2,139 research outputs found

    Membangun Karakter Anak Jalanan berbasis partisipasi Masyarakat

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    ABSTRACT This paper aims to describe on how to build a character of street children through a participatory approach. The background of this idea is that there is a negative stigma against the street children due to their bad characters. Their existence as street chidren should be understood as not only a government’s responsibility but also public respnsibility. This means the people around the street children should participate to solve instead of discriminating them. There are some possible participations that can be contributed by the public such as psychological participation, physical Participation, physical and psychological participation, participation with skill, material participation, and money participation. Key words: Character, Street Children, Public Participation ABSTRAK Paper ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan tentang bagaimana membangun karakter anak jalanan berbasis partisipasi masyarakat. Gagasan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya stigma negatif terhadap anak jalanan dikarenakan oleh karakternya yang umumnya cenderung negative. Semestinya keberadaan mereka sebagai anak jalanan difahami sebagai masalah yang menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah, tapi juga masyarakat. Ini artinya masyarakat di sekitar mereka juga harus berpartisipasi untuk memberikan solusi dan bukan justru memperlakukan anak jalanan secara diskriminatif. Ada banyak kemungkinan bentuk partisipasi yang bisa dilakukan oleh masyarakat, seperti partisipasi pikiran, Partisipasi tenaga, Partisipasi tenaga dan pikiran, Partisipasi keahlian, Partisipasi yang berupa barang, Partisipasi yang berupa uang. Kata Kunci: Karakter, Anak Jalanan, Partisipasi Masyarakat

    Finite Elements for a Beam System With Nonlinear Contact Under Periodic Excitation

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    Solar arrays are structures which are connected to satellites; during launch, they are in a folded position and submitted to high vibrations. In order to save mass, the flexibility of the panels is not negligible and they may strike each other; this may damage the structure. To prevent this, rubber snubbers are mounted at well chosen points of the structure; a prestress is applied to the snubber; but it is quite difficult to check the amount of prestress and the snubber may act only on one side; they will be modeled as one sided springs (see figure 2). In this article, some analysis for responses (displacements) in both time and frequency domains for a clamped-clamped Euler-Bernoulli beam model with a spring are presented. This spring can be unilateral or bilateral fixed at a point. The mounting (beam +spring) is fixed on a rigid support which has a sinusoidal motion of constant frequency. The system is also studied in the frequency domain by sweeping frequencies between two fixed values, in order to save the maximum of displacements corresponding to each frequency. Numerical results are compared with exact solutions in particular cases which already exist in the literature. On the other hand, a numerical and theoretical investigation of nonlinear normal mode (NNM) can be a new method to describe nonlinear behaviors, this work is in progress

    The Comparison Study Among Optimization Techniques In Optimizing A Distribution System State Estimation

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    State estimation considered the main core of the Energy Management System and plays an important role in stability analysis, control and monitoring of electric power systems. The state estimator actually depends on many factors, such as data sensitive regarding the sensors accuracy, the availability of raw data, the network database accuracy, and the time skew of data. Many researchers already been studied multi-area power system state estimation and most of them investigation of state estimation schemes including different state estimators for each a central coordinator and control area. Therefore, accurate and timely efficient state estimation algorithm is a prerequisite for a stable operation of modern power grids. This thesis introduce an intelligent decentralized State Estimation method based on Firefly algorithm for distribution power systems. The mathematical procedure of distribution system state estimation which utilizing the information collected from available measurement devices in real-time. A consensus based static state estimation strategy for radial power distribution systems is proposed in this research. This thesis concentrates on the balanced systems. There are buses acting as agents using which we can evaluate the local estimates of the entire system. Therefore each measurement model reduces to an underdetermined nonlinear system and in radial distribution systems, the state elements associated with an agent may overlap with neighboring agents. The states of these systems are first estimated through centralized approach using the proposed algorithm to compare with weighted least squares technique. At the end, the result will presented the application of the developed approach to a network based on IEEE 13 bus, 14 bus and 33 bus test System. The result a proved to be computational efficient and accurately evaluated the impact of distributed generation on the power system. From the result, it can observe that for decentralized is faster and less error for both WLS and FA. In addition, FA show faster and less error than WLS for both centralized and decentralized. In addition, the proposed FA show faster with increasing the number of buses

    A Stochastic Volatility LIBOR Market Model with a Closed Form Solution

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    Since its initial publication the SABR model has gained widespread use across asset classes and it has now become the standard pricing framework used in the market to quote interest rate products sensitive to the non flat strike-structure of the market implied volatility. While very simple, the model’s use has always been based on the original study of its authors who derive a formula for pricing European options through a few approximating assumptions which are at times severely violated in the market. This thesis’ main theoretical goal is to set the path for a generalization of the SABR model which possesses a closed form solution free from assumptions about the magnitude of the model’s parameters. We propose such model and derive a closed form solution for the particular case in which the underlying forward rate and its volatility are uncorrelated. After using the solution for pricing caplets within a LIBOR Market Model framework we simplify an approximation for the swap rate developed by Piterbarg in order to use the same solution for the pricing of swaptions. We conduct the model’s calibration for short maturities using a computationally efficient approach which derives an approximation for the model’s implied volatility and uses it to fit the model to market quotes. Finally, we study the properties of the greeks of our model in comparison with those of the classical Black model


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    This study aims to examine the role of prosocial behavior as a mediator between the relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being in student activist student organizations. The respondents of the study were undergraduate students who participated in the IMM organization at the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, as well as a sample of 202 students. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. Research instruments based on the psychological well-being scale of Ryff (1989) (α=741), Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (α=0.792), and the religiosity scale of Stark & Glork (1968) (α=907). Data analysis using mediated path model using JASP software.  The results showed that there was a positive relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being (p = 0.045<0.05), and prosocial behavior could partially mediate the relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being in IMM student activists (p = <0.001). This is possible because there are other factors such as internal and external factors that can mediate the relationship.Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji peran perilaku prososial sebagai mediator antara hubungan religiusitas dengan psychological well-being pada mahasiswa aktivis organisasi kemahasiswaan. Responden penelitian merupakan mahasiswa tingkat sarjana yang mengikuti organisasi IMM di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, serta sampel sebanyak 202 mahasiswa. Teknik sampling menggunakan simple random sampling. Instrument penelitian berdasarkan skala psychological well-being Ryff (1989) (α=741), Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (α=0,792), dan skala religiusitas Stark & Glork (1968) (α=907). Analisis data menggunakan model analisis jalur mediasi (mediated path model) menggunakan software JASP  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif antara religiusitas dengan psychological well-being (p=0.045<0.05), serta perilaku prososial dapat memediasi secara parsial hubungan religiusitas dengan psychological well-being pada mahasiswa aktivis organisasi IMM (p= <0.001). Hal ini memungkinkan karena terdapat faktor lain seperti faktor internal maupun eksternal yang dapat memediasi hubungan tersebut
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