21 research outputs found

    Predicting the performance of users as human sensors of security threats in social media

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    While the human as a sensor concept has been utilised extensively for the detection of threats to safety and security in physical space, especially in emergency response and crime reporting, the concept is largely unexplored in the area of cyber security. Here, we evaluate the potential of utilising users as human sensors for the detection of cyber threats, specifically on social media. For this, we have conducted an online test and accompanying questionnaire-based survey, which was taken by 4,457 users. The test included eight realistic social media scenarios (four attack and four non-attack) in the form of screenshots, which the participants were asked to categorise as “likely attack” or “likely not attack”. We present the overall performance of human sensors in our experiment for each exhibit, and also apply logistic regression and Random Forest classifiers to evaluate the feasibility of predicting that performance based on different characteristics of the participants. Such prediction would be useful where accuracy of human sensors in detecting and reporting social media security threats is important. We identify features that are good predictors of a human sensor’s performance and evaluate them in both a theoretical ideal case and two more realistic cases, the latter corresponding to limited access to a user’s characteristics

    A taxonomy of attacks and a survey of defence mechanisms for semantic social engineering attacks

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    Social engineering is used as an umbrella term for a broad spectrum of computer exploitations that employ a variety of attack vectors and strategies to psychologically manipulate a user. Semantic attacks are the specific type of social engineering attacks that bypass technical defences by actively manipulating object characteristics, such as platform or system applications, to deceive rather than directly attack the user. Commonly observed examples include obfuscated URLs, phishing emails, drive-by downloads, spoofed web- sites and scareware to name a few. This paper presents a taxonomy of semantic attacks, as well as a survey of applicable defences. By contrasting the threat landscape and the associated mitigation techniques in a single comparative matrix, we identify the areas where further research can be particularly beneficial

    You are probably not the weakest link: Towards practical prediction of susceptibility to semantic social engineering attacks

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    Semantic social engineering attacks are a pervasive threat to computer and communication systems. By employing deception rather than by exploiting technical vulnerabilities, spear-phishing, obfuscated URLs, drive-by downloads, spoofed websites, scareware, and other attacks are able to circumvent traditional technical security controls and target the user directly. Our aim is to explore the feasibility of predicting user susceptibility to deception-based attacks through attributes that can be measured, preferably in real-time and in an automated manner. Toward this goal, we have conducted two experiments, the first on 4333 users recruited on the Internet, allowing us to identify useful high-level features through association rule mining, and the second on a smaller group of 315 users, allowing us to study these features in more detail. In both experiments, participants were presented with attack and non-attack exhibits and were tested in terms of their ability to distinguish between the two. Using the data collected, we have determined practical predictors of users' susceptibility against semantic attacks to produce and evaluate a logistic regression and a random forest prediction model, with the accuracy rates of. 68 and. 71, respectively. We have observed that security training makes a noticeable difference in a user's ability to detect deception attempts, with one of the most important features being the time since last self-study, while formal security education through lectures appears to be much less useful as a predictor. Other important features were computer literacy, familiarity, and frequency of access to a specific platform. Depending on an organisation's preferences, the models learned can be configured to minimise false positives or false negatives or maximise accuracy, based on a probability threshold. For both models, a threshold choice of 0.55 would keep both false positives and false negatives below 0.2

    An eye for deception: A case study in utilizing the human-as-a-security-sensor paradigm to detect zero-day semantic social engineering attacks

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    In a number of information security scenarios, human beings can be better than technical security measures at detecting threats. This is particularly the case when a threat is based on deception of the user rather than exploitation of a specific technical flaw, as is the case of spear-phishing, application spoofing, multimedia masquerading and other semantic social engineering attacks. Here, we put the concept of the humanas-a-security-sensor to the test with a first case study on a small number of participants subjected to different attacks in a controlled laboratory environment and provided with a mechanism to report these attacks if they spot them. A key challenge is to estimate the reliability of each report, which we address with a machine learning approach. For comparison, we evaluate the ability of known technical security countermeasures in detecting the same threats. This initial proof of concept study shows that the concept is viable

    Assessing the cyber-trustworthiness of human-as-a-sensor reports from mobile devices

