24 research outputs found


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    The study of this project are emphasizes on the combustion analysis of the alternative fuels. Themain objective of this project is to have the alternative fuels characteristic for internal combustion engine such as Methyl Esther Palm oil, corn oil and used vegetable oil. At the ends of the project, the result from the studies show that the alternative fuels with specific mixing ratio at40% diesel with 60% oil is the best choice for the usage of internal combustion engine. The combustion analysis can be achieved by using laboratory equipment such as bomb calorimeter to measure the calorific value. The density and viscosity of each oil can be measure using Brookfield viscometer. From the combustion laboratory unit, the study in effect ofAir Fuel Ratio (AFR) v. Exhaust as constituent, AFR v. colour flame, its shape and movement can be achieved. Using the exhaust gas analyser, the study inemission of different alternative fuels such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxide of nitrogen, hydrocarbons (HC) and particulate matter (PM) canbe achieved. Before beginning the study ofthe combustion analysis, the general nature ofcombustion and fuels should be discuss. Then those aspects of fuels properties, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics which will be used throughout the project are reviewed. The experimental procedures of each of the experiment are developed as a guide before proceeding to the laboratory experiment work


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    The study of this project are emphasizes on the combustion analysis of the alternative fuels. Themain objective of this project is to have the alternative fuels characteristic for internal combustion engine such as Methyl Esther Palm oil, corn oil and used vegetable oil. At the ends of the project, the result from the studies show that the alternative fuels with specific mixing ratio at40% diesel with 60% oil is the best choice for the usage of internal combustion engine. The combustion analysis can be achieved by using laboratory equipment such as bomb calorimeter to measure the calorific value. The density and viscosity of each oil can be measure using Brookfield viscometer. From the combustion laboratory unit, the study in effect ofAir Fuel Ratio (AFR) v. Exhaust as constituent, AFR v. colour flame, its shape and movement can be achieved. Using the exhaust gas analyser, the study inemission of different alternative fuels such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxide of nitrogen, hydrocarbons (HC) and particulate matter (PM) canbe achieved. Before beginning the study ofthe combustion analysis, the general nature ofcombustion and fuels should be discuss. Then those aspects of fuels properties, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics which will be used throughout the project are reviewed. The experimental procedures of each of the experiment are developed as a guide before proceeding to the laboratory experiment work

    Duodenal Bulb Mucosa with Hypertrophic Gastric Oxyntic Heterotopia in Patients with Zollinger Ellison Syndrome

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    Objectives. Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (ZES) results in hypersecretion of gastric acid (via gastrinoma) leading to peptic ulcers, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. We describe the novel discovery of hypertrophic, heterotopic gastric mucosa in the proximal duodenal bulb in patients with ZES, which we hypothesize results in an increased incidence of postbulbar ulcers in patients with ZES (a mechanism previously unreported). We determined the incidence of the novel finding of duodenal gastric oxyntic hypertrophic heterotopia (GOH) in patients with ZES. Methods. Seven patients with ZES were enrolled. The diagnosis of ZES was established by hypergastrinemia, gastric acid hypersecretion, and a positive secretin test or based on biopsy specimens (evaluated via tissue staining). Basal acid output (BAO) and baseline gastrin secretion were determined by established methods. Endoscopic examinations with methylene blue staining and biopsy of the gastric and duodenal mucosa were conducted in all patients every 3–6 months for an average of 5 years. Results. The duodenal mucosa demonstrated hypertrophic GOH in 5 out of 7 patients with ZES and an intact stomach and duodenum. Biopsies from the bowel mucosa demonstrated patchy replacement of surface epithelium by gastric-type epithelium with hypertrophic oxyntic glands in the lamina propria in 5 patients. Two of the patients had no evidence of GOH in the duodenal bulb. Patients with GOH had an average serum gastrin level of 1245 pg/mL and BAO of 2.92 mEq/hr versus 724 pg/mL and 0.8 mEq/hr in patients without GOH. Conclusions. This study demonstrated the presence of duodenal mucosa with GOH in 5 out of 7 patients with ZES and an intact stomach and duodenum. The presence of hypertrophic and heterotopic gastric mucosa is proposed to result from increased gastrin levels and may contribute to the increased incidence of postbulbar ulcers in these patients

