54 research outputs found

    KFLC in CSF and serum.

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    <p>Immunoglobulin kappa free light chain (KFLC) in CSF and serum of patients with MS, CIS, pathogen-related diseases and NIND (for abbreviations see legend of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone-0088680-t001" target="_blank">table 1</a>). Q KFLC: CSF- serum ratio of KFLC. Data are shown as the median and IQR.</p

    Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value for elevated KFLC, MRI parameters and OCB regarding conversion of clinically isolate syndrome to definite multiple sclerosis.

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    <p>Data are shown as percent and 95% confidence interval. Q KFLC = CSF-serum ratio of KFLC above the approximately upper reference value described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone-0088680-g002" target="_blank">figure 2</a>. OCB = cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands of IgG class not detectable in serum. Intrathecal IgG- Synthesis according to Reiber quotients diagrams. IgG- Index = CSF/serum IgG:CSF/serum albumin >0.7. Barkhof = 3 of 4 Barkhof criteria <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone.0088680-Barkhof1" target="_blank">[21]</a> fulfilled.</p

    CSF-serum ratio of KFLC (Q KFLC) among different oligoclonal IgG band patterns.

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    <p>There are five classic patterns of oligoclonal bands <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone.0088680-Andersson1" target="_blank">[48]</a> (type 1, no bands in CSF and serum; type 2, oligoclonal IgG bands in CSF but not in serum, indicative of intrathecal IgG synthesis; type 3, oligoclonal bands in CSF plus identical oligoclonal bands in serum and CSF, indicative of intrathecal IgG synthesis; type 4, identical pattern of oligoclonal bands in CSF and serum. There was no patient with type 5 (identical patterns of monoclonal bands in CSF and serum) in the study. Horizontal solid line indicates median, Kruskal-Wallis test among groups revealed a significant difference (p<0.001), significant P-values for pairwise comparisons (Mann-Whitney U test) are displayed.</p

    Correlation between CSF-lactate and EDSSLP and yearly progression rate in the entire cohort, EDSSLP and LPD.

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    <p>Spearman correlation between the CSF-lactate and expanded disability score scale at the LP (EDSS<sub>LP</sub>) and yearly progression rate showed consistently statistically significant positive correlation in the entire cohort, treatment-näive patients PPMS<sub>TN</sub> and in the results of the diagnostic LP (LP<sub>D</sub>). On the other side, a significant correlation between CSF-lactate and EDSS<sub>LP</sub> was found only in the LP<sub>D</sub>.</p

    Demographic data and basic cerebrospinal fluid findings.

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    <p>Data are shown as the median and IQR. Abbreviations: B-CNS-I bacterial central nervous system infections, CIS clinically isolated syndrome, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, MS multiple sclerosis, NB neuroborreliosis, NIND non-inflammatory neurological diseases, OCB oligoclonal IgG bands, V-CNS-I viral central nervous system infections.</p

    CSF-serum ratio of KFLC (Q KFLC) was elevated in patients with positive oligoclonal IgG (OCB). Q KFLC of 77 CIS patients are shown.

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    <p>Dashed line indicates the approximately upper reference value of Q KFLC, described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088680#pone-0088680-g002" target="_blank">figure 2</a>. Black rhomb indicate positive OCBs, white rhomb indicate negative OCBs.</p

    Cerebrospinal fluid – serum ratio of kappa free light chain (Q KFLC) is plotted against CSF-serum ratio of albumin.

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    <p>Dashed lines indicate the 99% confidence interval of the linear regression line (straight line). The upper 99% confidence interval (dark dashed line) indicate the approximately upper reference value of Q KFLC based on a control group of 77 non-inflammatory neurologic diseases and a range of Q Albumin from 1.9 to 28.2.</p
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