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    The Human-as-a-Sensor (HaaS) paradigm, where it is human users rather than automated sensor systems that detect and report events or incidents has gained considerable traction over the last decades, especially as Internet-connected smartphones have helped develop an information sharing culture in society. In the law enforcement and civil protection space, HaaS is typically used to harvest information that enhances situational awareness regarding physical hazards, crimes and evolving emergencies. The trustworthiness of this information is typically studied in relation to the trustworthiness of the human sensors. However, malicious modification, prevention or delay of reports can also be the result of cyber or cyber-physical security breaches affecting the mobile devices and network infrastructure used to deliver HaaS reports. Examples of these can be denial of service attacks, where the timely delivery of reports is important, and location spoofing attacks, where the accuracy of the location of an incident is important. The aim of this paper is to introduce this cyber-trustworthiness aspect in HaaS and propose a mechanism for scoring reports in terms of their cyber-trustworthiness based on features of the mobile device that are monitored in real-time. Our initial results show that this is a promising line of work that can enhance the reliability of HaaS

    Cloud-based cyber-physical intrusion detection for vehicles using Deep Learning

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    Detection of cyber attacks against vehicles is of growing interest. As vehicles typically afford limited processing resources, proposed solutions are rule-based or lightweight machine learning techniques. We argue that this limitation can be lifted with computational offloading commonly used for resource-constrained mobile devices. The increased processing resources available in this manner allow access to more advanced techniques. Using as case study a small four-wheel robotic land vehicle, we demonstrate the practicality and benefits of offloading the continuous task of intrusion detection that is based on deep learning. This approach achieves high accuracy much more consistently than with standard machine learning techniques and is not limited to a single type of attack or the in-vehicle CAN bus as previous work. As input, it uses data captured in real-time that relate to both cyber and physical processes, which it feeds as time series data to a neural network architecture. We use both a deep multilayer perceptron and a recurrent neural network architecture, with the latter benefitting from a long-short term memory hidden layer, which proves very useful for learning the temporal context of different attacks. We employ denial of service, command injection and malware as examples of cyber attacks that are meaningful for a robotic vehicle. The practicality of the latter depends on the resources afforded onboard and remotely, as well as the reliability of the communication means between them. Using detection latency as the criterion, we have developed a mathematical model to determine when computation offloading is beneficial given parameters related to the operation of the network and the processing demands of the deep learning model. The more reliable the network and the greater the processing demands, the greater the reduction in detection latency achieved through offloading

    CASPER: Context-Aware IoT Anomaly Detection System for Industrial Robotic Arms

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    Industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS) are widely employed in supervising and controlling critical infrastructures (CIs), with manufacturing systems that incorporate industrial robotic arms being a prominent example. The increasing adoption of ubiquitous computing technologies in these systems has led to benefits such as real-time monitoring, reduced maintenance costs, and high interconnectivity. This adoption has also brought cybersecurity vulnerabilities exploited by adversaries disrupting manufacturing processes via manipulating actuator behaviors. Previous incidents in the industrial cyber domain prove that adversaries launch sophisticated attacks rendering network-based anomaly detection mechanisms insufficient as the "physics" involved in the process is overlooked. To address this issue, we propose an IoT-based cyber-physical anomaly detection system that can detect motion-based behavioral changes in an industrial robotic arm. We apply both statistical and state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) methods to real-time Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data collected from an edge development board attached to an arm doing a pick-and-place operation. To generate anomalies, we modify the joint velocity of the arm. Our goal is to create an air-gapped secondary protection layer to detect "physical" anomalies without depending on the integrity of network data, thus augmenting overall anomaly detection capability. Our empirical results show that the proposed system, which utilizes 1D-CNNs, can successfully detect motion-based anomalies on a real-world industrial robotic arm. The significance of our work lies in its contribution to developing a comprehensive solution for ICPS security, which goes beyond conventional network-based methods

    A prototype deep learning paraphrase identification service for discovering information cascades in social networks

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    Identifying the provenance of information posted on social media and how this information may have changed over time can be very helpful in assessing its trustworthiness. Here, we introduce a novel mechanism for discovering “post-based” information cascades, including the earliest relevant post and how its information has evolved over subsequent posts. Our prototype leverages multiple innovations in the combination of dynamic data sub-sampling and multiple natural language processing and analysis techniques, benefiting from deep learning architectures. We evaluate its performance on EMTD, a dataset that we have generated from our private experimental instance of the decentralised social network Mastodon, as well as the benchmark Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus, reporting no errors in sub-sampling based on clustering, and an average accuracy of 92% and F1 score of 93% for paraphrase identification