90 research outputs found

    Resonance modes in the standard piezoceramic shear geometry: A discussion based on finite element analysis

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    El pdf del artículo es el manuscrito de autor.Several authors developed methods for the complex characterization of piezoceramics from complex impedance measurements at resonance. Alemany et al. developed an automatic iterative method, applied and reported in a first publication to four modes of resonance: (1) the length extensional mode of a thickness poled rectangular bar; (2) the length extensional mode of long rods or rectangular bars, length poled; (3) the thickness extensional mode of a thin plate and (4) the thickness shear mode of a thin plate. In a second publication it was reported the application of the method to (5) the radial mode of a thin disk, thickness poled, the most mathematically complex geometry. The (2), (3), (4) and (5) modes of resonance are sufficient for the purpose of the determination of the full set of complex elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric coefficients of piezoceramics, a 6mm symmetry material. This work presents the results of the FEA modeling of a thin plate based on the characterization of a commercial ceramic. The comparison of the experimental resonance spectra and the FEA results obtained for elastically, dielectrically and piezoelectrically homogeneous samples is presented and discussed. The complex characterization for the first time of the shear mode of a new lead-free piezoceramic is also shown.This work was carried out under the projects PIRAMID (G5RD-CT-2001-00456) of the GROWTH Program of the EC and MAT 2001-4819-E, MAT2002-00463 and the Ramon y Cajal Program, of the Spanish CICyT, and has benefited from the synergy provided by the POlar ELEtroCERamics, POLECER, (G5RT-CT2001-05024) Thematic Network of the EC.Peer reviewe

    Genetic dissection of apoptosis and cell cycle control in response of colorectal cancer treated with preoperative radiochemotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: In previous analyses we identified therapy-induced upregulation of the CDK inhibitor p21(CIP/WAF-1 )and consequently decreased tumor cell proliferation or loss of Bax as adverse factors for survival in rectal cancer treated with radiochemotherapy. Here, we address the individual role of p53 and its transcriptional targets, p21(CIP/WAF-1 )and Bax, on apoptosis induced by individual components of multimodal anticancer therapy, i.e. 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), ionising γ-radiation (IR) and heat shock/hyperthermia. METHODS: We analysed tumor samples 66 patients with rectal carcinoma treated by a neoadjuvant approach with radiochemotherapy ± heat shock/hyperthermia for the expression and mutation of p53 and the expression of p21(CIP/WAF-1 )and Bax. These data were correlated with the tumor response. The functional relevance of p53, p21(CIP/WAF-1 )and Bax was investigated in isogeneic HCT116 cell mutants treated with 5-FU, IR and heat shock. RESULTS: Rectal carcinoma patients who received an optimal heat shock treatment showed a response that correlated well with Bax expression (p = 0.018). Local tumor response in the whole cohort was linked to expression of p21(CIP/WAF-1 )(p < 0.05), but not p53 expression or mutation. This dichotomy of p53 pathway components regulating response to therapy was confirmed in vitro. In isogeneic HCT116 cell mutants, loss of Bax but not p53 or p21(CIP/WAF-1 )resulted in resistance against heat shock. In contrast, loss of p21(CIP/WAF-1 )or, to a lesser extent, p53 sensitized predominantly for 5-FU and IR. CONCLUSION: These data establish a different impact of p53 pathway components on treatment responses. While chemotherapy and IR depend primarily on cell cycle control and p21, heat shock depends primarily on Bax. In contrast, p53 status poorly correlates with response. These analyses therefore provide a rational approach for dissecting the mode of action of single treatment modalities that may be employed to circumvent clinically relevant resistance mechanisms in rectal cancer

    Nucleolin as Activator of Human Papillomavirus Type 18 Oncogene Transcription in Cervical Cancer

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    High risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are central to the development of cervical cancer and the deregulated expression of high risk HPV oncogenes is a critical event in this process. Here, we find that the cell protein nucleolin binds in a sequence-specific manner to the HPV18 enhancer. The DNA binding activity of nucleolin is primarily S phase specific, much like the transcription of the E6 and E7 oncoproteins of HPV18 in cervical cancer cells. Antisense inactivation of nucleolin blocks E6 and E7 oncogene transcription and selectively decreases HPV18+ cervical cancer cell growth. Furthermore, nucleolin controls the chromatin structure of the HPV18 enhancer. In contrast, HPV16 oncogene transcription and proliferation rates of HPV16+ SiHa cervical cancer cells are independent of nucleolin activity. Moreover, nucleolin expression is altered in HPV18+ precancerous and cancerous tissue from the cervix uteri. Whereas nucleolin was homogeneously distributed in the nuclei of normal epithelial cells, it showed a speckled nuclear phenotype in HPV18+ carcinomas. Thus, the host cell protein nucleolin is directly linked to HPV18-induced cervical carcinogenesis

    Migration und Integration

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    Inhalt: H Migration und Integration; H.I Einführung und Resümee; H.II Neue Trends der Zuwanderung nach Deutschland; H.III Fluchtmigration nach Deutschland; H.IV Qualifikation von Migranten und Geflüchteten; H.V Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten und anderen Migranten; Literatur zu Kapitel H

    Комплексные геофизические исследования с целью доразведки юго-западного фланга уранового месторождения Харасан (республика Казахстан)

