3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Kemakmuran masjid merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap muslim yang dalam hal ini diterjemehkan dalam kesejahteraan jama‟ah baik dalam aspek material maupun aspek spiritual yang nantinya jama‟ahnya yang disejahterakan akan menghidupkan kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan yang terprogram secara baik. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya implementasi pemberdayaan berbasis filantropi secara optimal guna mewujudkan kesejahteraan pada jama‟ah yang pada akhirnya berefek pada kemakmuran masjid sesuai dengan ajaran-ajaran Islam. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pemberdayaan berbasis filantropi dalam mencapai kesejahteraan pada jama‟ah masjid yang nantinya akan berpengaruh pada kemakmuran masjid dengan berbagai kegiatan keagamaan dimasjid, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pemberdayaan berbasis filantropi dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan pada jama‟ah masjid Rayyan Mujahid Desa Bulukarto Kec. Gadingrejo Kab. Pringsewu. Yang hal ini akan memicu pada kemakmuran masjid. Dalam rangka operasionlisasi penelitian diatas digunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut populasi berjumlah 50 orang dan sampelnya berjumlah 10 orang dengan menggunakan tehnik purposif sempel, pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode dan teknik intraktif (wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi), kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis data menggunakan metode dan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Pemberdayaan sesuai dengan fungsi-fungsinya yang dikaitkan dengan pola pemberdayaan berbasis filantropi dalam Islam dengan menerapkan pemberdayaan secara optimal menujukkan bahwa kesejahteraan jama‟ah masjid Rayyan Mujahid tecapai dengan indikasi meningkatnya kesejahteraan jama‟ah baik dari aspek material maupun spiritual. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah bahwa pemberdayaan berbasis filantropi masjid Rayyan Mujahid dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan pada jama‟ah masjid secara optimal baik dalam pengertian Material (lahiriyah) maupun spiritual (batiniyah) Berkaitan dengan kesimpulan diatas ada beberapa saran yang perlu terus menerus, dan selanjutnya kepada peneliti lanjut direkomendasikan untuk mengadakan kajian serupa berkaitan dengan kondisi faktual masjid Rayyan Mujahid dengan menggunakan disiplin yang berbeda. َجزح يخزصشح إٌ سخبء انًغدذ ٔاخت ٚدت عهٗ كم يغهى أٌ ٚقٕو ثّ ٚزشخى فٙ ْزِ انحبنخ إنٗ سفبْٛخ انًصهٍٛ ، يٍ انُبحٛخ انًبدٚخ ٔانشٔحٛخ ، حزٗ رُطهق سفبْٛخ انًصهٍٛ. أَشطخ دُٚٛخ خٛذح انجشيدخ. نٓزا انغجت ، يٍ انضشٔس٘ انزُفٛز األيثم نهزًكٍٛ انقبئى عهٗ انعًم انخٛش٘ ب نهزعبنٛى يٍ أخم رحقٛق سفبْٛخ انًصهٍٛ ٔانزٙ ثذٔسْب نٓب رأثٛش عهٗ اصدْبس انًغدذ ٔفقً اإلعاليٛخ.عهٗ اصدْبس انًغدذ ثًخزهف األدٚبٌ األَشطخ فٙ انًغدذ ، ثٓذف يعشفخ انزًكٍٛ انقبئى عهٗ انعًم انخٛش٘ فٙ رحغٍٛ سفبْٛخ يصهٍٛ يغدذ انشٚبٌ انًدبْذ ، قشٚخ ثٕنٕكبسرٕ ، ceK .خبدُٚدشٚدٕ كبة. uwesgnerP .عٛؤد٘ ْزا إنٗ اصدْبس انًغدذ. يٍ أخم رفعٛم انجحث أعالِ ، ٚزى اعزخذاو َٓح انجحث انُٕعٙ يع طجٛعخ انجحث انٕصفٙ. فٙ ْزا انصذد ، ٚجهغ عذد انغكبٌ 05 شخ ًصب ٔانعُٛخ يكَٕخ يٍ 0 أشخبص ٚغزخذيٌٕ رقُٛخ أخز انعُٛبد انٓبدفخ ، ٔخًع انجٛبَبد ثبعزخذاو األعبنٛت ٔانزقُٛبد انزفبعهٛخ )انًقبثالد ٔانًالحظخ ٔانزٕثٛق( ، ثى يزبثعخ رحهٛم انجٛبَبد ثبعزخذاو األعبنٛت انٕصفٛخ ب نٕظبئفّ انًشرجطخ ثًُظ انزًكٍٛ انقبئى عهٗ انعًم انخٛش٘ فٙ اإلعالو ٔانزقُٛبد. انزًكٍٛ ٔفقً يٍ خالل رطجٛق انزًكٍٛ عهٗ انُحٕ األيثم ، ُٚظٓش أٌ سفبْٛخ انًصهٍٛ فٙ يغدذ انشٚبٌ انًدبْذ رزحقق يع ٔخٕد يؤششاد عهٗ صٚبدح سفبْٛخ انًصهٍٛ يٍ اندٕاَت انًبدٚخ ٔانشٔحٛخ . ٔخهصذ انذساعخ إنٗ أٌ انزًكٍٛ انقبئى عهٗ انعًم انخٛش٘ نًغدذ انشٚبٌ انًدبْذ ًٚكٍ أٌ ٚحغٍ سفبْٛخ يصهٍٛ انًغبخذ عهٗ انُحٕ األيثم يٍ حٛث انًبدٚخ )انخبسخٛخ( ٔانشٔحٛخ )انجبطُٛخ(. إلخشاء دساعخ يًبثهخ رزعهق ثبنظشٔف انٕاقعٛخ نـ يغدذ انشٚبٌ انًدبْذ ثزخصصبد يخزهفخ. ABSTRACT The prosperity of the