20,082 research outputs found

    ICF core sets for low back pain: do they include what matters to patients?

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    To investigate whether the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for low back pain encompass the key functional problems of patients

    Compensatory Proliferation Induced by Cell Death in the Drosophila Wing Disc Requires Activity of the Apical Cell Death Caspase Dronc in a Nonapoptotic Role

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    Achieving proper organ size requires a balance between proliferation and cell death. For example, at least 40%–60% of cells in the Drosophila wing disc can be lost, yet these discs go on to give rise to normal-looking adult wings as a result of compensatory proliferation 1, 2, 3. The signals that drive this proliferation are unknown. One intriguing possibility is that they derive, at least in part, from the dying cells. To explore this hypothesis, we activated cell death signaling in specific populations of cells in the developing wing but prevented these cells from dying through expression of the baculovirus p35 protein, which inhibits the activity of effector caspases that mediate apoptosis [4]. This allowed us to uncouple the activation steps of apoptosis from death itself. Here we report that stimulation of cell death signaling in the wing disc—in the absence of cell death—results in increased proliferation and ectopic expression of Wingless, a known mitogen in the wing. Activation of the apical cell death caspase Dronc is necessary and sufficient to drive both of these processes. Our results demonstrate an unanticipated function, the nonautonomous induction of proliferation, of an apical cell death caspase. This activity is likely to contribute to tissue homeostasis by promoting local compensatory proliferation in response to cell death. We speculate that dying cells may communicate cell fate or behavior instructions to their neighbors in other contexts as well

    Study-development of improved photointerpretative techniques to wheat identification

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    Event Analysis of Pulse-reclosers in Distribution Systems Through Sparse Representation

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    The pulse-recloser uses pulse testing technology to verify that the line is clear of faults before initiating a reclose operation, which significantly reduces stress on the system components (e.g. substation transformers) and voltage sags on adjacent feeders. Online event analysis of pulse-reclosers are essential to increases the overall utility of the devices, especially when there are numerous devices installed throughout the distribution system. In this paper, field data recorded from several devices were analyzed to identify specific activity and fault locations. An algorithm is developed to screen the data to identify the status of each pole and to tag time windows with a possible pulse event. In the next step, selected time windows are further analyzed and classified using a sparse representation technique by solving an l1-regularized least-square problem. This classification is obtained by comparing the pulse signature with the reference dictionary to find a set that most closely matches the pulse features. This work also sheds additional light on the possibility of fault classification based on the pulse signature. Field data collected from a distribution system are used to verify the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted in: 19th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), San Antonio, TX, 201

    Tank tests to determine the effect of varying design parameters of planing-tail hulls II : effect of varying depth of step, angle of after- body keel, length of afterbody chine, and gross load

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    The second part of a series of tests made in Langley tank no. 2 to determine the effect of varying design parameters of planing-tail hulls is presented. Results are given to show the effects on resistance characteristics of varying angle of afterbody keel, depth of step, and length of afterbody chine. The effect of varying the gross load is shown for one configuration. The resistance characteristics of planing-tail hulls are compared with those of a conventional flying-boat hull. The forces on the forebody and afterbody of one configuration are compared with the forces on a conventional hull. Increasing the angle of afterbody keel had small effect on hump resistance and no effect on high-speed resistance but increased free-to-trim resistance at intermediate speeds. Increasing the depth of step increased hump resistance, had little effect on high-speed resistance, and increased free-to-trim resistance at intermediate speeds. Omitting the chines on the forward 25 percent of the afterbody had no appreciable effect on resistance. Omitting 70 percent of the chine length had almost no effect on maximum resistance but broadened the hump and increased spray around the afterbody. Load-resistance ratio at the hump decreased more rapidly with increasing load coefficient for the planing-tail hull than for the representative conventional hull, although the load-resistance ratio at the hump was greater for the planing-tail hull than for the conventional hull throughout the range of loads tested. At speeds higher than hump speed, load-resistance ratio for the planing-tail hull was a maximum at a particular gross load and was slightly less at heavier and lighter gross loads. The planing-tail hull was found to have lower resistance than the conventional hull at both the hump and at high speeds, but at intermediate speeds there was little difference. The lower hump resistance of the planing-tail hull was attributed to the ability of the afterbody to carry a greater percentage of the total load while maintaining a higher value of load-resistance ratio

    Labeling research in support of through-the-season area estimation

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    The development of LANDSAT-based through-the-season labeling procedures for corn and soybeans is discussed. A model for predicting labeling accuracy within key time periods throughout the growing season is outlined. Two methods for establishing the starting point of one key time period, viz., early season, are described. In addition, spectral-temporal characteristics for separating crops in the early season time period are discussed

    Tissue eosinophilia and eosinophil degranulation in Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis.

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    The etiology of Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis (IFT) has remained obscure. This rare disorder has been confused in the past with the more common fibrous variant of Hashimoto's disease. The typical histological features of IFT, in particular the presence of an invasive fibrosclerotic process in conjunction with a prominent chronic inflammatory infiltrate, suggest that the release of fibrogenic cytokines and other factors from these cellular infiltrates may play an important role in the pathogenesis of this condition. Our observations in routinely processed tissue sections obtained from patients with documented IFT of striking tissue eosinophilia led us to hypothesize that eosinophils and their products may play a role in the evolution of this disease. Immunofluorescence staining with affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibody directed against human eosinophil granule major basic protein revealed marked tissue eosinophilia and abundant extracellular deposition of major basic protein in all specimens from 16 patients with IFT. By contrast, only occasional eosinophils and no extracellular major basic protein were detected in control thyroid tissues obtained from patients with multinodular goiter, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease, and normal thyroid tissue. The presence of marked eosinophil infiltration and extracellular major basic protein deposition in IFT and other associated fibrosclerotic conditions suggests a role for eosinophils and their products in propagating the fibrogenesis seen in IFT
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