60 research outputs found

    The renin angiotensin aldosterone system

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    In this review, we will cover (i) the proteolytic cascade of the RAAS, (ii) its regulation by multiple feedback-controlled parameters, and (iii) the major effects of the RAAS. For the effects of the RAAS, we focus on the role of the RAAS in the regulation of volume homeostasis and vascular tone, as major determinants of arterial blood pressure

    Intravital imaging reveals angiotensin IIā€“induced transcytosis of albumin by podocytes

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    Albuminuria is a hallmark of kidney disease of various etiologies and usually caused by deterioration of glomerular filtration barrier integrity. We recently showed that angiotensin II (Ang II) acutely increases albumin filtration in the healthy kidney. Here, we used intravital microscopy to assess the effects of Ang II on podocyte function in rats. Acute infusion of 30, 60, or 80 ng/kg per minute Ang II enhanced the endocytosis of albumin by activation of the type 1 Ang II receptor and resulted in an average (Ā±SEM) of 3.7Ā±2.2, 72.3Ā±18.6 (PĀµmĀ³ (P<0.001) albumin-containing vesicles per glomerulus, respectively, compared with none at baseline or 10 ng/kg per minute Ang II. Immunostaining of Ang IIā€“infused kidneys confirmed the presence of albumin-containing vesicles, which colocalized with megalin, in podocin-positive cells. Furthermore, podocyte endocytosis of albumin was markedly reduced in the presence of gentamicin, a competitive inhibitor of megalin-dependent endocytosis. Ang II infusion increased the concentration of albumin in the subpodocyte space, a potential source for endocytic protein uptake, and gentamicin further increased this concentration. Some endocytic vesicles were acidified and colocalized with LysoTracker. Most vesicles migrated from the capillary to the apical aspect of the podocyte and were eventually released into the urinary space. This transcytosis accounted for approximately 10% of total albumin filtration. In summary, the transcellular transport of proteins across the podocyte constitutes a new pathway of glomerular protein filtration. Ang II enhances the endocytosis and transcytosis of plasma albumin by podocytes, which may eventually impair podocyte function

    Cathepsin B increases ENaC activity leading to hypertension early in nephrotic syndrome

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    The NPHS2 gene, encoding the slit diaphragm protein podocin, accounts for genetic and sporadic forms of nephrotic syndrome (NS). Patients with NS often present symptoms of volume retention, such as oedema formation or hypertension. The primary dysregulation in sodium handling involves an inappropriate activation of the epithelial sodium channel, ENaC. Plasma proteases in a proteinuriaā€dependent fashion have been made responsible; however, referring to the timeline of symptoms occurring and underlying mechanisms, contradictory results have been published. Characterizing the mouse model of podocyte inactivation of NPHS2 (Nphs2āˆ†pod) with respect to volume handling and proteinuria revealed that sodium retention, hypertension and gross proteinuria appeared sequentially in a chronological order. Detailed analysis of Nphs2āˆ†pod during early sodium retention, revealed increased expression of fullā€length ENaC subunits and Ī±ENaC cleavage product with concomitant increase in ENaC activity as tested by amiloride application, and augmented collecting duct Na+/K+ā€ATPase expression. Urinary proteolytic activity was increased and several proteases were identified by mass spectrometry including cathepsin B, which was found to process Ī±ENaC. Renal expression levels of precursor and active cathepsin B were increased and could be localized to glomeruli and intercalated cells. Inhibition of cathepsin B prevented hypertension. With the appearance of gross proteinuria, plasmin occurs in the urine and additional cleavage of Ī³ENaC is encountered. In conclusion, characterizing the volume handling of Nphs2āˆ†pod revealed early sodium retention occurring independent to aberrantly filtered plasma proteases. As an underlying mechanism cathepsin B induced Ī±ENaC processing leading to augmented channel activity and hypertension was identified

    Functional evidence confirmed by histological localization: overlapping expression of erythropoietin and HIF-2Ī± in interstitial fibroblasts of the renal cortex

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is the central hormone in the regulation of erythropoiesis. Synthesis of EPO and its constitutive release into the circulation are controlled by the transcriptional activity of the EPO gene. A key regulator of EPO is the dimeric hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF), which has three isoforms. Paliege and co-workers provide convincing morphological evidence that it is the HIF-2 isoform that essentially triggers EPO in the kidney, which is the primary source of EPO in the body

    Isoforms of renal Na-K-2Cl cotransporter NKCC2: expression and functional significance

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    The renal Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC2, BSC1) is selectively expressed in the apical membrane of cells of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL) and macula densa. NKCC2-dependent salt transport constitutes the major apical entry pathway for transepithelial salt reabsorption in the TAL. Although NKCC2 is encoded by a single gene (Slc12a1), differential splicing of the NKCC2 pre-mRNA results in the formation of several alternate transcripts. Thus three full-length splice isoforms of NKCC2 differ in their variable exon 4, resulting in transcripts for NKCC2B, NKCC2A, and NKCC2F. In addition to full-length isoforms, variants with truncated COOH-terminal ends have been described. The various splice isoforms of NKCC2 differ in their localization along the TAL and in their transport characteristics. Data in the literature are reviewed to assess the principles of NKCC2 differential splicing, the localization of NKCC2 splice isoforms along the TAL in various species, and the functional characteristics of the splice isoforms. In addition, we discuss the functional significance of NKCC2 isoforms for TAL salt retrieval and for the specific salt sensor function of macula densa cells based on studies using isoform-specific NKCC2-knockout mice. We suggest that different NKCC2 splice variants cooperate in salt retrieval along the TAL and that the coexpression of two splice variants (NKCC2B and NKCC2A) in the macula densa cells facilitates efficient salt sensing over wide ranges of fluctuating salt concentrations
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