104 research outputs found

    Tightly Correlated X-ray/Hα\alpha Emitting Filaments in the Superbubble and Large-Scale Superwind of NGC 3079

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    Using Chandra and HST we show that X-ray and Hα\alpha filaments that form the 1.3-kpc diameter superbubble of NGC 3079 have strikingly similar patterns at 0."8 resolution. This tight match seems to arise from cool disk gas that has been driven by the wind, with X-rays being emitted from upstream, stand-off bowshocks or by conductive cooling at the cloud/wind interfaces. We find that the soft X-ray plasma has thermal and kinetic energies of 2×1056ηx2\times10^{56}\sqrt{\eta_x} and 5×1054ηX5\times10^{54}\sqrt{\eta_X} erg respectively, where ηX\eta_X is the filling factor of the X-ray gas and may be small; these are comparable to the energies of the optical line-emitting gas. X-rays are also seen from the base of the radio counterbubble that is obscured optically by the galaxy disk, and from the nucleus (whose spectrum shows the Fe Kα\alpha line). Hydrodynamical simulations reproduce the obbservations well using large filling factors within both filament systems; assuming otherwise seriously underestimates the mass loss in the superwind. The superbubble is surrounded by a fainter conical halo of X-rays that fill the area delineated by high angle, Hα\alpha-emitting filaments, supporting our previous assertion that these filaments form the contact discontinuity/shock between galaxy gas and shocked wind. About 40\arcsec (3 kpc) above the disk, an X-ray arc may partially close beyond the bubble, but the north-east quadrant remains open, consistent with the superwind having broken out into at least the galaxy halo.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Sept. 10 Ap

    Enhanced star formation: The importance of bars in spiral galaxies

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    It was found that among an IR luminous subset of nearby spiral galaxies, nearly all of the systems with IRAS colors and luminosities indicative of enhanced star formation are barred. Radio continuum and IR spectroscopic results support the hypothesis that this emission originates within the central 2 kpc; possibly in a circumnuclear ring. It was also found that outer rings are over represented among these barred systems and suggest possible reasons for this phenomena

    Seeing statistics at the upgraded 3.8m UK infrared telescope (UKIRT)

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    From 1991 until 1997, the 3.8m UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) underwent a programme of upgrades aimed at improving its intrinsic optical performance. This resulted in images with a FWHM of 0."17 at 2.2 um in September 1998. To understand and maintain the improvements to the delivered image quality since the completion of the upgrades programme, we have regularly monitored the overall atmospheric seeing, as measured by radial displacements of subaperture images (i.e. seeing-generated focus fluctuations), and the delivered image diameters. The latter have been measured and recorded automatically since the beginning of 2001 whenever the facility imager UFTI (UKIRT Fast Track Imager) has been in use. In this paper we report the results of these measurements. We investigate the relation between the delivered image diameter and the RMS atmospheric seeing (as measured by focus fluctuations, mentioned above). We find that the best seeing occurs in the second half of the night, generally after 2am HST and that the best seeing occurs in the summer between the months of July and September. We also find that the relationship between Zrms and delivered image diameter is uncertain. As a result Zrms frequently predicts a larger FWHM than that measured in the images. Finally, we show that there is no correlation between near-infrared seeing measured at UKIRT and sub-mm seeing measured at the Caltech Submillimetre Observatory (CSO).Comment: 10 pages to appear in the SPIE proceeding vol. 4484 on Observatory Operations to Maximize Scientific Retur

    NGC 5291: Implications for the Formation of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies

