11 research outputs found

    Tunable and noncytotoxic PET/SPECT-MRI multimodality imaging probes using colloidally stable ligand-free superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

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    Physiologically stable multimodality imaging probes for positron emission tomography/single-photon emission computed tomography (PET/SPECT)-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were synthesized using the superparamagnetic maghemite iron oxide (γ-Fe2O3) nanoparticles (SPIONs). The SPIONs were sterically stabilized with a finely tuned mixture of diblock copolymers with either methoxypolyethylene glycol (MPEG) or primary amine NH2 end groups. The radioisotope for PET or SPECT imaging was incorporated with the SPIONs at high temperature. 57Co2+ ions with a long half-life of 270.9 days were used as a model for the radiotracer to study the kinetics of radiolabeling, characterization, and the stability of the radiolabeled SPIONs. Radioactive 67Ga3+ and Cu2+-labeled SPIONs were also produced successfully using the optimized conditions from the 57Co2+-labeling process. No free radioisotopes were detected in the aqueous phase for the radiolabeled SPIONs 1 week after dispersion in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). All labeled SPIONs were not only well dispersed and stable under physiological conditions but also noncytotoxic in vitro. The ability to design and produce physiologically stable radiolabeled magnetic nanoparticles with a finely controlled number of functionalizable end groups on the SPIONs enables the generation of a desirable and biologically compatible multimodality PET/SPECT-MRI agent on a single T2 contrast MRI probe. © 2017 Dove Press Ltd.This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License

    Phase Behavior of Amphiphilic Diblock Co-oligomers with Nonionic and Ionic Hydrophilic Groups

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    The synthesis of a series of co-oligomer amphiphiles by RAFT and their self-assembly behavior in water is described. These novel amphiphiles, comprised of styrene, butyl acrylate, and alkyl hydrophobes together with ionic acrylic acid and nonionic hydroxyethylacrylate hydrophilic moieties and with a total degree of polymerization from 5 to 17, represent a new class of small-molecule surfactants that can be formed from the immense potential library of all polymerizable monomers. Examples of micellar solutions and discrete cubic, hexagonal, lamellar, and inverted hexagonal lyotropic phases, as well as vesicle dispersions and coexisting lamellar phases, are reported and characterized by small-angle scattering. The variation of self-assembly structure with co-oligomer composition, concentration, and solution conditions is interpreted by analogy with the surfactant packing parameter used for conventional small-molecule amphiphiles.© 2013, American Chemical Society

    The interaction of sterically stabilized magnetic nanoparticles with fresh human red blood cells

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    Binh TT Pham,1 Nirmesh Jain,1 Philip W Kuchel,2 Bogdan E Chapman,2,† Stephanie A Bickley,3 Stephen K Jones,3 Brian S Hawkett11School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, 2School of Molecular Bioscience, University of Sydney, 3Sirtex Medical Limited, Sydney, NSW, Australia†Bogdan E Chapman passed away on August 16, 2014Abstract: Sterically stabilized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) were incubated with fresh human erythrocytes (red blood cells [RBCs]) to explore their potential application as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. The chemical shift and linewidth of 133Cs+ resonances from inside and outside the RBCs in 133Cs nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were monitored as a function of time. Thus, we investigated whether SPIONs of two different core sizes and with three different types of polymeric stabilizers entered metabolically active RBCs, consuming glucose at 37°C. The SPIONs broadened the extracellular 133Cs+ nuclear magnetic resonance, and brought about a small change in its chemical shift to a higher frequency; while the intracellular resonance remained unchanged in both amplitude and chemical shift. This situation pertained over incubation times of up to 90 minutes. If the SPIONs had entered the RBCs, the intracellular resonance would have become broader and possibly even shifted. Therefore, we concluded that our SPIONs did not enter the RBCs. In addition, the T2 relaxivity of the small and large particles was 368 and 953 mM-1 s-1, respectively (three and nine times that of the most effective commercially available samples). This suggests that these new SPIONs will provide a superior performance to any others reported thus far as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents.Keywords: 133Cs NMR spectroscopy, bulk magnetic susceptibility, fresh human erythrocyte, particle stability, paramagnetic shift, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, SPION

    Diffusion coefficients of the monomer and oligomers in hydroxyethyl methacrylate.

