2,285 research outputs found

    Fever of Unknown Origin: An Unusual Case

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    Recurrent episodic fever of unknown origin (FUO) arising from tumour of the gastrointestinal tract is rare. We report an otherwise healthy 62-year-old man with recurrent circumscribed bouts of fever and raised CRP for 3 years who has remained well and fever-free 2 years after the removal of a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon. Occult colonic neoplasm should be considered and sought when routine investigations for FUO are negative

    A 4D Light-Field Dataset and CNN Architectures for Material Recognition

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    We introduce a new light-field dataset of materials, and take advantage of the recent success of deep learning to perform material recognition on the 4D light-field. Our dataset contains 12 material categories, each with 100 images taken with a Lytro Illum, from which we extract about 30,000 patches in total. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first mid-size dataset for light-field images. Our main goal is to investigate whether the additional information in a light-field (such as multiple sub-aperture views and view-dependent reflectance effects) can aid material recognition. Since recognition networks have not been trained on 4D images before, we propose and compare several novel CNN architectures to train on light-field images. In our experiments, the best performing CNN architecture achieves a 7% boost compared with 2D image classification (70% to 77%). These results constitute important baselines that can spur further research in the use of CNNs for light-field applications. Upon publication, our dataset also enables other novel applications of light-fields, including object detection, image segmentation and view interpolation.Comment: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 201

    Metagenomic study of the viruses of African straw-coloured fruit bats: detection of a chiropteran poxvirus and isolation of a novel adenovirus

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    Viral emergence as a result of zoonotic transmission constitutes a continuous public health threat. Emerging viruses such as SARS coronavirus, hantaviruses and henipaviruses have wildlife reservoirs. Characterising the viruses of candidate reservoir species in geographical hot spots for viral emergence is a sensible approach to develop tools to predict, prevent, or contain emergence events. Here, we explore the viruses of Eidolon helvum, an Old World fruit bat species widely distributed in Africa that lives in close proximity to humans. We identified a great abundance and diversity of novel herpes and papillomaviruses, described the isolation of a novel adenovirus, and detected, for the first time, sequences of a chiropteran poxvirus closely related with Molluscum contagiosum. In sum, E. helvum display a wide variety of mammalian viruses, some of them genetically similar to known human pathogens, highlighting the possibility of zoonotic transmission

    A review and analysis of cryptosporidiosis outbreaks in New Zealand

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    Cryptosporidium is a leading global cause of diarrhoea with many reported outbreaks related to water and zoonotic transmission. This study summarizes data from Public Health Surveillance reports since 2010 in New Zealand to describe exposures associated with human diarrhoea outbreaks caused by Cryptosporidium. We investigate the species and subtypes of cases involved in some of the outbreaks to elucidate transmission routes and the predominant aetiological agents of cryptosporidiosis. For the period 2010–2017, 318 cryptosporidiosis outbreaks were reported in New Zealand resulting in 1634 cases and 20 hospitalizations. The most important mode of transmission was person-to-person (primary infections and secondary or close contacts infections), relating to 260 outbreaks and 1320 cases, followed by 113 outbreaks associated with animals, resulting in 436 human cases. From 2018 to 2021, there were 37 cryptosporidiosis outbreaks associated with 324 cases. We identified the subtypes by using polymerase chain reaction targeting the gp60 gene and the likelihood of mixed subtype infections with the Tracking of Indels by DEcomposition (TIDE) algorithm. Subtype families Ib and Ig of Cryptosporidium hominis and IIa and IId of Cryptosporidium parvum were found among cases; however, C. hominis subtypes occurred in 8 of the 11 outbreaks reviewed where molecular data were available. Examination of the chromatograms showed no mixed subtype infections in the samples assessed. Subtyping data need to be routinely incorporated into national surveillance programmes to better understand the epidemiology, sources, transmission and extent of cryptosporidiosis outbreaks in New Zealand. Our study highlights the value of integrating epidemiological information and molecular typing to investigate and manage clusters of cryptosporidiosis cases

    Meromorphic traveling wave solutions of the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    We look for singlevalued solutions of the squared modulus M of the traveling wave reduction of the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation. Using Clunie's lemma, we first prove that any meromorphic solution M is necessarily elliptic or degenerate elliptic. We then give the two canonical decompositions of the new elliptic solution recently obtained by the subequation method.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, to appear, Acta Applicandae Mathematica

    Support for viral persistence in bats from age-specific serology and models of maternal immunity.

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    Spatiotemporally-localised prediction of virus emergence from wildlife requires focused studies on the ecology and immunology of reservoir hosts in their native habitat. Reliable predictions from mathematical models remain difficult in most systems due to a dearth of appropriate empirical data. Our goal was to study the circulation and immune dynamics of zoonotic viruses in bat populations and investigate the effects of maternally-derived and acquired immunity on viral persistence. Using rare age-specific serological data from wild-caught Eidolon helvum fruit bats as a case study, we estimated viral transmission parameters for a stochastic infection model. We estimated mean durations of around 6 months for maternally-derived immunity to Lagos bat virus and African henipavirus, whereas acquired immunity was long-lasting (Lagos bat virus: mean 12 years, henipavirus: mean 4 years). In the presence of a seasonal birth pulse, the effect of maternally-derived immunity on virus persistence within modelled bat populations was highly dependent on transmission characteristics. To explain previous reports of viral persistence within small natural and captive E. helvum populations, we hypothesise that some bats must experience prolonged infectious periods or within-host latency. By further elucidating plausible mechanisms of virus persistence in bat populations, we contribute to guidance of future field studies

    Long-Term Survival of an Urban Fruit Bat Seropositive for Ebola and Lagos Bat Viruses

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    Ebolaviruses (EBOV) (family Filoviridae) cause viral hemorrhagic fevers in humans and non-human primates when they spill over from their wildlife reservoir hosts with case fatality rates of up to 90%. Fruit bats may act as reservoirs of the Filoviridae. The migratory fruit bat, Eidolon helvum, is common across sub-Saharan Africa and lives in large colonies, often situated in cities. We screened sera from 262 E. helvum using indirect fluorescent tests for antibodies against EBOV subtype Zaire. We detected a seropositive bat from Accra, Ghana, and confirmed this using western blot analysis. The bat was also seropositive for Lagos bat virus, a Lyssavirus, by virus neutralization test. The bat was fitted with a radio transmitter and was last detected in Accra 13 months after release post-sampling, demonstrating long-term survival. Antibodies to filoviruses have not been previously demonstrated in E. helvum. Radio-telemetry data demonstrates long-term survival of an individual bat following exposure to viruses of families that can be highly pathogenic to other mammal species. Because E. helvum typically lives in large urban colonies and is a source of bushmeat in some regions, further studies should determine if this species forms a reservoir for EBOV from which spillover infections into the human population may occur