604 research outputs found

    Comparison of joint mobilization and movement pattern training for patients with hip-related groin pain: A pilot randomized clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of completing a randomized clinical trial (RCT) and examine the preliminary effects of 2 interventions for hip-related groin pain (HRGP). METHODS: In this pilot RCT, patients with HRGP, who were 18 to 40 years old, were randomized (1:1 ratio) to a joint mobilization (JtMob) group or a movement pattern training (MoveTrain) group. Both treatments included 10 supervised sessions and a home exercise program. The goal of JtMob was to reduce pain and improve mobility through peripherally and centrally mediated pain mechanisms. The key element was physical therapist-provided JtMob. The goal of MoveTrain was to reduce hip joint stresses by optimizing the biomechanics of patient-specific tasks. The key element was task-specific instruction to correct abnormal movement patterns displayed during tasks. Primary outcomes were related to future trial feasibility. The primary effectiveness outcome was the Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. Examiners were blinded to group; patients and treatment providers were not. Data collected at baseline and immediately after treatment were analyzed with analysis of covariance using a generalized linear model in which change was the dependent variable and baseline was the covariate. The study was modified due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. RESULTS: The COVID-19 pandemic affected participation; 127 patients were screened, 33 were randomized (18 to the JtMob group and 15 to the MoveTrain group), and 29 (88%) provided posttreatment data. Treatment session adherence was 85%, and home exercise program component adherence ranged from 71 to 86%. Both groups demonstrated significant mean within-group improvements of ≥5 points on Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score scales. There were no between-group differences in effectiveness outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: A large RCT to assess the effects of JtMob and MoveTrain for patients with HRGP may be feasible. Preliminary findings suggested that JtMob or MoveTrain may result in improvements in patient-reported pain and activity limitations. IMPACT: The COVID-19 pandemic interfered with participation, but a randomized controlled trial may be feasible. Modification may be needed if the trial is completed during future pandemics

    State of Reproductive Health In Women Veterans – VA Reproductive Health Diagnoses and Organization of Care

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    Reproductive health (RH) is a critical part of health. For women, RH encompasses gynecological health throughout life, preconception care, maternity care, cancer care, and the interaction of RH with other mental and medical conditions. Reproductive Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-be­ing and not merely the absence of reproductive disease or infirmity. This definition highlights the importance of taking a health systems approach that integrates RH care issues and services with other aspects of care needed across the life course. The RH needs of women are shaped by their stages of life and life experiences. For women Veterans, their military experiences may influence their RH in important ways. Given the increasing numbers of women in the military and women Veterans, it is critical to understand key aspects of RH in this unique population of women. This first report of the State of Reproductive Health in Women Veterans provides an overview of the RH diagnoses of women Veterans utilizing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care services, VA delivery of RH care, and a vision for RH in VA

    Effects of interventions for women and their partners to reduce or prevent stress and anxiety: A systematic review

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    © 2021 The Authors Background: The period from conception to two years postpartum (the first 1000 days) represents a normative transitional period, which can be potentially stressful for some parents. Parental stress and anxiety adversely impacts psychological and physical health for parents and children. Aim: The aim of this review is to systematically examine effects of interventions for women and their partners to reduce or prevent stress and/or anxiety during the first 1000 days. Methods: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and Maternity and Infant Care were searched from inception to March 2019. Randomised controlled trials examining intervention effects on parental stress and/or anxiety during first 1000 days were eligible for inclusion. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and narratively synthesised. Findings: Fifteen interventions, reported in 16 studies, met inclusion criteria (n = 1911 participants). Overall, findings were inconsistent and the majority of trials demonstrated high risk of bias. Interventions were predominantly delivered to women during pregnancy and only two studies included fathers. There was some evidence that adapting interventions to the pre and postnatal periods provided benefits for stress and anxiety reduction, however there was limited evidence for individual intervention types or approaches. Conclusions: There is currently inconsistent evidence of what interventions are most effective for women during the first 1000 days and there is insufficient evidence for any interventions for male partners during this period. There is a clear need for rigorous development and examination of interventions developed specifically to reduce or prevent stress and/or anxiety across the first 1000 days

    The Everett Human Services Program: Alumni Attitudes and Perceptions

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    Executive Summary: This report was based on tabulated results of 46 completed survey forms of the Inquiry to the Graduates of the Everett Education Center Human Services Program, sent to 147 graduates in the fall of 1991. General survey results and written comments are reported. The sample of graduate respondents was made up of 38 women and 8 men, mostly Caucasian, with an average age of over 42 years. This preponderance of females and older students reflects the usual population of the Human Services Program at Everett, (HSP/Ev). Enrollees in the HSP/Ev enter with a required AA degree, most earned in Washington State community colleges. Many respondents had been away from higher education for many years and had human services work experience before starting the program. Following graduation, nearly all respondents (80%) were working full or part time in human services jobs in the Everett/Snohomish County area. Most were in first-line/direct service positions, working with individuals and groups, and fewer in mid-management administration and supervision positions. While respondents worked with a wide variety of clients, most clients could be grouped as Caucasian, living at or below the poverty line, and often in female-headed families. Moreover, many were elderly, criminal, or physically or psychologically disabled. Respondents participated moderately in human services professional activities and in community agencies and organizations following graduation. Academic preparation by the Human Services Program was rated highly by its graduates. The instructors in particular received very high marks. While most respondents (71.7%) planned to pursue advanced education, 13% were currently enrolled in master\u27s programs, and 4.5% had already earned master\u27s degrees. Professional preparation was also rated very highly. Respondents found the internship component particularly valuable. They reported a high level of satisfaction in the work they do, but indicated less satisfaction with opportunities for advancement and salary increases. A third expected to be working in another field within ten years, while the other two-thirds considered it likely, though not definite, that they would still be working in the human services field within that time. Personal growth and development, an express goal of the HSP/Ev, was rated extremely highly by the respondents. They indicated the program contributed to their maturing as members of society, their learning to communicate effectively, their developing abilities to deal with life changes, and their finding satisfying meanings for their lives