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    The possible formation and evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies from material derived from perturbed evolved galaxies is addressed via an HI study of a likely example, the peculiar system NGC 5291. This system, located in the western outskirts of the cluster Abell 3574, contains the lenticular galaxy NGC 5291 which is in close proximity to a disturbed companion and is flanked by an extensive complex of numerous knots extending roughly 4\u27 north and 4\u27 south of the galaxy. In an initial optical and radio study, Longmore et al. (1979, MNRAS, 188, 285) showed that these knots have the spectra of vigorous star-forming regions, and suggested that some may in fact be young dwarf irregular galaxies. High resolution 21-cm line observations taken with the VLA are presented here and reveal that the H I distribution associated with this system encompasses not only the entire N-S complex of optical knots, but also forms an incomplete ring or tail that extends approximately 3\u27 to the west. The HI associated with NGC 5291 itself shows a high velocity range; the Seashell is not detected. The formation mechanism for this unusual system is unclear and two models-a large, low-luminosity ram-swept disk, and a ram-swept interaction-are discussed. The HI in the system contains numerous concentrations, mostly along the N-S arc of the star-forming complexes, which generally coincide with one or more optical knots; the larger HI features contain several X 109 M0 of gas. Each of the knots is compared to a set of criteria designed to determine if these objects are bound against their own internal kinetic energy and are tidally stable relative to the host galaxy. An analysis of the properties of the H I concentrations surrounding the optical star-forming complexes indicates that at least the largest of these is a bound system; it also possesses a stellar component. It is suggested that this object is a genuinely young dwarf irregular galaxy that has evolved from the material associated with the system and that this entire complex contains several proto- or young dwarf irregular galaxies in various stages of development. We are therefore witnessing the early evolution of a number of genuinely young galaxies. Given the evident importance of the NGC 5291 system as a \u27\u27nursery\u27\u27 for young galaxies, careful modeling is required if we are to understand this remarkable galaxy

    JHK Standard Stars for Large Telescopes: the UKIRT Fundamental and Extended Lists

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    We present high-precision JHK photometry with the 3.8m UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) of 83 standard stars, 28 from the widely used preliminary list known as the "UKIRT Faint Standards" (Casali & Hawarden, 1992), referred to here as the Fundamental List, and 55 additional stars referred to as the Extended List. The stars have 9.4<K<15.0 and most should be readily observable with imaging array detectors in normal operating modes on telescopes of up to 10m aperture. Many are accessible from the southern hemisphere. Arcsec-accuracy positions (J2000, Epoch ~1998) are given, together with optical photometry and spectral types from the literature, where available, or inferred from the J-K colour. Finding charts are provided for stars with proper motions exceeding 0.3"/yr. On 30 nights between late 1994 and early 1998 the stars from the Fundamental List, which were used as standards for the whole programme, were observed on an average of 10 nights each, and those from the Extended List 6 nights. The average internal standard error of the mean results for K is 0.005 mag; for J-H it is 0.003 mag for the Fundamental List stars and 0.006 mag for the Extended List; for H-K the average is 0.004 mag. The results are on the natural system of the IRCAM3 imager, which used a 256x256 InSb detector array with "standard" JHK filters, behind gold-coated fore-optics and a gold- or silver-dielectric coated dichroic. We give colour transformations onto the CIT, Arcetri and LCO/Palomar NICMOS systems, and preliminary transformations onto the system defined by the new Mauna Kea Observatory filter set.Comment: 13 pages includes one figure, accepted by MNRAS Feb 2001 Revised Version with a transformation typo correcte

    Water maser emission and the parsec-scale jet in NGC 3079

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    We have conducted VLBI observations of water maser and radio continuum emission in the nucleus of NGC 3079. The 22 GHz maser emission arises in compact clumps, distributed along an axis that is aligned with the major axis of the galactic disk. The velocities of the masers are consistent with their lying in the inner parsec of a molecular disk rotating in the same sense as the rest of the galaxy. However, the velocity field has a significant non-rotational component, which may indicate supersonic turbulence. The bright maser emission is not coincident with any detected compact 22 GHz continuum source, suggesting the high apparent luminosity of the maser may not due to beamed amplification of continuum emission. We observed two compact continuum sources that have inverted spectra between 5 and 8 GHz, and steep spectra between 8 and 22 GHz. NGC 3079 may be a nearby, low-luminosity example of the class of compact symmetric gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) radio sources. We detected a third continuum component that lies along the same axis as the other two, strongly suggesting that this galaxy possesses a nuclear jet. Faint maser emission was detected near this axis, which may indicate a second population of masers associated with the jet.Comment: 31 pages, includes 8 figures. To appear in ApJ, Vol 495, 10 March 1998. Full-resolution figures and color plate available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~trotter/ngc3079.htm
