49,095 research outputs found

    New Parametrization of Neutrino Mixing Matrix

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    Global fits to neutrino oscillation data are compatible with tri-bimaximal mixing pattern, which predicts θ23=π4,θ12=sin1(13)\theta_{23} = \frac{\pi}{4}, \theta_{12} = \sin^{-1} (\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}) and θ13=0\theta_{13} = 0. We propose here to parametrize the tri-bimaximal mixing matrix VTBMV_{TBM} by its hermitian generator HTBMH_{TBM} using the exponential map. Then we use the exponential map to express the deviations from tri-bimaximal pattern by deriving the hermitian matrices Hz=0H_{z=0} and H1H_1. These deviations might come from the symmetry breaking of the neutrino and charged lepton sectors.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, correted minor typo

    Robust Preparation of GHZ and W States of Three Distant Atoms

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    Schemes to generate Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ) and W states of three distant atoms are proposed in this paper. The schemes use the effects of quantum statistics of indistinguishable photons emitted by the atoms inside optical cavities. The advantages of the schemes are their robustness against detection inefficiency and asynchronous emission of the photons. Moreover, in Lamb-Dicke limit, the schemes do not require simultaneous click of the detectors, this makes the schemes more realizable in experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 1 fiure. Phys. Rev. A 75, 044301 (2007

    Euler equation of the optimal trajectory for the fastest magnetization reversal of nano-magnetic structures

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    Based on the modified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for an arbitrary Stoner particle under an external magnetic field and a spin-polarized electric current, differential equations for the optimal reversal trajectory, along which the magnetization reversal is the fastest one among all possible reversal routes, are obtained. We show that this is a Euler-Lagrange problem with constrains. The Euler equation of the optimal trajectory is useful in designing a magnetic field pulse and/or a polarized electric current pulse in magnetization reversal for two reasons. 1) It is straightforward to obtain the solution of the Euler equation, at least numerically, for a given magnetic nano-structure characterized by its magnetic anisotropy energy. 2) After obtaining the optimal reversal trajectory for a given magnetic nano-structure, finding a proper field/current pulse is an algebraic problem instead of the original nonlinear differential equation

    Model for a Light Z' Boson

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    A model of a light ZZ' boson is constructed and phenomenological bounds are derived. This ZZ' boson arises from a very simple extension to the Standard Model, and it is constrained to be light because the vacuum expectation values which generate its mass also break the electroweak gauge group. It is difficult to detect experimentally because it couples exclusively or primarily (depending on symmetry breaking details) to second and third generation leptons. However, if the ZZ' boson is sufficiently light, then there exists the possibility of the two-body decay τμZ\tau \rightarrow \mu Z' occuring. This will provide a striking signature to test the model.Comment: 20 pages + 5 pages of figures (appended as postscipt files), LaTeX, OITS-53

    Lattice Boltzmann Model for Axisymmetric Multiphase Flows

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    In this paper, a lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is presented for axisymmetric multiphase flows. Source terms are added to a two-dimensional standard lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) for multiphase flows such that the emergent dynamics can be transformed into the axisymmetric cylindrical coordinate system. The source terms are temporally and spatially dependent and represent the axisymmetric contribution of the order parameter of fluid phases and inertial, viscous and surface tension forces. A model which is effectively explicit and second order is obtained. This is achieved by taking into account the discrete lattice effects in the Chapman-Enskog multiscale analysis, so that the macroscopic axisymmetric mass and momentum equations for multiphase flows are recovered self-consistently. The model is extended to incorporate reduced compressibility effects. Axisymmetric equilibrium drop formation and oscillations, breakup and formation of satellite droplets from viscous liquid cylindrical jets through Rayleigh capillary instability and drop collisions are presented. Comparisons of the computed results with available data show satisfactory agreement.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Anomalous Phase Transition in Strained SrTiO3_3 Thin Films

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    We have studied the cubic to tetragonal phase transition in epitaxial SrTiO3_3 films under various biaxial strain conditions using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Measuring the superlattice peak associated with TiO6_6 octahedra rotation in the low temperature tetragonal phase indicates the presence of a phase transition whose critical temperature is a strong function of strain, with TC_C as much as 50K above the corresponding bulk temperature. Surprisingly, the lattice constants evolve smoothly through the transition with no indication of a phase change. This signals an important change in the nature of the phase transition due to the epitaxy strain and substrate clamping effect. The internal degrees of freedom (TiO6_6 rotations) have become uncoupled from the overall lattice shape.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX

    Generation of high-energy monoenergetic heavy ion beams by radiation pressure acceleration of ultra-intense laser pulses

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    A novel radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) regime of heavy ion beams from laser-irradiated ultrathin foils is proposed by self-consistently taking into account the ionization dynamics. In this regime, the laser intensity is required to match with the large ionization energy gap when the successive ionization of high-Z atoms passing the noble gas configurations [such as removing an electron from the helium-like charge state (Z2)+(\text{Z}-2)^+ to (Z1)+(\text{Z}-1)^+]. While the target ions in the laser wing region are ionized to low charge states and undergo rapid dispersions due to instabilities, a self-organized, stable RPA of highly-charged heavy ion beam near the laser axis is achieved. It is also found that a large supplement of electrons produced from ionization helps preserving stable acceleration. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that a monoenergetic Al13+\text{Al}^{13+} beam with peak energy 1 GeV1\ \text{GeV} and energy spread of 5%5\% is obtained by lasers at intensity 7×1020 W/cm27\times10^{20}\ \text{W}/\text{cm}^2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mathematical control of complex systems 2013

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    Mathematical control of complex systems have already become an ideal research area for control engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and biologists to understand, manage, analyze, and interpret functional information/dynamical behaviours from real-world complex dynamical systems, such as communication systems, process control, environmental systems, intelligent manufacturing systems, transportation systems, and structural systems. This special issue aims to bring together the latest/innovative knowledge and advances in mathematics for handling complex systems. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: control systems theory (behavioural systems, networked control systems, delay systems, distributed systems, infinite-dimensional systems, and positive systems); networked control (channel capacity constraints, control over communication networks, distributed filtering and control, information theory and control, and sensor networks); and stochastic systems (nonlinear filtering, nonparametric methods, particle filtering, partial identification, stochastic control, stochastic realization, system identification)

    Topological phase due to electric dipole moment and magnetic monopole interaction

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    We show that there is an anologous Aharonov-Casher effect on a neutral particle with electric dipole moment interacting with a magnetic filed produced by magnetic monopoles.Comment: 8 page