53 research outputs found

    Research on the TNT Equivalence of Aluminized Explosive

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    AbstractAluminum as an important fuel component has been widely used in the field of arms and ammunition. The Determination of TNT equivalent of aluminized explosive, focused on the experimental study, is still lack of numerical calculation study. It is one of the main factors on safety research, so that effective measures should be taken to determine the TNT equivalence of aluminized explosive. In previous studies, the determination of TNT equivalence of aluminized explosive is mainly based on experimental study. But the affection to its explosive heat due to different ratio of aluminum powder is neglected in experiment researches. Based on the minimum free energy method, this paper programmed composition with Matlab. The equilibrium products of aluminized explosive detonation were calculated. The TNT equivalence of aluminized explosive with different ratio was determined. The results show that for the same mass of aluminized explosive, the higher mass fraction of aluminum powder was, the higher thermal damage to the environment was

    Tracking the Evolution of HIV/AIDS in China from 1989–2009 to Inform Future Prevention and Control Efforts

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    BACKGROUND: To determine policy implications, this analysis tracks the evolution of HIV/AIDS infection across China to understand current trends and potential risk factors. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A retrospective study with spatial analytical model and multilevel spatial models was conducted among 326,157 HIV/AIDS cases reported from 1989-2009. The results indicate that the distribution of HIV/AIDS was clustered at the county level with different directional distributions across China from 2003 to 2009. Compared to 2003, by 2009 there was a 122% increase in HIV cases among rural residents, 294% increase among urban residents, 211% increase among migrants, and 237% increase among permanent residents. The overall proportion of HIV by different routes of transmission showed dramatic changes with a 504% increase in sexual transmission of HIV, 90% decrease in blood/plasma transmission, and 35% decrease in injecting drug user transmission. Sexual transmission was the major transmission route among women (44%) and the elderly (59% in men, 44% in women) as well as among permanent (36%) and urban residents (33%). Among those <65 years old, women increased more than men, but among those ≥ 65 years, men increased more than women. Migrants contributed to the variance of HIV infection between counties but not within counties. The length of highway and urbanization combined with illiteracy were risk factors for HIV/AIDS. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Rates of HIV/AIDS among permanent urban residents, particularly women and elderly men, have increased significantly in recent years. To prevent HIV from spreading further among the general population, additional attention should be paid to these populations as well as to migrants

    The General Feature Format version 3 (GFF3) files for genome annotation in the Canu (2.2) assemblies of Pocillopora verrucosa, Acropora muricata, Montipora foliosa and Montipora capricomis

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    The General Feature Format version 3 (GFF3) files for genome annotation in the Canu (2.2) assemblies of Pocillopora verrucosa, Acropora muricata, Montipora foliosa and Montipora capricomis</p

    Mechanism of sand body prediction in a continental rift basin by coupling paleogeomorphic elements under the control of base level

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    In view of the complex sandbody distribution in continental rift basins, a sandbody prediction method is proposed based on the coupling of three core paleogeomorphic elements, provenance system, channel system, and slope break system, which composes the process of “provenance-transport-sedimentation” controlled by base level. The sand body prediction method takes the base level as the lever, the equilibrium position near the lake basin edge as the supporting point, and the core paleogeomorphic elements as study objects, lays stress on the fact that dynamic factors controlling static factors, and takes full consideration of flow state conversion and sandbody genesis. The core paleogeomorphic elements have eight types of theoretical coupling modes, corresponding to coupling deposition effect from the worst to the optimal. During fluctuations of base level, the coupling modes of the core paleogeomorphic elements in continental rift basins change under the “seesaw effect”, as a result, the migration pattern, sedimentary environment, and genesis of sand body change significantly, which control sand body distribution in turn. The sand body development regularity of the Gaoyou Sag in Northern Jiangsu Basin and the Weixinan Sag in Beibu Gulf Basin has been analyzed based on this sand control mechanism and a good prediction result of sand body is achieved, which confirms the validity and practicality of the sand control mechanism. Key words: continental rift basin, base level, ancient landform, coupling mode, sand control mechanism, Northern Jiangsu Basin, Beibu Gulf Basi

    Stability Analysis of Soil Embankment Slope Reinforced with Polypropylene Fiber under Freeze-Thaw Cycles

