16 research outputs found

    Probing Planetary Surfaces and Deep Interiors

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    Planets, Moons, & More

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    Engineering Challenges of a CubeSat Mission Around the Moon: First Steps on the Path to SelenITA

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    Flying beyond Earth\u27s sphere of influence has been part of the main goals in space exploration. Efforts of the Artemis program now encompass different classes of missions, including CubeSats. With the challenges of deep space as mission drivers, planning, designing, launching, and operating a CubeSat for a Moon mission is proving to be a step up in difficulty. In this context, SelenITA Mission is conceived as a science mission supporting the Artemis efforts, planned to operate at Low-Lunar Orbit (LLO), flying below 200 km gathering space weather and geophysics observations, marking the first Brazilian mission to the Moon. This paper outlines the engineering challenges encountered this far in the development of SelenITA. It presents the aspects of lunar orbits and the effects of Moon\u27s potential field on a 12U CubeSat in LLO. A Reference Scenario is established, followed by an exploration of the extreme lunar environment\u27s effect on the satellite\u27s thermal, radiation, and power aspects. Communication limitations in the cislunar environment are analyzed, and strategies for the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem are discussed. The paper also addresses the challenges associated with delivery, uncertainties, and supply chain. A conceptual overview of the system is presented, concluding with the future steps

    Pass the Torch Panel Artemis

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    The importance of local long-duration STEM mentorship as a global mechanism for increasing diversity at all levels of education

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    We begin with a brief review of the progress being made by the professional space physics community to increase diversity and inclusion. These efforts have been primarily centered on overcoming barriers that have inhibited existing underrepresented minority space physics professionals from being successful at all levels of academic, mission, and administrative achievement. While we find these remediations to be essential, we must recognize that our ability to achieve a diverse professional workforce representative of the US population depends on achieving a diverse population of researchers entering the field. That means the greatest gains can only be achieved by actions that reach into the educational system. We identify and discuss possible issues within the traditional formal education and developmental environment of young inquiring minds, including gaps in resources, the pressure to bring in income during secondary school and graduate school matriculation, and the cultural biases against research careers. We highlight the importance of local mentorship and age-appropriate research-like activities within all levels of education, including Kindergarten through bachelor’s and advanced degree programs, as a means of overcoming barriers to becoming a respected contributing member of the space physics research community. We note these issues extend beyond space physics into all STEM fields. These activities can provide road maps into research careers, practice age-appropriate skills, and provide an avenue for current researchers to become mentors. Specifically, we advocate the development of a formal program of professional chapters for colleges and age-appropriate research-oriented programs for K-12 schools and encourage strong collaborative affiliations with other professional societies. At the core of this is the development and implementation of informed, persistent mentoring

    The Impact of the 1994 Japanese Electoral Reform : A comparative perspective(<Featured Theme>Party Politics Beyond Electoral Reform)

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    1994年に選挙制度を軸とする政治改革が行われ小選挙区比例代表並立制が施工された.そこで,改革後は政策を軸とした政党中心のインセンティブが働き政権交代の起こる二大政党制の出現が期待された.しかし,現実には地方農村地区を支持基盤に持つ自民党が都市部を基盤にする公明党と連立政権を組んだり,民主党内に自民党と旧社会党の流れを汲む議員が存在したりと有権者にとっては分かり難い政治が続いている.また,民主党の台頭から二大政党制へ移行しているようにも思われるが,アメリカ合衆国のように一つの政党が政権をとり,後には野党が政権党に返り咲くというような二大政党制の特徴が現実化されていないことも事実である.本研究では,政治改革の遅れの一因は国と地方との選挙制度の不一致が原因であるという制度不均一仮説を国際比較データを用いて検証する.The Japanese Lower House adopted a mixed electoral rule in 1994, and this new rule seems to have brought about some important changes in Japanese party politics. However, many still claim that the new electoral system has been slow in pushing the original intent of the reforms -discouraging pork barrel politics, promoting cohesive party platforms, and creating an environment conducive to alternation of parties in power. The purpose of our panel is to show that the inconsistency of electoral rules between the national and local elections is the cause of this hindrance. My paper examines Japanese party politics from a comparative perspective and exhibits evidence that the barriers to reform also grew out of the local level