care, and the training of those working to ensure oral health for all

    Untangling the effects of overexploration and overexploitation on organizational performance: The moderating role of environmental dynamism

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    Because a firm's optimal knowledge search behavior is determined by unique firm and industry conditions, organizational performance should be contingent oil the degree to which a firm's actual level of knowledge search deviates from the optimal level. It is thus hypothesized that deviation from the optimal search, in the form of either overexploitation or overexploration, is detrimental to organizational performance. Furthermore, the negative effect of search deviation oil organizational performance varies with environmental dynamism: that is, overexploitation is expected to become more harmful. whereas overexploration becomes less so with all increase in environmental dynamism. The empirical analyses yield results consistent with these arguments. Implications for research and practice are correspondingly discussed

    Marcadores SNP: conceitos básicos, aplicações no manejo e no melhoramento animal e perspectivas para o futuro SNP markers: basic concepts, applications in animal breeding and management and perspectives for the future

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    Os primeiros estudos de identificação, caracterização e utilização de marcadores moleculares para a caracterização de recursos genéticos e geração de ferramentas para o melhoramento animal datam do final da década de 80. Nos últimos 20 anos as tecnologias para geração de dados moleculares passaram por vários ciclos de renovação. A última onda de inovações tecnológicas representa uma verdadeira revolução e trouxe metodologias para identificar e genotipar marcadores SNP (do inglês Single Nucleotide Polimorphism) de maneira massal. Chips de DNA de alta densidade foram criados para genotipar de dezenas de milhares até centenas de milhares de marcadores SNP em um único ensaio. Além disso, outras tecnologias de média densidade permitem também a genotipagem de dezenas a centenas de marcadores, em números elevados de amostras, com altíssima velocidade e automação. Essas novas tecnologias permitiram a geração de novas aplicações, como as metodologias para avaliação genética e seleção com base no Valor Genômico (Genomic Estimated Breeding Value- GEBV). Os métodos estatísticos para avaliação e seleção genômica estão em pleno desenvolvimento, mas a tecnologia já se tornou uma realidade com o lançamento do primeiro sumário de touros para a raça Holandesa com GEBVs para características de produção e qualidade do leite em janeiro de 2009. Além disso, essas tecnologias também trouxeram novas opções para desenvolvimento de testes diagnósticos para confirmação de paternidade, identificação individual, rastreabilidade, etc. Além dessas inovações, as novas tecnologias de genotipagem de marcadores SNP facilitaram também o desenvolvimento de serviços terceirizados de geração de dados, permitindo que qualquer grupo realize pesquisas avançadas, sempre com as tecnologias mais avançadas, sem a necessidade de investimentos em equipamentos.<br>The first studies to identify, characterize and use molecular markers to characterize genetic resources and generate tools for animal breeding and management date from the end of the 80s. In the last 20 years the technologies to generate molecular data went through several innovation cycles. The last wave of technological innovations represents a true revolution, bringing methods to identify and genotype SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) markers in large scale. High density DNA chips were generated to genotype from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of SNPs in a single assay. Furthermore, other medium density technologies allow for the genotyping of tens to hundreds of makers, in high numbers of samples, with very high speed and automation. These new technologies allowed for the generation of new applications, such as the methods to genetically evaluate and select animals based on their Genomic Value (Genomic Estimated Breeding Value - GEBV). The statistical methods for genomic evaluation and selection are in full development, but the technology already became reality with the release of the first bull summary for the Holstein breed with GEBVs for milk production and quality traits in January 2009. In addition, these technologies brought new options for development of diagnostic tests for paternity testing, individual identification, traceability, etc. Also, these new technologies to genotype SNP markers facilitated the development of outsourcing companies to generate molecular data, allowing any group to conduct advanced experiments, always using the most advanced technologies, without the need of investments into equipment