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    Цель работ: Комплексные геофизические иследования с целью доразведки юго-заподного фланга уранового месторождения Харасан (республика Казахстан) Объект работ: Участок Байкенже месторождения Харасан, локализованный в горизонте верхнего мела на глубинах от 610 м до 690м. Методы решения задач: анализ и обобщение геолого-геофизических материалов. На территории «Харасан» для решения геологических задач применяется комплекс геофизических методов исследования скважин. При этом, гамма-каротаж, электрокаротаж, инклинометрия выполнялись во всех скважинах, независимо от их целей, задач и назначения. Дополнительные геофизические методы, такие как каротаж мгновенных нейтронов деления (КНД-М), кавернометрия, проводятся выборочно.Purpose of work: Integrated geophysical isledovanija for the purpose of further exploration of the south- west- side attack Kharassan uranium deposit (Republic of Kazakhstan ) Object of work: Planning Baykenzhe Kharassan deposits localized in the Upper Cretaceous horizon at a depth of 610 m to 690m . Methods for solving problems : analysis and synthesis of geological and geophysical data . On " Kharassan " territory for solving complex geological tasks used geophysical methods for wells .At the same time , gamma ray , electric logging , directional survey carried out in all wells , regardless of their objectives , tasks and appointments . Additional geophysical methods , such as logging prompt fission neutron ( CPV -M ) , caliper , conducted selectively

    Expression of survivin detected by immunohistochemistry in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus is associated with prognosis of leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Survivin, a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis-protein family suppresses apoptosis and regulates cell division. It is strongly overexpressed in the vast majority of cancers. We were interested if survivin detected by immunohistochemistry has prognostic relevance especially for patients of the two soft tissue sarcoma entities leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tumors of leiomyosarcoma (n = 24) and synovial sarcoma patients (n = 26) were investigated for their expression of survivin by immunohistochemistry. Survivin expression was assessed in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of tumor cells using an immunoreactive scoring system (IRS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We detected a survivin expression (IRS > 2) in the cytoplasm of 20 leiomyosarcomas and 22 synovial sarcomas and in the nucleus of 12 leiomyosarcomas and 9 synovial sarcomas, respectively. There was no significant difference between leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma samples in their cytoplasmic or nuclear expression of survivin. Next, all sarcoma patients were separated in four groups according to their survivin expression in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus: group 1: negative (IRS 0 to 2); group 2: weak (IRS 3 to 4); group 3: moderate (IRS 6 to 8); group 4: strong (IRS 9 to 12). In a multivariate Cox's regression hazard analysis survivin expression detected in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus was significantly associated with overall survival of patients in group 3 (RR = 5.7; P = 0.004 and RR = 5.7; P = 0.022, respectively) compared to group 2 (reference). Patients whose tumors showed both a moderate/strong expression of survivin in the cytoplasm and a moderate expression of survivin in the nucleus (in both compartments IRS ≥ 6) possessed a 24.8-fold increased risk of tumor-related death (P = 0.003) compared to patients with a weak expression of survivin both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Survivin protein expression in the cytoplasma and in the nucleus detected by immunohistochemistry is significantly associated with prognosis of leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma patients.</p

    Primary angiosarcoma of the ovary with prominent fibrosis of the ovarian stroma. Case report of an 81-year old patient

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    Primary angiosarcoma of the ovary (AS) is a rare entity with only 31 reported cases. The majority are pure angiosarcomas, the remainder are associated either with teratomas or conventional epithelial tumors. More than 50% of ovarian AS are disseminated at the time of diagnosis, the minority is detected in stage I. The prognosis of ovarian angiosarcoma in general is poor. Most reports refer to younger individuals, aged from 7 to 46 years, and only 2 case reports could be found for patients older than 64 years. Here we present a very unusual case of angiosarcoma in a 81-year-old patient

    Reliability and validity of needle biopsy evaluation of breast-abnormalities using the B-categorization – design and objectives of the Diagnosis Optimisation Study (DIOS)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The planned nationwide implementation of mammography screening 2007 in Germany will increase the occurrence of mammographically detected breast abnormalities. These abnormalities are normally evaluated by minimal invasive core biopsy. To minimize false positive and false negative histological findings, quality assurance of the pathological evaluation of the biopsies is essential. Various guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer diagnosis recommend applying the B-classification for histopathological categorization. However, to date there are only few studies that reported results about reliability and validity of B-classification. Therefore, objectives of our study are to determine the inter- and intraobserver variability (reliability study) and construct and predictive validity (validity study) of core biopsy evaluation of breast abnormalities. This paper describes the design and objectives of the DIOS Study.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>All consecutive asymptomatic and symptomatic women with breast imaging abnormalities who are referred to the University Hospital of Halle for core breast biopsy over a period of 24 months are eligible. According to the sample size calculation we need 800 women for the study. All patients in the study population underwent clinical and radiological examination. Core biopsy is performed by stereotactic-, ultrasound- or magnetic resonance (MR) guided automated gun method or vacuum assisted method. The histopathologic agreement (intra- and interobserver) of pathologists and the histopathologic validity will be evaluated. Two reference standards are implemented, a reference pathologist and in case of suspicious or malignant findings the histopathologic result of excision biopsy. Furthermore, a self administrated questionnaire which contains questions about potential risk factors of breast cancer, is sent to the participants approximately two weeks after core biopsy. This enables us to run a case-control-analysis (woman with breast cancer histological verified after excision are defined as cases, woman without malignant breast lesions are defined as controls) to investigate the predictive values of various risk factors on breast cancer risk.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The analysis of reliability and validity of the histopathological evaluation of core biopsy specimens of breast abnormalities is intended to provide important information needed for a high quality in breast cancer diagnostic and for planning of treatment strategies.</p