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    Polypropylene fiber is a common soil reinforcement material which is used to reinforce a common clay in northeast China. Numerical analysis method was performed to investigate the effect of polypropylene fibers on stability of embankment slope subjected to freeze-thaw cycles. The orthogonal experiments of three factors (freeze-thaw cycle, fiber content, and fiber length) and three levels were carried out, and the corresponding nine groups of specimens were made, whose shear strength parameters (internal friction angle and bond force) were measured by direct shear test. Then, the experimental results were analyzed by analysis of variance and range analysis so that the optimum fiber content and fiber length can be determined. The finite element model of typical high-fill soil slope of freeway in northeast China was established whose basic material parameters were taken as the parameters of shear strength of different freeze-thaw cycles under the optimum fiber content and fiber length. The concept of shear strength reduction was introduced into the finite element model, and the convergence of the finite element model was taken as the judging criterion of slope stability. Thus, stability analysis of soil embankment slope reinforced with polypropylene fiber under freeze-thaw cycles was realized. The results show that the addition of fibers improves the cohesion under the action of freeze-thaw cycles, and the internal friction angle is improved in the case of freezing and thawing. This phenomenon leads to the improvement of the stability of the embankment slope in a freeze-thaw cycle. The improvement is particularly noticeable in the case, and this improvement effect decreases as the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases

    Model Test of the Reinforcement of Surface Soil by Plant Roots under the Influence of Precipitation

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    We present the results of the reinforcement of plant root systems in surface soil in a model test to simulate actual precipitation conditions. In the test, Eleusine indica was selected as herbage to reinforce the soil. Based on the various moisture contents of plant roots in a pull-out test, a fitting formula describing the interfacial friction strength between the roots and soil and soil moisture content was obtained to explain the amount of slippage of the side slope during the process of rainfall. The experimental results showed that the root systems of plants successfully reinforced soil and stabilized the water content in the surface soil of a slope and that the occurrence time of landslides was delayed significantly in the grass-planting slope model. After the simulated rainfall started, the reinforcement effect of the plant roots changed. As the rainfall increased, the interfacial friction between the roots and the soil exhibited a negative power function relationship with the water content. These conclusions can be used as a reference for the design of plant slope protection and reinforcement

    Traffic Sign Recognition Based on the YOLOv3 Algorithm

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    Traffic sign detection is an essential component of an intelligent transportation system, since it provides critical road traffic data for vehicle decision-making and control. To solve the challenges of small traffic signs, inconspicuous characteristics, and low detection accuracy, a traffic sign recognition method based on improved (You Only Look Once v3) YOLOv3 is proposed. The spatial pyramid pooling structure is fused into the YOLOv3 network structure to achieve the fusion of local features and global features, and the fourth feature prediction scale of 152 &times; 152 size is introduced to make full use of the shallow features in the network to predict small targets. Furthermore, the bounding box regression is more stable when the distance-IoU (DIoU) loss is used, which takes into account the distance between the target and anchor, the overlap rate, and the scale. The Tsinghua&ndash;Tencent 100K (TT100K) traffic sign dataset&rsquo;s 12 anchors are recalculated using the K-means clustering algorithm, while the dataset is balanced and expanded to address the problem of an uneven number of target classes in the TT100K dataset. The algorithm is compared to YOLOv3 and other commonly used target detection algorithms, and the results show that the improved YOLOv3 algorithm achieves a mean average precision (mAP) of 77.3%, which is 8.4% higher than YOLOv3, especially in small target detection, where the mAP is improved by 10.5%, greatly improving the accuracy of the detection network while keeping the real-time performance as high as possible. The detection network&rsquo;s accuracy is substantially enhanced while keeping the network&rsquo;s real-time performance as high as possible

    Phytochemical and Pharmacological Properties of Chaenomeles speciosa: An Edible Medicinal Chinese Mugua

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    Chaenomeles plants are adapted to diverse ecological zones particularly the temperate areas of Korea, Japan, and China. In China, Chaenomeles speciosa is mainly planted in Chongqing, Anhui, and Hubei provinces. Most of the studies till date have been focused on the anti-inflammatory activities of C. speciosa fractions. The present study aimed to review the maximum literature reported for the presence of various phytochemicals in C. speciosa. In addition, the pharmacological properties of these chemical compounds of this plant shall also be discussed. The extracts of the various parts of the plant are rich in diversity of antioxidants, organic acids, phenolics, terpenoids, and many different phytochemicals that bear strong anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial properties, anti-inflammation, antihyperlipidemic, antihyperglycemic, and anti-Parkinson properties. C. speciosa fruits have broad scope in industry as well as in medicines. Not only the leaves and fruits of C. speciosa plant, but various other parts including roots, seeds, bark twigs, and flowers all have long history of clinical trials in curing many human ailments. However, the maximum accessible data concerning the chemical compositions and their broad pharmacological properties of C. speciosa plant parts is pretty restricted that make it more appealing for in-depth investigations
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