14,681 research outputs found

    ICF core sets for low back pain: do they include what matters to patients?

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    To investigate whether the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for low back pain encompass the key functional problems of patients

    Labeling research in support of through-the-season area estimation

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    The development of LANDSAT-based through-the-season labeling procedures for corn and soybeans is discussed. A model for predicting labeling accuracy within key time periods throughout the growing season is outlined. Two methods for establishing the starting point of one key time period, viz., early season, are described. In addition, spectral-temporal characteristics for separating crops in the early season time period are discussed

    Tissue eosinophilia and eosinophil degranulation in Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis.

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    The etiology of Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis (IFT) has remained obscure. This rare disorder has been confused in the past with the more common fibrous variant of Hashimoto's disease. The typical histological features of IFT, in particular the presence of an invasive fibrosclerotic process in conjunction with a prominent chronic inflammatory infiltrate, suggest that the release of fibrogenic cytokines and other factors from these cellular infiltrates may play an important role in the pathogenesis of this condition. Our observations in routinely processed tissue sections obtained from patients with documented IFT of striking tissue eosinophilia led us to hypothesize that eosinophils and their products may play a role in the evolution of this disease. Immunofluorescence staining with affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibody directed against human eosinophil granule major basic protein revealed marked tissue eosinophilia and abundant extracellular deposition of major basic protein in all specimens from 16 patients with IFT. By contrast, only occasional eosinophils and no extracellular major basic protein were detected in control thyroid tissues obtained from patients with multinodular goiter, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease, and normal thyroid tissue. The presence of marked eosinophil infiltration and extracellular major basic protein deposition in IFT and other associated fibrosclerotic conditions suggests a role for eosinophils and their products in propagating the fibrogenesis seen in IFT

    Incontinence-specific quality of life measures used in trials of treatments for female urinary incontinence: a systematic review.

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    This systematic review examined the use of incontinence-specific QOL measures in clinical trials of female incontinence treatments, and systematically evaluated their quality using a standard checklist. Of 61 trials included in the review, 58 (95.1%) used an incontinence-specific QOL measure. The most commonly used were IIQ (19 papers), I-QoL (12 papers) and UDI (9 papers). Eleven papers (18.0%) used measures which were not referenced or were developed specifically for the study. The eight QOL measures identified had good clinical face validity and measurement properties. We advise researchers to evaluate carefully the needs of their specific study, and select the QOL measure that is most appropriate in terms of validity, utility and relevance, and discourage the development of new measures. Until better evidence is available on the validity and comparability of measures, we recommend that researchers consider using IIQ or I-QOL with or without UDI in trials of incontinence treatments

    Testing Einstein's time dilation under acceleration using M\"ossbauer spectroscopy

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    The Einstein time dilation formula was tested in several experiments. Many trials have been made to measure the transverse second order Doppler shift by M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy using a rotating absorber, to test the validity of this formula. Such experiments are also able to test if the time dilation depends only on the velocity of the absorber, as assumed by Einstein's clock hypothesis, or the present centripetal acceleration contributes to the time dilation. We show here that the fact that the experiment requires Ī³\gamma-ray emission and detection slits of finite size, the absorption line is broadened; by geometric longitudinal first order Doppler shifts immensely. Moreover, the absorption line is non-Lorenzian. We obtain an explicit expression for the absorption line for any angular velocity of the absorber. The analysis of the experimental results, in all previous experiments which did not observe the full absorption line itself, were wrong and the conclusions doubtful. The only proper experiment was done by K\"{u}ndig (Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 2371), who observed the broadening, but associated it to random vibrations of the absorber. We establish necessary conditions for the successful measurement of a transverse second order Doppler shift by M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy. We indicate how the results of such an experiment can be used to verify the existence of a Doppler shift due to acceleration and to test the validity of Einstein's clock hypothesis.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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