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.3

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    Freshmen – Please Note, page 2 Hospital Research, Ann Koebel, page 3 Orchids to Pat, page 4 The Army Eats Well, Mary I. Barber, page 5 Making Things Grow, Betty Ann Iverson, page 6 Look Before You Snap, Kathryn Monson, page 7 Major Departments on Review, Elizabeth Murfield, page 8 Patriotic Sally, Patricia Hayes, page 10 What’s New in Home Economics, Dorothy Olson, page 12 Summer Job Holders Reap Experience, page 14 A List of Don’ts, Costume Design Class, page 15 We Salute Campus Leaders, Margaret Kirchner, page 16 Home Economics Looks to Future, M. L. Morton, page 17 Behind Bright Jackets, Julie Wendel, page 18 Alums in the News, Mary Elizabeth Sather, page 20 Nutrition for Defense, Dorothy Ann Roost, page 22 That Personal Touch, Margaret Ann Clarke, page 23 Journalistic Spindles, Elizabeth Hanson, page 2

    Fidelity of Interventions to Reduce or Prevent Stress and/or Anxiety from Pregnancy up to Two Years Postpartum: A Systematic Review

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    IntroductionIntervention fidelity refers to whether an intervention is delivered as intended and can enhance interpretation of trial outcomes. Fidelity of interventions to reduce or prevent stress and anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum has yet to be examined despite inconsistent findings for intervention effects. This study systematically reviews use and/or reporting of intervention fidelity strategies in trials of interventions, delivered to (expectant) parents during pregnancy and postpartum, to reduce or prevent stress and/or anxiety.MethodsMEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and Maternity and Infant Care were searched from inception to March 2019. Studies were included if they were randomised controlled trials including pregnant women, expectant fathers and/or partners during pregnancy, and/ or parents within the first two years postpartum. The National Institutes of Health Behavior Change Consortium checklist was used to assess fidelity across five domains (study design, provider training, delivery, receipt, enactment).ResultsSixteen papers (14 interventions) were identified. Average reported use of fidelity strategies was ‘low’ (45%), ranging from 17.5 to 76%. Fidelity ratings ranged from 22% for provider training to 54% for study design.ConclusionsLow levels of intervention fidelity may explain previous inconsistent effects of stress and anxiety reduction interventions. Important methodological areas for improvement include intervention provider training, fidelity of comparator conditions, and consideration of non-specific treatment effects. Increased methodological rigour in fidelity enhancement and assessment will improve intervention implementation and enhance examination of stress and anxiety reduction and prevention interventions delivered during pregnancy and the postpartum

    Errors in recall of age at first sex

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    Aims: To measure the degree and direction of errors in recall of age at first sex. Method: Participants were initially recruited in 1994–1995 (Wave I) with 3 subsequent follow-ups in: 1996 (Wave II); 2001– 2002 (Wave III); and 2007–2008 (Wave IV). Participants' individual errors in recall of their age at first sex at Wave IV were estimated by the paired difference between responses given for age at first sex in Wave I and Wave IV (recalled age at first sex obtained at Wave IV minus the age at first sex obtained at Wave I). Results: The mean of the recall-estimation of age at first sex at Wave IV was found to be slightly increased comparing to the age at first sex at Wave I (less than 1 year). The errors in the recalled age at first sex tended to increase in participants who had their first sex younger or older than the average, and the recalled age at first sex tended to bias towards the mean (i.e. participants who had first sex younger than the average were more likely to recall an age at first sex that was older than the age, and vice versa). Conclusions: In this U.S. population-based sample, the average recall error for age at first sex was small. However, the accuracy of recalled information varied significantly among subgroup populations

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.20, no.7

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    Hospitality on a Budget, Mary Ellen Brown, page 2 Plastics Equip the Home, Dorothy Anne Roost, page 4 Designed for Efficiency, Dorothy Gross, page 6 50,000 Words a Day, Betty Bice, page 7 Sally Leads Military Parade, Patricia Hayes, page 8 Self-Investment for Life, Dr. Richard C. Raines, page 10 Home Management Staff, Margaret Kumlien Read, page 11 What’s New in Home Economics, Helen Kubacky, page 12 Defense Challenges the Home Economics, Dr. P. M. Nelson, page 14 Letters from Sumatra and Alaska, page 15 Alums in the News, Bette Simpson, page 16 Vitamins Invade Army Rations, Genevieve Scott, page 17 Flashes from Bacteriology Field, Catherine Raymond, page 18 China on a Budget, Jane Willey, page 19 Behind Bright Jackets, Marjorie Thomas, page 20 Soldiers and Sailors Eat Well, Pat Garberson, page 22 Spindles, Helen Moeckly, page 2
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