296 research outputs found

    The Unexpected Role of Evolving Longitudinal Electric Fields in Generating Energetic Electrons in Relativistically Transparent Plasmas

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    Superponderomotive-energy electrons are observed experimentally from the interaction of an intense laser pulse with a relativistically transparent target. For a relativistically transparent target, kinetic modeling shows that the generation of energetic electrons is dominated by energy transfer within the main, classically overdense, plasma volume. The laser pulse produces a narrowing, funnel-like channel inside the plasma volume that generates a field structure responsible for the electron heating. The field structure combines a slowly evolving azimuthal magnetic field, generated by a strong laser-driven longitudinal electron current, and, unexpectedly, a strong propagating longitudinal electric field, generated by reflections off the walls of the funnel-like channel. The magnetic field assists electron heating by the transverse electric field of the laser pulse through deflections, whereas the longitudinal electric field directly accelerates the electrons in the forward direction. The longitudinal electric field produced by reflections is 30 times stronger than that in the incoming laser beam and the resulting direct laser acceleration contributes roughly one third of the energy transferred by the transverse electric field of the laser pulse to electrons of the super-ponderomotive tail

    Resonance structures in the multichannel quantum defect theory for the photofragmentation processes involving one closed and many open channels

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    The transformation introduced by Giusti-Suzor and Fano and extended by Lecomte and Ueda for the study of resonance structures in the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) is used to reformulate MQDT into the forms having one-to-one correspondence with those in Fano's configuration mixing (CM) theory of resonance for the photofragmentation processes involving one closed and many open channels. The reformulation thus allows MQDT to have the full power of the CM theory, still keeping its own strengths such as the fundamental description of resonance phenomena without an assumption of the presence of a discrete state as in CM.Comment: 7 page
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