    EPMA position paper in cancer: current overview and future perspectives

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    Kontribusi leadership pendidik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih di MA Assa'adah Desa Sasak Panjang Bogor

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    Pada hakikatnya semua manusia adalah pemimpin dan setiap manusia akan diminta pertanggung jawaban atas kepemimpinannya kelak. Manusia sebagai pemimpin minimal mampu memimpin dirinya sendiri. Kepemimpinan dalam satu lembaga pendidikan mempunyai peran yang sangat vital. Model kepemimpinan yang akan diterapkan sangat menentukan intensitas keterlibatan siswa dalam kegiatan yang direncanakan. Hal tersebut pada akhirnya akan bermuara pada pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Prestasi belajar merupakan pencapaian tujuan belajar siswa yang merupakan hasil yang telah diperoleh oleh siswa setelah melaksanakan kegiatan belajar tertentu, baik berupa pengetahuan, sikap ataupun keterampilan. Hasil belajar siswa itu biasanya dinyatakan dalam bentuk angka (skor) atau kalimat yang ditulis oleh guru dalam buku prestasi belajar siswa (raport). Dalam metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif analisis yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan menggambarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Untuk memperoleh data yang obyektif, maka digunakan dua bentuk penelitian,yaitu : a. Penelitian Kepustakaan b. Wawancara c. Penelitian Lapangan Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MA. Assa�adah yang terpilih sesuai dengan sasaran penulis, yaitu para siswa yang menjadi sampel berjumlah 25 siswa dari jumlah keseluruhan119 siswa kelas X sampai dengan kelas XII. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah dengan menggunakan angket (kuesioner) dalam bentuk piliha ganda. Hasil penelitian dengan mengunakan analisis korelasi product moment menunjukkan bahwa nilai r hitung = 0,08 berada pada Indeks Korelasi yang sangat lemah atau sangat rendah sehingga korelasi ini diabaikan atau dianggap tidak ada hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Sedangkan dalam uji signifikansi kofesien korelasi menunjukkan bahwa rt pada taraf signifikansi 5% sebesar 0,396 dan pada araf signifikansi 1% sebesar 0,505. Dengan semakin menguatkan bahwa antara variabel X dengan variabel Y ada pengaruh yang positif antara keduanya dengan kata lain Ho diterima sehingga demikian Ha ditolak. Jadi terdapat pengaruh yang positif tetapi korelasinya sangat lemah atau sangat rendah antara kontribusi leadership pendidik dengan prestasi belajar siswa. Sedangkan Angka koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,64%, menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi leadership pendidik dengan prestasi balajar siswa sebesar 0,64%, sedangkan sisanya 99,36% adalah sumbangan dari variabel lain yang juga menunjang tingkat prestasi belajar siswa

    Beyond the Surface: A Deeper Look at the Psychosocial Impacts of Acne Scarring

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    Crystal Zhou,1 Abhinav Vempati,1 Curtis Tam,1 Jeffrey Khong,2 Ruslan Vasilev,1 Kevin Tam,1 Sanam Hazany,1 Salar Hazany1 1Scar Healing Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USACorrespondence: Crystal Zhou, Scar Healing Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Tel +1 424 225 2435, Fax +1 310 571 8435, Email [email protected]: Post-acne scarring is a common consequence of acne vulgaris with no universal cure. Although there have been many recent advances to address acne scars physically, there is still a lack of research that investigates their psychosocial impacts. Our comprehensive PubMed search presents an overview of existing information to highlight known sources of mental distress caused by post-acne scarring, both related to and independent of the psychosocial detriments caused early on by active acne. The literature indicates that acne scarring is a distinct condition from acne vulgaris and therefore requires a comprehensive clinical approach unique from those available for active acne.Keywords: acne scar, quality of life, psychosocial, social stigma, self-esteem, mental healt