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    Abstract اكتشاف تابوت الملك زوسر وترميم الهرم المدرج يعد هرم الملك نتري خت المدرج والمعروف أيضًا باسم زوسر، أقدم بناء حجري ضخم في مصر. ولكن تعرضت واجهات الهرم للكثير من الأضرار الجسيمة. علاوة على ذلك، أدت أعمال الترميم السابقة للواجهة الجنوبية إلى تدمير بعض جوانب التصميم الأصلي للهرم. وقد تم تشكيل فريق ترميم برئاسة زاهي حواس بداية من عام ٢٠٠٦ للعمل على ترميم الهرم وإزالة الأتربة والرمل المتراكم الذي يغطي الكتل، حيث تمكن الفريق من جمع كل الكتل التي كانت مفكوكة تحت الرمال ومعالجتها على الفور واختيار أفضلها لإعادتها إلى الهرم بعد ملء الفراغات بالملاط. بالإضافة إلى ترميم الهرم، قام المشروع بدراسة مراحل البناء المختلفة للهرم المدرج مثل الأنفاق الموجودة أسفل الهرم، المدخل الجنوبي للهرم، حجرة الفاينس والمستوى الخامس للهرم. بالإضافة إلى اكتشاف تابوت الملك نتري خت وبعض الاكتشافات الهامة داخل الهرم. كما يناقش البحث قضية البحث عن مقبرة إيمحوتب المهندس العظيم، والتي تعتبر أمل جميع علماء الآثار الذين عملوا أو مازالوا يعملون في سقارة في العثور عليها، بينما اختار حواس المنطقة الواقعة غرب الهرم المدرج كمنطقة محتملة للبحث عن مقبرة إيمحوتب. [EN] The Step Pyramid of Netjerikhet (also known as Djoser) is the oldest monumental stone structure in Egypt. Much of the pyramid’s façade has suffered significant damage. Moreover, previous restoration work on the south façade destroyed some of the pyramid’s original design. The restoration team Led by Zahi Hawass has worked since 2006 to remove the accumulated dust and sand that covered the blocks. The team was able to collected the loose blocks from under the sand, treat them immediately, and chose the best place for them in within the pyramid after filling the gaps with mortar. In addition to the restoration of the pyramid, the project studied and confirmed the different construction phases of the Step Pyramid such as the tunnels under the pyramid, the south entrance of the pyramid, the room of the faience tiles and the wall stela, and the fifth level of the pyramid. In addition, the team discovered the sarcophagus of Netjerikhet and made some other important discoveries inside the pyramid. The paper will also discuss the issue of the search for the discovery of the tomb of Imhotep, such a discovery is the hope of all archaeologists who have worked or are working at Saqqara. Indeed, Hawass chose the area west of the Step Pyramid as a likely area to search for the tomb of Imhotep

    In memoriam Ahmad El-Sawi

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    rubrika: Eulogies848

    A New Era for Museums in Egypt

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    The Egyptian Monuments: Problems and Solutions

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    Site Management: The Response to Tourism

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    The funerary establishment is the organization of the cult of a specific king during a period of time. It includes the architectural setting designed to house the cult. There are several major questions about the general aspects and functions of the architectural components, administration, ritual and economy of these establishments that are still matters of debate. The site of the Giza necropolis is one of the most strongly integrated of the Old Kingdom (2598 B.C. to 2181 B.C.) funerary establishments. It is well-preserved, systematically planned and dedicated to three virtually successive rulers. Therefore, this site is one of the most important for the clarification of aspects of the royal funerary establishments. The procedures used in this research involve the examination of both archaeological and textual data at Giza, as well as parallels to Old Kingdom architectural components. The textual data from Giza and elsewhere supplies the names and the titles of the personnel who were members of the funerary establishments of Khuru, Khafra and Menkaura throughout the Old Kingdom. The results of this work can be summarized as follows: The cultic significance of the establishments was that, Khufu equated himself with Ra and Khafra worshiped Khufu in this form. This new concept is relected on the layout of the two pyramid complexes. Menkaura re-emphasized the cult of Ra through the influence of the priests of Heliopolis. Organizationally, each pyramid complex had a funerary domain, pyramid city and workshop. One workmen\u27s camp and harbor served the entire Giza necropolis. Khufu and Khafra had a ritual palace for the sed festival, while Menkaura\u27s cult pyramid fulfilled the sed festival need. On the programmatic side, there developed in Dynasty 4 a specific programme valid for the rest of the Old Kingdom for the wall reliefs, statuary, objects in magazines, architectural components, as well as the personnel of the cult. All these elements correlate to each other in ways which indicate that the pyramid complex is a combination of a temple and palace, dedicated to the triads of Ra, Hathor and Horus, who were the principal divine forces of this period. The analysis shows that the pyramid complex was not established for the royal funerary procession nor the king\u27s mummification. It was built to celebrate the myth of kingship and the worship of the triad


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    The funerary establishment is the organization of the cult of a specific king during a period of time. It includes the architectural setting designed to house the cult. There are several major questions about the general aspects and functions of the architectural components, administration, ritual and economy of these establishments that are still matters of debate. The site of the Giza necropolis is one of the most strongly integrated of the Old Kingdom (2598 B.C. to 2181 B.C.) funerary establishments. It is well-preserved, systematically planned and dedicated to three virtually successive rulers. Therefore, this site is one of the most important for the clarification of aspects of the royal funerary establishments. The procedures used in this research involve the examination of both archaeological and textual data at Giza, as well as parallels to Old Kingdom architectural components. The textual data from Giza and elsewhere supplies the names and the titles of the personnel who were members of the funerary establishments of Khuru, Khafra and Menkaura throughout the Old Kingdom. The results of this work can be summarized as follows: The cultic significance of the establishments was that, Khufu equated himself with Ra and Khafra worshiped Khufu in this form. This new concept is relected on the layout of the two pyramid complexes. Menkaura re-emphasized the cult of Ra through the influence of the priests of Heliopolis. Organizationally, each pyramid complex had a funerary domain, pyramid city and workshop. One workmen\u27s camp and harbor served the entire Giza necropolis. Khufu and Khafra had a ritual palace for the sed festival, while Menkaura\u27s cult pyramid fulfilled the sed festival need. On the programmatic side, there developed in Dynasty 4 a specific programme valid for the rest of the Old Kingdom for the wall reliefs, statuary, objects in magazines, architectural components, as well as the personnel of the cult. All these elements correlate to each other in ways which indicate that the pyramid complex is a combination of a temple and palace, dedicated to the triads of Ra, Hathor and Horus, who were the principal divine forces of this period. The analysis shows that the pyramid complex was not established for the royal funerary procession nor the king\u27s mummification. It was built to celebrate the myth of kingship and the worship of the triad

    The Djedi Robot Exploration Of The Southern Shaft Of The Queen\u27S Chamber In The Great Pyramid Of Giza, Egypt

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    There are many unanswered questions regarding the construction and purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. A climbing robot called Djedi has been designed, constructed, and deployed to explore shafts of the queen\u27s chamber within the Great Pyramid. The Djedi robot is based on the concept of inchworm motion and is capable of carrying a long reach drill or snake camera. The robot successfully climbed the southern shaft of the Great Pyramid, deployed its snake camera, and revealed writing not seen for thousands of years. This paper details the design of the robot, including climbing steps in the shaft and lessons learned from experimental deployment. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc