629 research outputs found

    Specific antigen of tumor cell transformed by DNA extracted from SV-40 virus

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    In the immunofluorescent study it has been revealed that rabbit sera immunized with transformed cells induced by SV-40 DNA, produce circulating antibody capable of re:lcting with intranuclear antigens synthesized by SV-40 complyte virus transforming process, In addition, the result confirmed that SV-40 DNA replicates DNA-containing viruses in the host cell and that also the genome coding for the synthesis of SV-40 tumor antigen is resposible for viral DNA.</p


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    取得学位 : 博士(医学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1090号, 学位授与年月日:平成5年3月31日,学位授与年:199

    Data Delivery Method Based on Neighbor Nodes’ Information in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    This paper proposes a data delivery method based on neighbor nodes’ information to achieve reliable communication in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET). In a MANET, it is difficult to deliver data reliably due to instabilities in network topology and wireless network condition which result from node movement. To overcome such unstable communication, opportunistic routing and network coding schemes have lately attracted considerable attention. Although an existing method that employs such schemes, MAC-independent opportunistic routing and encoding (MORE), Chachulski et al. (2007), improves the efficiency of data delivery in an unstable wireless mesh network, it does not address node movement. To efficiently deliver data in a MANET, the method proposed in this paper thus first employs the same opportunistic routing and network coding used in MORE and also uses the location information and transmission probabilities of neighbor nodes to adapt to changeable network topology and wireless network condition. The simulation experiments showed that the proposed method can achieve efficient data delivery with low network load when the movement speed is relatively slow

    Extreme plurisubharmonic singularities

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    A plurisubharmonic singularity is extreme if it cannot be represented as the sum of non-homothetic singularities. A complete characterization of such singularities is given for the case of homogeneous singularities (in particular, those determined by generic holomorphic mappings) in terms of decomposability of certain convex sets in \Rn. Another class of extreme singularities is presented by means of a notion of relative type.Comment: 10 pages; final form, to appear in Ann. Polon. Mat

    Evaluation of the Seismic Behavior on Sandy Ground with Built-Up Pore Water Pressures by Effective Stress Analysis

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    It is important to consider the non-linear behavior of the soil in evaluating the seismic behavior of the ground during the large ground motion. Pore water pressures, in the order of 75% of the initial mean confining pressures, were observed at the liquefaction observation sites near the Lake Utonai in Hokkaido, Japan during the 1993 Kushiro-oki earthquake. In the current study, effective stress analysis and total stress non-linear analysis were carried out incorporating both strain-dependent non-linearity and non-linear built-up of pore pressures. The following conclusions were reached: (1) Seismic behavior of the ground, acceleration of the surface ground, transfer functions etc., obtained from the effective analysis were sufficient to predict the observed records; (2) It was found from these analyses that shear strain was reached to 1 or 2x10-3 and pore water pressure ratio was built up to between 0.2 and 0.4 during the earthquake; (3) The amplitude and phase of the acceleration at the ground surface by effective and total stress analyses agreed well; and (4) The influence of the excess pore water pressure on the seismic behavior of the ground surface is not so significant when the excess pore water pressure ratio was less than 0.4 in general

    Implantable pneumatically actuated microsystem for renal pressure-mediated transfection in mice.

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    In vivo transfection is an important technique used in biological research and drug therapy development. Previously, we developed a renal pressure-mediated transfection method performed by pressing a kidney after an intravenous injection of naked nucleic acids. Although this is a useful method because of its safety and wide range of applications, an innovative approach for performing this method without repeatedly cutting open the abdomen is required. In this study, we developed an implantable microsystem fabricated by Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technologies for renal pressure-mediated transfection. The system consists of a polydimethylsiloxane pneumatic balloon actuator (PBA) used as an actuator to press the target kidney. The PBA of the implanted microsystem can be actuated without opening the abdomen by applying air pressure from outside the body to the pressure-supplying port via a needle. We successfully performed renal pressure-mediated transfection using the newly developed system when the implanted system was activated at 60kPa for 10s. This is the first report of an implantable MEMS-based microsystem that demonstrates in vivo transfection to a kidney using naked plasmid DNA

    Heme oxygenase-1 induction in the brain during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute inflammation

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    Delirium occurs in 23% of sepsis patients, in which pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide are suggested to be involved. However, in animal experiments, even a subseptic dose of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection induces both pro-inflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the brain, suggesting that the brain oxidative reaction can be induced in the subseptic condition. Then, we evaluated the changes of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a sensitive oxidative marker, as well as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and inductible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA in the hypothalamus and hippocampus of rats using real-time PCR after peripheral injection of LPS (2.0 mg/kg). As a result, these four kinds of mRNAs were induced significantly in both areas after LPS injection. These results suggest that peripheral inflammation induces an oxidative reaction in the brain, even if the inflammation is not lethal. It is also considered that several pathways are involved in brain HO-1 induction

    Violin Students Recital

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    タダンカイ フカ ウンドウジ ノ ガイジドウオン ノ ヘンカ

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    Relationship between temperature of external auditory canal (Te) and work rate (W), oxygen intake (VO2), heart rate (HR), and blood lactate concentration (La), which were obtained during pedaling exercise with stepwise incremental load method, were examined in twenty healthy male students. The first load was 30 watts and then load was increased by 30 watts every 3 minutes until 240 watts as a maximal load. Te was measured at a place of about 1.5 cm inside of external auditory canal. V02, HR, and La were determined during last 30 seconds in each load. Te was almost constant at the loads from the first to 3rd-5th load, and after that increased rapidly. This showed a breaking point in the relations between Te and W, V02, and HR. The mean values of W, V02, and HR at the breaking point were 94.5 (SD, 24.38) watts, 19.1 (3.14) ml/kg/min, and 109.9 (10.82) beats/min, respectively. However, there was a significant positive relationship between Te and La. These results indicated that some metabolites like La and C02, which relate to blood vessel dilatation. will affect on the change in Te during exercise