89 research outputs found

    A note on tachyon actions in string theory

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    A number of spacetime fields in string theory (notably the metric, dilaton, bosonic and type 0 bulk closed-string tachyon, and bosonic open-string tachyon) have the following property: whenever the spacetime field configuration factorizes in an appropriate sense, the matter sector of the world-sheet theory factorizes into a tensor product of two decoupled theories. Since the beta functions for such a product theory necessarily also factorize, this property strongly constrains the form of the spacetime action encoding those beta functions. We show that this constraint alone--without needing actually to compute any of the beta functions--is sufficient to fix the form of the two-derivative action for the metric-dilaton system, as well as the potential for the bosonic open-string tachyon. We also show that no action consistent with this constraint exists for the closed-string tachyon coupled to the metric and dilaton.Comment: 17 pages; v2: comments on implications for string field theory added; refs adde

    General properties of holographic entanglement entropy

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    The Ryu-Takayanagi formula implies many general properties of entanglement entropies in holographic theories. We review the known properties, such as continuity, strong subadditivity, and monogamy of mutual information, and fill in gaps in some of the previously-published proofs. We also add a few new properties, including: properties of the map from boundary regions to bulk regions implied by the RT formula, such as monotonicity; conditions under which subadditivity-type inequalities are saturated; and an inequality concerning reflection-symmetric states. We attempt to draw lessons from these properties about the structure of the reduced density matrix in holographic theories.Comment: 27 page

    The large N limit of C/Z_N and supergravity

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    The C/Z_N orbifold of type II string theory has localized tachyons with m^2 ranging from -1+1/N to -2/N in units of 2/\alpha'. We show that by restricting attention to the lightest tachyons it is possible to take a zero-slope limit where N is taken to infinity while N\alpha' is held fixed. This is done by applying Buscher duality in the angular direction of the cone to obtain a supergravity solution on which the tachyons are gravitational instabilities. In this picture, supergravity provides a natural off-shell description of the tachyonic interactions. For example, the three-point couplings can be read off easily (to leading order in 1/N) from the supergravity action, and are in agreement with the on-shell couplings computed using CFT techniques.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; v2: reference adde

    Minimal-area metrics on the Swiss cross and punctured torus

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    The closed string field theory minimal-area problem asks for the conformal metric of least area on a Riemann surface with the condition that all non-contractible closed curves have length at least 2\pi. Through every point in such a metric there is a geodesic that saturates the length condition, and saturating geodesics in a given homotopy class form a band. The extremal metric is unknown when bands of geodesics cross, as it happens for surfaces of non-zero genus. We use recently proposed convex programs to numerically find the minimal-area metric on the square torus with a square boundary, for various sizes of the boundary. For large enough boundary the problem is equivalent to the "Swiss cross" challenge posed by Strebel. We find that the metric is positively curved in the two-band region and flat in the single-band regions. For small boundary the metric develops a third band of geodesics wrapping around it, and has both regions of positive and negative curvature. This surface can be completed to provide the minimal-area metric on a once-punctured torus, representing a closed-string tadpole diagram.Comment: 59 pages, 41 figures. v2: Minor edits and reference update