13,796 research outputs found

    Mono3D++: Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection with Two-Scale 3D Hypotheses and Task Priors

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    We present a method to infer 3D pose and shape of vehicles from a single image. To tackle this ill-posed problem, we optimize two-scale projection consistency between the generated 3D hypotheses and their 2D pseudo-measurements. Specifically, we use a morphable wireframe model to generate a fine-scaled representation of vehicle shape and pose. To reduce its sensitivity to 2D landmarks, we jointly model the 3D bounding box as a coarse representation which improves robustness. We also integrate three task priors, including unsupervised monocular depth, a ground plane constraint as well as vehicle shape priors, with forward projection errors into an overall energy function.Comment: Proc. of the AAAI, September 201

    Neutrino Masses and Heavy Triplet Leptons at the LHC: Testability of Type III Seesaw

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    We study LHC signatures of Type III seesaw in which SU(2)_L triplet leptons are introduced to supply the heavy seesaw masses. To detect the signals of these heavy triplet leptons, one needs to understand their decays to standard model particles which depend on how light and heavy leptons mix with each other. We concentrate on the usual solutions with small light and heavy lepton mixing of order the square root of the ratio of light and heavy masses, (m_\nu/M_{\nu_R})^{1/2}. This class of solutions can lead to a visible displaced vertex detectable at the LHC which can be used to distinguish small mixing and large mixing between light and heavy leptons. We show that, in this case, the couplings of light and heavy triplet leptons to gauge and Higgs bosons, which determine the decay widths and branching ratios, can be expressed in terms of light neutrino masses and their mixing. Using these relations, we study heavy triplet lepton decay patterns and production cross section at the LHC. If these heavy triplet leptons are below a TeV or so, they can be easily produced at the LHC due to their gauge interactions from being non-trivial representations of SU(2)_L. We consider two ideal production channels, 1) E^+E^- \to \ell^+\ell^+ \ell^-\ell^- jj (\ell=e,\mu,\tau) and 2) E^\pm N \to \ell^\pm \ell^\pm jjjj in detail. For case 1), we find that with one or two of the light leptons being \tau it can also be effectively studied. With judicious cuts at the LHC, the discovery of the heavy triplet leptons as high as a TeV can be achieved with 100 fb^{-1} integrated luminosity.Comment: 39 pages, 36 figures, accepted version by PR

    Anonymous Networking amidst Eavesdroppers

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    The problem of security against timing based traffic analysis in wireless networks is considered in this work. An analytical measure of anonymity in eavesdropped networks is proposed using the information theoretic concept of equivocation. For a physical layer with orthogonal transmitter directed signaling, scheduling and relaying techniques are designed to maximize achievable network performance for any given level of anonymity. The network performance is measured by the achievable relay rates from the sources to destinations under latency and medium access constraints. In particular, analytical results are presented for two scenarios: For a two-hop network with maximum anonymity, achievable rate regions for a general m x 1 relay are characterized when nodes generate independent Poisson transmission schedules. The rate regions are presented for both strict and average delay constraints on traffic flow through the relay. For a multihop network with an arbitrary anonymity requirement, the problem of maximizing the sum-rate of flows (network throughput) is considered. A selective independent scheduling strategy is designed for this purpose, and using the analytical results for the two-hop network, the achievable throughput is characterized as a function of the anonymity level. The throughput-anonymity relation for the proposed strategy is shown to be equivalent to an information theoretic rate-distortion function
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