mosque is an obligation that must be carried out by every Muslim which in this case is translated into the welfare of the congregation, both in the material aspect and in the spiritual aspect, so that the welfare of the congregation will turn on well-programmed religious activities. For this reason, it is necessary to optimally implement philanthropy-based empowerment in order to realize the welfare of the congregation which in turn has an effect on the prosperity of the mosque in accordance with Islamic teachings. on the prosperity of the mosque with various religious activities at the mosque, with the aim of knowing philanthropy-based empowerment in improving the welfare of the congregation of the Rayyan Mujahid mosque, Bulukarto Village, Kec. Gadingrejo Kab. Pringsewu. This will lead to the prosperity of the mosque. In order to operationalize the research above, a qualitative research approach is used with a descriptive research nature. In this regard, the population is 50 people and the sample is 5 people using purposive sampling technique, data collection using interactive methods and techniques (interviews, observation and documentation), then continued with data analysis using qualitative descriptive methods and techniques. Empowerment in accordance with its functions associated with a pattern of philanthropy-based empowerment in Islam by applying empowerment optimally shows that the welfare of the congregation of the Rayyan Mujahid mosque is achieved with indications of increasing the welfare of the congregation both from material and spiritual aspects. The conclusion of the study is that philanthropy-based empowerment of the Rayyan Mujahid mosque can improve the welfare of the mosque congregation optimally both in terms of material (outward) and spiritual (batiniyah). to conduct a similar study related to the factual conditions of the Rayyan Mujahid mosque using different disciplines

    Determination of the factors leading to noncompliance with antiepileptic drug

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    Background: Epilepsy is a chronic disorder or group of chronic disorder in which the indispensable feature is recurrence of seizures that are typically unprovoked and usually unpredictable. It is well established that non-adherence to antiepileptic drugs may lead to a loss of seizure control. Negative outcomes that may be associated with a loss of seizure control include: injury, increase hospitalizations, and decrease in productivity. All of these contribute to increased direct and indirect healthcare costs related to epilepsy. Objective: To determine factors leading to noncompliance with antiepileptic drugs in patients attending a tertiary care hospital. Methods & Results: In the crosssectional study design, total 203 patients, attending neurology outpatient clinic at Department of Neurology Civil Hospital Karachi, Pakistan, from August, 2010 to February, 2011, with epilepsy were included in the study. Non probability, purposive sampling technique was applied. Detailed history was taken from each patient. A structured proforma was filled for each patient at the time of visit and note was made of the factors that were responsible for non-compliance. Overall mean (±SD) age was 29.1 ±16.9 years (ranging from 6 to 60 years) with Male: Female = 1.9: 1. Most common reason for non compliance was high cost of antiepileptic drugs 126 (62.1%) followed by unemployment in 58 (28.6%) patients, more than one antiepileptic drug in 35 (17.2%) patients, side effects of antiepileptic drugs 19 (9.4%), freedom free periods from fits 18 (8.9%), deviation from prescription 13 (6.4%) and Non Availability of drugs 12 (5.9%). Conclusion: In this study, high cost of antiepileptic drugs was the most common reason for non compliance and non-availability of drugs was the least common reason. While unemployment was the second common reason for non-complianc