2,967 research outputs found

    The intrinsic rate of increase of reindeer and caribou populations in arctic environments

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    The intrinsic rate of increase of an animal population, rm, is specific to the environment in which it is measured. Previous estimates of maximum growth rates for reindeer and caribou Rangifer tarandus populations were based on introductions to islands with cool oceanic climates. The mean intrinsic rate of increase of 6 populations was 0.26 ranging from 0.21 on St Paul Island in the Bering Sea to 0.29 in the Barff herd on South Georgia. I calculated rm for two Rangifer populations introduced to arctic environments to determine the effect of environmental severity on the intrinsic rate of increase. Reindeer on the Belcher islands increased at rm= 0.28 and caribou on Southampton Island increased at rm = 0.23 (mean = 0.26). The lower primary productivity and longer duration of snow cover in arctic environments did not affect the intrinsic rate of increase

    Creep of ice: Further studies

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    Detailed studies have been done of ice creep as related to the icy satellites, Ganymede and Callisto. Included were: (1) the flow of high-pressure water ices II, III, and V, and (2) frictional sliding of ice I sub h. Work was also begun on the study of the effects of impurities on the flow of ice. Test results are summarized

    The use of satellite images to estimate snow depth and distribution on the forested winter range of the Beverly caribou herd

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    Satellite imagery of passive microwave emissions from the earth accurately determined both snow depth and distribution on the Beverly caribou herd's forested winter range

    First Report of the Alfalfa Blotch Leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae), and Selected Parasites (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA

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    Alfalfa blotch leafminer, Agromyza frontella, has been a serious pest of alfalfa, Medicago sativa, in the northeastern U.S. and in eastern Ontario, Canada. Until recently, the western edge of the A. frontella distribution in the U.S. was limited to eastern Ohio. We document for the first time, the occurrence of A. frontella in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Alfalfa stems damaged by A. frontella, based on adult feeding punctures, obvious blotched leafmining or the presence of larvae, were first found in 3 northern Minnesota coun­ties during October, 1994. Infested counties included Lake of the Woods, Cook and Lake, all bordering western Ontario, Canada. In 1995, A. frontella was again found in Cook and Lake counties, where 99-100% of the stems, and 18-35% of the trifoliates/stem, contained larvae or exhibited obvious feeding damage. In 1996, following a more expanded survey, a total of 11 and 5 counties, in Minnesota and Wisconsin, respectively, showed some level of A. frontella feeding damage (stem samples ranged from \u3c5 to 100% infested). Based on additional counties surveyed 11 October, 1996, where A. frontella was not found, we now have a reasonable estimate of the southern edge of the distribution in Minnesota and Wisconsin. A total of 2 and 6 A. frontella adults were identified from sweep-net samples taken from fields with obvious feeding damage during 1995 (Lake Co.) and 1996 (Cook Co,), respectively. Three eulophid (Hymenoptera) parasites were reared from A. frontella-infested alfalfa stems collected during October, 1994 in Cook Co., Minn., including: Diglyphus begini, D. pulchripes, and Diglyphus sp., prob. isaea, all of which are new records. Our hypothesis is that A. frontella moved into Minnesota from Ontario Canada, via alfalfa hay purchased by northern Minnesota growers

    Population dynamics of the Kaminuriak caribou herd, 1968 - 1985

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    The Kaminuraik caribou herd apparently declined from about 120 000 animals in 1950 to 63 000 in 1968. Beginning in 1968 documentation of herd trend was based on the estimate of the number of breeding (pregnant and post-partum) females on the calving ground during the birth peak. It appeared as if we understood the basic population processes responsible for the decline when we correctly predicted a drop from 14 800 breeding females in 1977 to 13 000 in 1980. However a three-fold increase, to 41 000 breeding females in 1982, and continued growth thereafter, was unanticipated. Most of that increase must have resulted from an immigration of cows to the herd's traditional calving ground around Kaminuriak Lake, although increased birth rates, and increased survival rates also contributed to herd growth. Immigrant cows probably came from the northeastern mainland of the NW

    World status of wild Rangifer tarandus populations

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    We recognized 184 herds of wild Rangifer tarandus, 102 in North America, 55 in Europe, 24 in Asia and 3 on South Georgia. Seventy-five percent of the world population of 3.3 to 3.9 million animals occurred in nine herds. All seven herds larger than 120 000 animals were censused by some means of aerial photography and all were increasing. Herds between 20 000 and 120 000 were most often censused using aerial strip transect methods, while total counts were usually employed to census smaller herds. The most pronounced changes in Rangifer herd status between 1979 and 1985 occurred in North America where population "estimates for five herds increased by a total of about one million animals. Part of this increase is attributable to a change from visual to photographic surveys. Eighty-three percent of North American, 88% of European, and 68% of Asian herds were stable or increasing

    Caribou in British Columbia: A 1996 status report

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    Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in British Columbia are classified into mountain, northern and boreal ecotypes based on behavioural and ecological characteristics. We recognized 12 mountain caribou herds, 27 northern caribou herds, and an area occupied by low density boreal caribou dispersed in the boreal forests of the northeast portion of the province. Abundance estimates were usually based on attempts at total counts made from the air. Trends were based on repeated population estimates or the difference between recruitment and mortality rates for each herd. In 1996 there were approximately 18 000 caribou in British Columbia; 2300 mountain and 15 600 northern and boreal. These estimates suggest a slight increase in the numbers of both ecotypes over the last 18 years. Fifteen percent of the herds were reportedly increasing, 10% were decreasing, 31% were stable, but for 44% of the herds the trend was unknown. Historically caribou were found throughout 8 of the 14 biogeoclimatic zones in B.C. Caribou are now rarely found in the Sub-Boreal Spruce zone, likely due to increased predation from wolves that increased in response to increasing moose numbers. Ranges of several herds in the Engelmann Spruce — Subalpine Fir and Alpine Tundra zones of south-eastern British Columbia are also reduced relative to historic conditions, probably because of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, predation and hunting. Forest harvesting represents the greatest threat to caribou habitat and current research focuses on the mitigation of forest harvesting impacts

    Ice and mineral licks used by caribou in winter

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    In winter, barren-ground caribou obtain minerals from ice and soil licks. Between December and April we have seen caribou cratering on the surface of frozen lakes and licking the ice. Ice samples from eight licks on four lakes contained concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chloride and sulphate many times higher than in the surrounding unlicked ice or than would be expected in lake water. Soil licks being used in March and June had high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium phosphorus and potassium. In winter caribou may be seeking supplements of all of the major mineral elements (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) at ice and soil licks because lichens, their staple winter diet, are low in minerals and may also reduce the absorption of some minerals