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    NatuurwetenskappeInstituut Vir PolimeerwetenskapPlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    Tunable and noncytotoxic PET/SPECT-MRI multimodality imaging probes using colloidally stable ligand-free superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

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    TH Nguyen Pham,1 Nigel A Lengkeek,2 Ivan Greguric,2 Byung J Kim,1 Paul A Pellegrini,2 Stephanie A Bickley,3 Marcel R Tanudji,3 Stephen K Jones,3 Brian S Hawkett,1 Binh TT Pham1 1Key Centre for Polymers and Colloids, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, 2Radioisotopes and Radiotracers, NSTLI, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney, 3Sirtex Medical Limited, North Sydney, NSW, Australia Abstract: Physiologically stable multimodality imaging probes for positron emission tomography/single-photon emission computed tomography (PET/SPECT)-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were synthesized using the superparamagnetic maghemite iron oxide (γ-Fe2O3) nanoparticles (SPIONs). The SPIONs were sterically stabilized with a finely tuned mixture of diblock copolymers with either methoxypolyethylene glycol (MPEG) or primary amine NH2 end groups. The radioisotope for PET or SPECT imaging was incorporated with the SPIONs at high temperature. 57Co2+ ions with a long half-life of 270.9 days were used as a model for the radiotracer to study the kinetics of radiolabeling, characterization, and the stability of the radiolabeled SPIONs. Radioactive 67Ga3+ and Cu2+-labeled SPIONs were also produced successfully using the optimized conditions from the 57Co2+-labeling process. No free radioisotopes were detected in the aqueous phase for the radiolabeled SPIONs 1 week after dispersion in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). All labeled SPIONs were not only well dispersed and stable under physiological conditions but also noncytotoxic in vitro. The ability to design and produce physiologically stable radiolabeled magnetic nanoparticles with a finely controlled number of functionalizable end groups on the SPIONs enables the generation of a desirable and biologically compatible multimodality PET/SPECT-MRI agent on a single T2 contrast MRI probe. Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, single-photon emission computed tomography, SPIONs, radiolabelin

    Molecular watchmaking: ab initio Emulsion polymerization by RAFT-controlled self-assembly

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    Controlled radical polymerization using RAFT has the potential to make polymers with virtually any desired molecular architecture. For this to be implemented on an industrial scale, it must be performed by polymerization in disperse media. However, simply adding a RAFT agent to a conventional emulsion polymerization recipe leads to a loss of molecular weight control and formation of coagulum, probably because of nucleation in droplets, which is normally an unlikely phenomenon in emulsion polymerizations. Recently, a method has been devised for implementing RAFT in ab initio emulsion polymerization that avoids droplets in the particle formation stage. The molecular weight distribution of the polymer thus formed shows that molecular weight control is maintained throughout the polymerization. A model is developed to predict the particle size formed in this new type of emulsion polymerization. The new methodology enables synthesis of novel dispersions where molecular architecture can be precisely controlled, such as structured core-shell particles

    Biodistribution and clearance of stable superparamagnetic maghemite iron oxide nanoparticles in mice following intraperitoneal administration

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    Nanomedicine is an emerging field with great potential in disease theranostics. We generated sterically stabilized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (s-SPIONs) with average core diameters of 10 and 25 nm and determined the in vivo biodistribution and clearance profiles. Healthy nude mice underwent an intraperitoneal injection of these s-SPIONs at a dose of 90 mg Fe/kg body weight. Tissue iron biodistribution was monitored by atomic absorption spectroscopy and Prussian blue staining. Histopathological examination was performed to assess tissue toxicity. The 10 nm s-SPIONs resulted in higher tissue-iron levels, whereas the 25 nm s-SPIONs peaked earlier and cleared faster. Increased iron levels were detected in all organs and body fluids tested except for the brain, with notable increases in the liver, spleen, and the omentum. The tissue-iron returned to control or near control levels within 7 days post-injection, except in the omentum, which had the largest and most variable accumulation of s-SPIONs. No obvious tissue changes were noted although an influx of macrophages was observed in several tissues suggesting their involvement in s-SPION sequestration and clearance. These results demonstrate that the s-SPIONs do not degrade or aggregate in vivo and intraperitoneal administration is well tolerated, with a broad and transient biodistribution. In an ovarian tumor model, s-SPIONs were shown to accumulate in the tumors, highlighting their potential use as a chemotherapy delivery agent