2 research outputs found

    Estandarizaci贸n de un protocolo de obtenci贸n de ADN gen贸mico para la cuantificaci贸n de 5mC en brotes epic贸rmicos de Tectona grandis L.

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    The present investigation was carried out with the objective of defining an extraction and purification method that it provided deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) appropriate to determine the percentage of 5mC in the genomic DNA of epicormics buds of Tectona grandis L. During the standardization of the protocol four methods were compared: 1 -classic based on saline shock solution with CTAB (hexadecil trimetil ammonium bromide), 2 - Kit of extraction of DNA plants DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) according to the protocol recommended by the maker, 3 - Kit of extraction of DNA plants DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) modified with phenol employment without silicon columns, 4 - Kit of extraction of DNA plants DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) modified with phenol and additionally silicon columns employment. The samples extracted with CTAB method, generated totally non valid electroferograms for the nucleosides presence. Valid electroferograms were obtained only when the DNA was extracted and purified with the Kit DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) modified with phenol and additionally using silicon columns, with this protocols only desoxinucleosides is obtained being verified the high purity of the samples. We described an extraction and purification method that provided genomic DNA of teak based on the phenol employment and purification with columns of SiO2, appropriate to determine in a precise way the percentage of 5mC in the genomic DNA of epicormics buds of Tectona grandis L.Keywords: extraction, methyl cytosine, metilation, purification, TeakLa presente investigaci贸n se realiz贸 con el objetivo de definir un m茅todo de extracci贸n y purificaci贸n que proporcionara 谩cido desoxirribonucleico (ADN) adecuado para determinar el porcentaje de 5 mC presente en el ADN gen贸mico de brotes epic贸rmicos de Tectona grandis L. Durante la estandarizaci贸n del protocolo de extracci贸n de ADN se compararon cuatro m茅todos: 1- cl谩sico basado en una soluci贸n amortiguadora salina con CTAB (hexadecil trimetil bromuro de amonio), 2- Kit de extracci贸n de ADN de plantas DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) seg煤n el protocolo recomendado por el fabricante, 3- Kit de extracci贸n de ADN de plantas DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) modificado con el empleo de fenol sin columnas de silicio, 4- Kit de extracci贸n de ADN de plantas DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) con modificaciones que incluyeron el empleo de fenol y columnas de silicio. Las muestras extra铆das con el m茅todo del CTAB, generaron en su totalidad electroferogramas no v谩lidos por la presencia de nucle贸sidos. En cuanto a las muestras purificadas mediante el kit de extracci贸n DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN) se pudo apreciar que solo se obtuvieron electroferogramas v谩lidos cuando se emple贸 el fenol y adicionalmente las columnas de silicio, verific谩ndose la pureza de las muestras, de cuya hidr贸lisis se obtienen solamente desoxinucleosidos. Se logr贸 un de m茅todo de extracci贸n y purificaci贸n que proporcion贸 ADN gen贸mico de teca, basado en el empleo de fenol y purificaci贸n del ADN con columnas de SiO2, adecuado para determinar de forma precisa el porcentaje de metilaci贸n de residuos citosina en yemas de brotes epic贸rmicos de Tectona grandis L.Palabras clave: extracci贸n, metilaci贸n, metil citosina, purificaci贸n, Tec

    Cnn1 inhibits the interactions between the KMN complexes of the yeast kinetochore

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    El pdf del art铆culo es la versi贸n de autor.-- et al.Kinetochores attach the replicated chromosomes to the mitotic spindle and orchestrate their transmission to the daughter cells. Kinetochore-spindle binding and chromosome segregation are mediated by the multi-copy KNL1 Spc105, MIS12 Mtw1 and NDC80 Ndc80 complexes that form the so-called KMN network. KMN-spindle attachment is regulated by the AuroraB Ipl1 and MPS1 Mps1 kinases. It is unclear whether other mechanisms exist that support KMN activity during the cell cycle. Using budding yeast, we show that kinetochore protein Cnn1 localizes to the base of the Ndc80 complex and promotes a functionally competent configuration of the KMN network. Cnn1 regulates KMN activity in a spatiotemporal manner by inhibiting the interaction between its complexes. Cnn1 activity peaks in anaphase and is driven by the Cdc28, Mps1 and Ipl1 kinases. 漏 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.P.D.W. acknowledges financial support from the Italian Association for Cancer Research (grant 8840). T.R.H. recognizes support from the N.I.H. (grant GM087461) and the American Cancer Society (grant IRG 58-006-50). T.U.T. acknowledges a Cancer Research U.K. senior fellowship and Wellcome Trust program grant. L.J.B. acknowledges a doctoral fellowship from the European School of Molecular Medicine.Peer Reviewe