290 research outputs found

    The Diplomatic Character in the International Law

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    The states practice their International relations through specialized departments implemented by a group of people who enjoy specific features and can implement their tasks appropriately. Those people are called diplomats. The diplomatic mission is considered as one of the well-known professions through history and its roots go back to the Roman times. In this regard, the implementation of diplomatic missions and representing the state within other countries and international organizations require that a diplomat shall have specific features, such as personal, ethical and integrity. On the other hand, the diplomatic character is one of the pre-requisites of the international law, as it protects the interests of a state abroad. We will discuss the term of diplomat, its concept, the persons who have this character and the requirements that should be possessed by a diplomat, ranks of diplomats who work in diplomatic missions abroad and those who protect the interests of the state. The research ends with a conclusion with the most important results and recommendations. Keyword: International relations, diplomatic, missions, organizations&gt

    The impact of child labour on health and psychosocial status of working children aged between 10 and 16 years in Jordan

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    Objective: to examine the effects of work on health and pyschosocial status among boys aged 10-16 years in Jordan. Study design: This is a comparative cross-sectional study, comparing working and non-working with respect to health and psycho-social outcomes, taking account of confounding due socio-economical factors. Results. Bivariate analysis showed that child's work was a strong significant predictor for eight z score, height z score, PCV, morbidity, skinfold thickness percentile and PEFR. This significant effect persisted in the full regression models after controlling for socio-economic and smoking status. Working children had significant lower weight z score (B=-0.31), height z score (B=-0.51), PCV (B=-2.96), skinfold thickness percentile (B=-6.85) compared to non-working subjects. Pyschosocial score tended to be reduced by 13 points (better pyschosocial status) when the child was non-working (B=-12.7). The significant negative relationship between work and PEFR in the bivariate model disappeared in the full regression model. In multiple regression modelling work status explained 3% of the 6.5% of variance explained in the weight z-score model, 6.7% of 9.8% for height z-score, 12.5% of 14.9% for PCV, 15% of 21% for skinfold thickness, 115 of 24% for PEFR, 9.4% of 30.9% for morbidity and 46% of 50% for pyschosocial status. Mean height and weight z-scores and packed cell volume among working children were significantly lower than those of their siblings; 5% and 9.6% of working children respectively were wasted and stunted (z score<-2 SD) compared to none of the siblings. No statistically significant correlation was also found between weight z-scores, height z-scores, packed cell volume and skinfold thickness of siblings and the proportion of household income contributed by the working child. Duration of work, child's monthly income, household per capita income and maternal height, were significant predictors of the growth of working children expressed by weight and height z score

    Factors impacting social media users' information behavior: The concept of social noise

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    Social media communication involves the discussion and sharing of information in an environment subject to the influence of online relationships and perceived expectations of those in the social network. The ability to filter the resulting noise depends largely on our understanding of Social Noise and its underlying constructs. We introduce the concept of Social Noise and investigate methods of identifying it using a quantitative, data analytics approach. Understanding this phenomenon has taken on increasing importance as it can influence attitudes and behavior surrounding social issues, political campaigns, and other core areas of society. Results from the topic modeling and data clustering techniques represent part of ongoing research into Social Noise and general keywords and combinations of keywords related to its underlying constructs

    Barriers to the Adoption of EHR in GCC Countries: Exploratory Study

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    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have become a focus of research in health informatics due to the increasing awareness of its importance in healthcare. The call for use and adoption of EHR systems by governments around the world and in the GCC countries in particular have increased over the years in an effort to improve healthcare, reduce cost and ensure patient safety. This study examines to the challenges and barriers affecting the use and adoption of EHR by GCC countries. Investigation and analysis are based on research studies, health reports, and published data by GCC countries in the last ten years. The results revealed repeating patterns and themes with regard to the challenges and barriers to the implementation of EHR systems in the GCC countries. We hope the findings from the study would benefit healthcare institutions in GCC countries in their efforts of overcoming the challenges and barriers to the use and adoption of EHR systems

    An Overview of Job Engagement in Jerash Private University: Job Engagement and its Influence on Job Performance

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    The purpose of this study mainly  focus  on  testing  the relationship of   job engagement and job performance  In Jerash private university,  The results of this  research  concerned with three dimensions of engagement summarized in physical ,emotional , and cognitive as next; there is no relationship between employee’s physical engagement and employee performance , positive relationship between emotional engagement and employee performance,  no  relationship between cognitive engagement and employee performance, and  positive relationship of employee engagement influences on employee performance . The study is based on exploratory--descriptive research design, with a structured questionnaire is, essentially, verbally administrated, predetermined questions asked, with little or no variation and with no scope for follow-up questions to responses. . A sample of 50 employees had been selected to represent Jerash University Keywords: Job performance, Job engagement, Physical engagement, Emotional engagement, Cognitive engagement

    Successful School Administration and its Impact on Improving the Degree Of teachers\u27 Commitment to the Jordanian Ministry of Education\u27s Plans for Distance Education

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    The study aimed to identify the effect of the successful school administration in improving the degree of teachers ’commitment to the Jordanian Ministry of Education’s plans for distance education. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher followed the relational descriptive approach. Through the application of the study tool, which was a questionnaire consisting of (25) items distributed on both the field of successful school administration and the degree of teachers ’commitment. on the study sample of (124)School manager, The study found a statistically significant effect of successful school administration in improving the degree of teachers ’commitment to the Jordanian Ministry of Education plans for distance education. as well as the absence of Differences in the degree of teachers ’commitment to the Jordanian Ministry of Education’s plans for distance education attributable to each of the educational level, gender and years of experience variable. The study also found that the degree of teachers’ commitment to the Jordanian Ministry of Education’s plans for distance education could be predicted through the successful school administration. The study recommended to Educating school principals in all governorates of the Kingdom to work in accordance with the principles of successful school administration because of their clear impact on improving the progress of the educational process in these exceptional circumstance
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